
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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January 18, 2012

together alone

Together alone, a love story in two dimensions, is an interesting puzzle game by Qwok Games.


Hugh Janus said...

Not first.

Anonymous said...

first n_n!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Silly game doesn't open in Explorer..................................

Rava said...

Nice game, but I'm stuck at level 20!

Anonymous said...

wanted to play but wont open without having to download firefox :(

Rava said...

Just joking, now I'm stuck on level 21! XD

Anonymous said...

Arrow keys don't work; have to use mouse.

Meblin said...

How did you get past 20?

Meblin said...

Done it now 8)

Anonymous said...

v original game


Anonymous said...

how do you get past 20! Don't just say "Oh I did it"

AnonyDesign said...

Stuck on ten...

AnonyDesign said...

nm stuck on 13

Anonymous said...

Stuck on 13 too!

Anonymous said...

Rrgh. Stuck on level 18. :S

lulu said...

arrow keys don't work for me either, used mouse, but level 12 wouldn't work with orbs.

Anonymous said...

it does not load.

Anonymous said...

Why even bother with this because...Sorry, it appears that your browser doesn't support the canvas element. Perhaps try Firefox?

-k said...

Interesting, but a little more brain power is required than I have access to just now. Will attempt to get further sometime tomorrow. Thanks for this one, Bart!

-k said...

Odd, the blog shows 20 comments, but I'm only seeing 11. Huh.

Anonymous said...

The title reminds me of the "forever alone" meme.

Anonymous said...

Won't load in Explorer, don't need Firefox..... :(

Grumpy said...

Won't load in Explorer,,Don't need Firefox.... :(

Rava said...

And they finally embrace! The last levels are really nasty! Don't ask me how I did them because I couldn't answer (sure not by chance, but I can't remember the exact moves)!

Anonymous said...

Get a game that doesn't need firefox for petes sakes....that's stupid

Anonymous said...

Wow 20? Really where is the solution to 18?

Anonymous said...

bart, this game isn't fun at all.

Anonymous said...

It took me a while to get to the end, but i really liked it. Nice one!

dyork said...

Nice game, interesting puzzle.

But I have a problem -- it keeps losing my saved game. Having worked my way up to level 20 twice, I don't feel like doing it again.

So I give up. Bummer!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Agreeing with 20:43 what a waste

Anonymous said...

A suggestion for a game for this site......Musaic Box.

Anonymous said...

Why make a game that you have to have firefox to play? makes no sense and I certainly am not going to download it just for this.

Anonymous said...

im n ine will this game be inoproprite

Anonymous said...

oh well

Anonymous said...

why don't you anons have firefox or chrome or something else anyway? so it doesn't open in IE, well IE is useless anyway. I can't imagine what the big deal is. You should be praising Bart for giving you a reason to switch.

tam said...

I only played until level 8 but that's enough :)


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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