
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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October 05, 2011


A new Ninja Motion escape the room exercise: junk.


Bart said...

Just a reminder that from now on you can use spoilers if you want: hover here for the spoiler

Here's how to do that example: (without the spaces)
< b title="this is the spoiler text !!!" >hover here for the spoiler< / b >


KittenMitten said...


DQ said...

So so close. Good for you KittenMitten

Anonymous said...

Can't turn on the tv...STUCK!

Anonymous said...

That was one I conquered without a walkthrough or help. Gonna give myself a very small pat on the back.

small-tool said...

There are two endings in this game.
Normal end and Perfect end.

KittenMitten said...


Anonymous said...

I don't understand how to do the spoiler thing.

Gwenda said...

It took me a while to realize the solution to the TV, but this time I didn't try to peek at the solutions :-)

Gwenda said...

Tried to do the spoiler, but it's not working - maybe I'm doing it wrong?
Can anyone give me an example?

Gwenda said...

@anonymous 21:02

!!! SPOILER !!!

It's not a TV. Click until the cover comes off.

small-tool said...

This is how you do a spoiler

Use this; (b title="the hint or answer")spoiler(/b)
but instead of ( use <
and instead of ) use >

Anonymous said...

@ small-tool,

I still don't get it. Also, thanks for the walkthrough that you put on eg24. It was really helpful.

Reebus said...

Finally I found Perfect End

I hope I wrote the spoiler in the correct format. We'll see.

Tom said...

Here's an example of a spoiler. It appears in the message as "bold text" in bold. If you hover over it you see "hover text", which is where the spoiler text goes:

bold text

Here's what you type to get the above example:

<b title="hover text">bold text</b>

I don't think it can be explained more clearly than that.

Anonymous said...

can't figure out how 4321 works have put it in but doesn't do anything, any help?

small-tool said...

There are 3 hints for that;
- The coloured squares you made by putting in the pieces to get the first code.
- The big arrow to show you in what order those colours go.
- And the 4 coloured numbers you just found.

Anonymous said...

ah! I knew I was missing something, and so obvious. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Ok type the funny symbols and where Bart has typed "this is the spoiler" you put the text that you don't want people to see unless they hover their mouse over it. Does that make any more sense Gwenda?

Anonymous said...

Thank You Gwenda From: Anon 21:02

Anonymous said...

I've tried to get the perfect ending but obviously I'm missing a step....

Wildbreeze said...

How to get the perfect end? D:

Anonymous said...

Perfect End:

After entering the code on the second box click the code panel again and a white key is hidden there. Use it instead of the black key to open the door.

DonutLover said...

A nice quick little game!

Clue for the perfect ending...there is one more item search right when getting the black key.

Anonymous said...


small-tool 10/5/11 9:30 AM WALKTHROUGH

- Zoom in on top of the tv and take the First Half of the KEY.

- Zoom in on the floor below the arrow and take PIECE 1 from behind the stand.
- About item that piece, flip it over and take PIECE 2.

- Open the second from the top drawer and take PIECE 3.
- Open the bottom drawer and take PIECE 4.
- Zoom in below the drawers and take the Second Half of the KEY. About item and make them a YELLOW KEY.

- Open the yellow box, put all 4 pieces in and see the FIRST CODE (8765). Also see PART 1 of the SECOND CODE;
The colours are;
- Alos see PART 2 of the SECOND CODE; the arrow itself and if you combine that with the first part you know the order is; P-B-R-G
- GO RIGHT (2x).

- Zoom in on the code panel on the right and use the first code there and now there's a hint in the panel/hole on the left.
- Zoom in on that panel hole on the left and see the PART 3 of the SECOND CODE; 4321 in red-blue-green-purple and combined with the other hints it gives you; 1342

- Zoom in on the yellow box and open it with the yellow key and turn the power on.
- Turn the tv on (button at the bottom left) and nothing happens. But now you can keep on clicking the tv-screen till it comes off.
- Zoom in on that code panel inside the tv and use the second code and click the yellow button next to it and you can take the BLACK KEY. With that key you can go out for the NORMAL END, but you don't want that, so click the pink button above the yellow button and the code panel opens and you can take the WHITE KEY.
- GO RIGHT (2x)

- Use the white key on the door (keyhole) and go out with a PERFECT END.

Queen Fume-Boo said...

That was hard. I kept putting the wrong code in the TV. (The real code, by the way is hidden in this text! :D )

Thanks to everyone who helped explained how to do the hidden text thing!

NotMarian said...

Regarding the hover html thing:

I cannot get it to work. Also, hovering over Bart's example as well as the examples everyone else put brings up nothing. What am I doing wrong? I even cut and pasted the exact html line that Bart put in his first post and stuck it into my own blog and it didn't work. So, either something is wrong with that line of html or something is wrong with my computer.

NotMarian said...

Ok. I looked back and saw that Bart said to type it without the spaces. Will try again.

Just tried it in this post. I copied and pasted what Bart had, removed the spaces and got this message:

Your HTML cannot be accepted: Closing tag has no matching opening tag: B

NotMarian (and not having any luck with this stuff) said...

One more thing. And this involves a spoiler

I tried what Anonymous at 23:58 said to do to get the white key, but I got no white key.

Stevens Miller said...

Good one. This spoiled things for me!

dyork said...

Nice and easy. Pleasing diversion without putting too much pressure on the little grey cells.

Maybe the next one will be a bit more challenging?

Beth said...

Hey bart where is Minoto???

KittenMitten said...

thats what i was thinking too beth. do you know when the next minto game is due bart?

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Where's Minoto? I'm in need of a new Minoto game.

Bart said...

I have no idea when the new Minoto will be ready, have no news from him.

Test said...

bart likes to...

Anonymous said...

Test msg

KittenMitten said...

oh ok then! :)

Carly said...

Happy birthday, Stevens!

Anonymous said...

Where are the new games? :c :c
I'm in need -______-

Kitten said...

bold text
just testing this out
bold text

Kitten said...

i think i got it

Kitten said...


Anonymous said...

Another new Hoshi Saga game!

Anonymous said...

Here's a better link for the latest Hoshi Saga game.

Anonymous said...

hover here for the spoiler

Anonymous said...

bold text

Anonymous said...

thanks for the hoshisaga link :)

meena said...

I dont like these games

Anonymous said...

***Sarah***Is anyone else having trouble putting the blue and purple piece in the box on the wall, or is it just me?

Anonymous said...

***Sarah***Oh, never mind, I figured it out!

...Flip over the piece)

I said...

Just trying it out

Anonymous said...



If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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