
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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December 06, 2011

rabbit and tortoise 2

Minoto is here with his new point and click game for this week: rabbit and tortoise 2. Perhaps the ideal diversion while you're waiting for the new bontegame... (yes a new bontegame soon!)


Anonymous said...

Extra-weird O.o

Ian said...

Weiirrd. Ghost Rabbits? Why?

Anonymous said...

crazy game!

Jack said...

Dead rabbits and no tortoise??

Yeah, a really morbid one.

anna in spain said...

I remember a week or so ago someone asked for a "darker" Minoto. Looks like we got it!

Anonymous said...

There isn't even a real ending. :(

Anonymous said...

Why is it 2? I don't think I've ever seen a rabbit and tortoise 1 in the site...

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone,

The new "The Pretender: Part 3" is out!.
Go to Launching Pad Games.

Anonymous said...

argh!! The rabbits are me when i wake up in the morning -______-''''

JackSparrow said...

Why is all of the Minoto games start in 2?

Lizzie! said...

Well, at least this one was more like an escape had to find and use things in different scenes. I think the thing in the envelope was an ad for the race he will run in...with the tortoise. Stay tuned for part 3. Don't get why there are dying bunnies everywhere, though. Meh...that's Minoto!

ruuster said...

That was so sad :(

The bunnies were dying of starvation - that is why their cheeks were shadowed.

Queen Fume-Boo said...

What...? D:

Anonymous said...

looks like the rabbit must win the prize to Save His Village

Lilian said...

If memory serves me right, I'm pretty sure that Minoto has made a "Rabbit and Tortoise" before making the second one. But it's a long time ago.


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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