
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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December 29, 2011

kaitai dismantlement: lunch box 2

A new dismantle puzzle: armed with only a screwdriver, can you dismantle the lunch box in kaitai dismantlement: lunch box 2?


Anonymous said...


Lizzie! said...

Yay!!! I love these!

Lizzie! said...

Done!! That was easy...but fun as always. Ready to help with hints if you need them! =)

Rava said...

Out... I mean, Dismantled!! Just what I needed for 2011's end! :)

Jen in Wamena said...

I don't know what to do with the changing shapes
on the second level.

Anonymous said...

how can I solve the bomb?

Anonymous said...

lizzie please help me!

Anonymous said...

just figured it out!

Jen in Wamena said...

How did you figure it out?

Kata said...

@ Jen, you have to combine two colors to get the color in the small circles, for example: red and yellow gives orange or green and white gives lightgreen (hope you understand)

Anonymous said...

Clue for bomb?

Jen in Wamena said...

Thanks, I got that. I am at the bomb at the end now.

Jen in Wamena said...

Yes. Do you have a clue for the bomb?

Kata said...

I'm stuck now with the letterthing - have no idea

Kata said...

yeah, got it - feel stupid, was so easy :)

Anonymous said...

i have the same problem as Kata, i can't seem to think the way laitai wants me to with the letters changing

Kata said...

look at the two "wandering" things, one has a circle end and one has a squared one, now look what letters they complete at the corresponding ülace (sorry, it's hard to explain in a foreign language)

Anonymous said...

I need a clue for the bomb letters. I have tried everything logical, I think. Maybe Im just slow today.

Anonymous said...

Why do they keep putting screws and bombs in stuff? LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

Bomb code hint, please???

Kata said...

I counted the distance between the letters and tried to find a logical continue - but failed every time - need a hint too - please!!!

Anonymous said...

The bomb puzzle is a classic puzzle. Just think about numbers.

DQ said...

Nice and easy. Always good for the spirit.

Anonymous said...

I have the numbers figured out. 20, 29, 6, 6, 19, 19, 5, 5, etc. but its still not working.

Anonymous said...

I'll just try another day. Thanks for no help everybody.

DQ said...

Anonymous 18:03 you're overthinking it. Simply read the numbers on the clock one by one...

lizzie! said...

the letters on the bomb puzzle follow a classic pattern. Think about a clock face.

Jessica said...

I can't even get the chicks to move on the very first puzzle. I am terrible at Katai games. Ugh. I'll have to pass this one.

Anonymous said...

and done. i love these games theyre my favorite. only one i was stuck with was the letter shapes. thanks @Kata for the hint :)

The rest of them were pretty easy to figure out.

Debbie said...

Jessica, if they're looking at each other, use one color heart; if they're looking left use another color; otherwise, leave it white. (I was stumped, too.)

PK said...

I LOVE dismantlement games!

Too easy, but at least it was a bit trickier than the last one. The only puzzle that took more than a minute was the one with the "letter bits on a track," but only because I really don't think it was unambiguous enough.

Still, this made my day!

PK said...


Chicks: Each heart is defined by the chicks which border it. Where should each heart go on the box?

Meatballs: Some colors are formed by mixing other colors, right?

Wraps/Moving Parts: Which letters are being formed? Be sure to match square parts to square positions and round to round.

Veggies: Addition is fun!

Pasta: Every couple shares a symbol.

Sushi: Where was each slice taken from?

Bomb: The counting timer isn't the only clock here.

Hope this helps!


Anonymous said...

This games SUCKS for us color blind types

Debbie said...

Lizzie!, thanks for the clock hint on the bomb puzzle.

Jessica said...

stuck on the pasta thing. the chicks were not as easy as they seemed so that was annoying. overall, i tend to not have any idea how to do these puzzles and am extremely jealous of and impressed by those who easily can. XP

CyclingGuy23 said...

Did this one fairly quickly.. but I love these.. Thanks for the fun!

Anonymous said...

I'm so stuck with the chicks!!! The hints didn't help, so can anybody help me? I'm clueless!!

Anonymous said...

There's a bomb in my bento.

Anonymous said...

SPOILER FOR BOMB------------
The answer is N T E T (nine) (ten) (eleven) (twelve) like the numbers on a clock.

Anonymous said...

it was easy, it makes fun :)

Mb said...

amazing...i love these games always need the right thinking neither more nor less!
Thanks 4 sharing

dyork said...

Is it just me or are they getting easier? About 10 minutes all up, and about 40 seconds on the bomb.

Fair enough, but I would really like to get back to the more challenging ones we used to have.

Tom said...

It's not you. They are definitevely getting easier each time. Just took me 7 mins and something to solve this without any explosions.
I miss the challenge of the early dismantlements.

NotMarian said...

Oh! The bomb puzzle was so easy I totally missed it. I was making it way too complicated. Thanks for the clock hint. This is the first dismantlement puzzle I've finished and I almost did it totally on my own!

JackSparrow said...

I wish they would make the games harder, I miss the old ones that made me go crazy trying to solve them =]

Anonymous said...

Good fun

-k said...

Thanks for sharing another great dismantlement puzzle with us, Bart!

Anonymous said...

Im stuck on the 2nd level (the level after the chicks)...any help?

Queen Fume-Boo said...

I thought I put in the correct numbers for the vegetables :(

Anonymous said...

lol I'm the 31710th ppl who cleared it.

Anonymous said...

I.... beat it without a walkthrough? I beat it without a walkthrough! This is the first dismantlement I have ever done that I haven't needed a walkthrough! I am so happy right now!

Anonymous said...

*sigh* I was so proud of myself and thought I could do the whole thing on my own..... Then I got stuck on the pasta with the changing shapes and the bomb. Looking back, both were simple! :(

Anonymous said...

The order of the hearts left to right on the chick level is blue, white, pink, white, blue right? That's what I have and nothing's happening...

Anonymous said...

No, wait, never mind. I got it =)

Anonymous said...

bombs? Levels? Letterthing? I'm stuck with a fork on the table and matching colours for the hearts. O_O any hints appreciated.

Marco (Germany)

Eddie said...

that was fun are there anymore games like this?

lol said...

I'm back

Anonymous said...

Is there something that everybody else is getting that I'm not? These are confusing...

Anonymous said...

Happy new year Bart (it's a little bit late though... xD)
Best wishes!!!!

jdoe said...

64559 // 14h49m // 0 explosions
just love dismantle!!!!

Anonymous said...

stage 27 not working there is just a non clickable image ad for armor games.

Anonymous said...

Those of you who call these "easy" are enormous liars.


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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