Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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nice game! starts to get tricky at level 6 ;)
Made it level 7 and decided I need to try for the rest once I have had some sleep. Good game! Thanks for sharing it!
oh no!! stuck already on level 2!!!
i personally think this is one of the worst platformers..... EVER
im soo stuck on level 13 help!!!
I like this one,but dont have time to try and finish at the moment.bbs
I like this game, but it is very difficult... I'm stuck on level 10...
It was fun (and had catchy music), but I got stuck on level 5. -_-" Oh, well.
i have absolutely no idea how to do level 6... when i think i do, im wrongggg...
Whoa! I did it!! :) At first i got stuck on level 5, but i'm pretty persistent :D
Nice game, thnx!
Btw... level 5
I agree with Kitten. This has got to be one of the worst platformers I've ever played.
help, stuck on level 13!! No idea how to do it at all...
I can't seem to get past level 13. I think I need an extra box on the bottom level to do it, but when I managed to get one of the uppermost boxes down there, it just fell off the side part the ladder. I guess I'm over thinking it but I cannot figure it out. Still a great game though. :)
Love these good puzzlers, platform or otherwise.
But now that I'm finished the menu only offers me level 1. Not even sure how many levels there were. Was too scared to hit "menu" and possibly lose my progress.
Even the music loop was not bad.
can't figure out level 14
and don't hit menu as you go back a level [groan] took me ages to do level 13
also stuck on 13...any help??
I'm stuck on level 6 -__-
i´m going crazy with level 13. stuck since yesterday.
レベル13がわからない too.
Level 14 is the last one... there could be some more!
Level 14
someone please can help us on level 13?
9919 score... yeah!!!
The only person to believe passing lvl 13 is the first person to post how to do it.
Otherwise I call B.S.
13 is ridiculous, but this is how I did it. Up the ladder, push block on the right off edge, fall on top of it. Push block off ledge, fall on top of it, go left. Drop down the gap and ladder and push the block into the gap on the right. Up ladder, push block into left gap. Move the three blocks on the two ledges above one by one into the gap next to the rocket. Climb up to the two blocks at the top. Push the bottom one half way under the top and move the top one over slightly. Walk off edge to the right push block to the left fill in gap to the right. Grab battery packs and for the last one at the bottom go down the ladder to the left of the block and push the block halfway under the ladder. Climb up and escape.
You win!!
lvl 14 requires movent to precise to be fun. This is a puzzle game, not Mario.
HaHa, it only me 22 hours, 52 minutes and 10 seconds to save the world. :p
yay! Thanks anon for how to do 13!
for level 14 you have to time it so that you can push the second last falling block partially under the last falling block and not get squashed - took me a few attempts but I got it in the end.
from then on it's reasonably simple...
two stacks of two blocks - one to the right of the ladder to the finish and one to the right of the battery on a lone block near the bottom.
for the lone block near the top, partially push the block beneath it to the right and then push the block on the rhs on top of it.
you can get this stack to drop down, but you don't need too - only need two blocks to finish the lower rhs of the puzzle.
The partially pushed blocks are really useful on earlier levels too... hint, hint...
HTH :-)
D'oh! make that "one to the *left* of the battery on a lone block near the bottom.
Im going to need a video walkthrough for level 14, I got the movement and partial block push to get to the ladder but after that I'm stumped!
Ha! Never mind, got it...key is getting the very top battery first/// :)
I need help with level 8..???pleease help?:) thx
just curious, but do you , Bart, beat all the games that you put up? i think it would be hypocritical if you didnt...
Why would it be hypocritical? Bart puts these up so we can enjoy them, and it really doesn't matter if he can beat them or not! I appreciate Bart taking the time to collect these games, and I've rarely found one that I didn't really like. If there is one up that I need help with, I find it. Maybe Bart does it too...but I don't see how that is relevant...
Still scratching my head, yo
I'm stuck on the level that says "I am your father" I can get the battery but I can't figure out how to get to the spaceship thing
i didnt say i didnt appreciate them. but thanks for making that assumption. i asked a question.
stuck on 13, anon's walkthrough doesn't work for me.
I can't get the last battery under the small ladder with the gaps on both sides of it cause to get the rest of them I need to block the gap at the beginning, if I don't block it there's no way to get back up and around to the rest of it...
Stuck level 8 :( Can someone help me ?
Stuck on lvl 8. I can get the batteries, and I know there is something obvious I am missing. any ideas?
@anon for lvl 8, if it's the one where you the spaceship is on two blocks, you just have to push the block out form under the spaceship
5.142 phew!
For anyone stuck on level ten ("I am your father! Ha ha!"), keep in mind: you can move boxes over ladder rungs without them falling.
How do you do level 2? I feel stupid since I can't get it.
Cant get lvl 2 either
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