Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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March 26, 2012
a new bontegame: farafalla

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Oy Vey!
Am I first?
am i second....?
Nice checking it out now!
nice, platformer style game! with colors! :D
Vond hem maar matig bart ..
Bart, this is your best game EVER! Love love love it!
the same Anonymous again. It's a lovely game! Cute character design, ok controls. I did miss obstacles or an increase in difficulty and hope you will use this game as a basis for more to come (like Sugar and Factory balls) :)
quite boring i'm disapointed :(
done in 10 mn
So cute :-) Love this game :-)
So cute and love the end a lot!
not bad at all, love the little people, i agree with anonymous, next addition needs to be more harder but def a basis for the next. i always enjoy your games
Cute game, very nice Bart - thank you! Made us work extra hard for that white balloon haha.
It was adorable, and I loved the idea of making it a metaphor for falling love. I think it needed a little more challenge though - the platforming was very simple so it got a bit tiresome towards the end.
finally a platformer bontegame
finally a platformer bontegame
Cute and simple! All I could think while going down was "oh... I have to go back up these 40 stairs, don't I?"
What a cute little game ^^
One of your easiest games. It took me less then 8 mutinies. Please stretch on the Factory Balls series, I'm a master at those.
YES! Finally! Thank you!
Neat little platform game, though I think I want pasta for dinner now...but love is better than pasta.
You can do better, Bart... I know!
I like it. But agree that it could be harder.
This game is so deep! Love the methapor of falling in love and all that comes with it.
Sorry Bart, quite dissapointing after all the great games you made before... The game is boring :-(
hello from Greece !!ok cute game but i love the sugar games ....what about a new one sugar game ???
Nice platformer... I expected the final to be something completely different!
But... not one of your best games, Bart... In my opinion only, of course!
Love this game to bits, so cute! Plaese stop saying it should be harder, you don't get the symbolism :-p
Nice designing. But the game in general was pretty pointless. Kind of felt like a social experiment for what people are willing to do.
I know you can do better.
By the way... I've got a question for you (and I'm sure I'm not alone): what "Farafalla" stands for?
It makes me think of something... falling (good one, Captain Obvious), but not only... It also sounds like "farfalla", italian for "butterfly", but probably it has nothing to do with that...
Are you going to tell us? :)
Nice & sweet, easy but oh so cute! I just love the methaphor. Something different for a change. Well done, Bart! I would prefer that the look of the game was a bit more like your other games, and not so pixelated, but that just me. Anxiously awaiting your next game!
I enjoyed this one very much, Bart. It was little short (for me) compared to your other games but I loved the classic platforming elements. Thanks for giving us this new game!
Such a lovely game Bart, thanks!
Well, I am somewhat disappointed. Most of the time there was no type of music, and it was a little too easy to beat. I liked the music at the end, though.
So cute as always, lovely!
Nice as always bart!
So cute. Fun to play. Thanks, Bart!
Cute <3
I LOVE IT!!!!! You're wonderful Bart!
Na al die fantastische en uitdagende games van jouw hand.... you gotta be kidding me :(
Dumb game
Just got the pink balloon, and I'm already hooked. Any game that lets me have 2 balloons at once is good by my standards!
very, very nice. Thanks bonte!
Just finished, great game! Although that white balloon...
The music was in issue for me. I had it during the opening "falling" scene and then it shut off. I just had the jump noise and it really got on my nerves, so I shut off the sound on my PC. Was there supposed to be music through the whole thing?
Nice and cute game! Ideal for playing during a short break!
we are friends... but this one wasn´t as good as the others. sorry ( I am not a platform game guy. I prefer dismantlement or scape!)
Wow...I got this baby in 5 minutes...I feel proud! Cute, simple, and fun game to play! Thank you Mr. Bonte! :D
Wow...I got this baby in 5 minutes...I feel proud! Cute, simple, and fun game to play! Thank you Mr. Bonte! :D
I like this. I love that all your games have a sweetness to them. Reminded me a bit of "Continuity" too which is one of the best flash games ever made. Keep up the good work, Bart. You've got a fan in me.
Absolutely gorgeous, Bart. I love pixel games.
Everybody! Say "farafalla" 5 times fast! :D
Annoying game. The little freak should move faster.
Really? Another (bad) clone of Knytt? I'm dissapointed.
awwww very cute. nice game- a little bit of a puzzler- but not too hard. :) nice colors too.
The only thing I know...I'm falling, falling....asleep.
That was so far below your normal high standards I don't know where to begin. Yes a cute character but trial and error gameplay, combined with long empty corridors and a slow moving character do not make for an enjoyable experience.
Sorry Bart but this was not a good one unless is was designed for the under tens.
I know *some* might think this is too easy, but I enjoyed it immensely. It also is a fun, easy game for my kids! Thanks again, Bart!
It was really cute, but I wished there were at least controls for running, or something... Also, like a couple other people said, I think a less trial-and-error type of gameplay would have been better. Or at least maybe funny or interesting little signs along the way, if only to give us trivia on the... total landmass of Asia. Or something. I don't know.
The metaphor was really nice, though, and I know you can give us a sequel that's twice as awesome as the first! :)
To be honest I was very disappointed in this game. I was excited when I saw this was a game that Bart made, but this one had no challenge to it at all. I love most of your other games though Bart.
I actually enjoyed that!
Good game cute message, but the walking speed needs to be increased because of the short nature of the game.
Bonte is a legend! Gotta love this game!
I really enjoyed the game, I love mazes although i expected having to find my way back out to get through the colourful bars at the top, that would have been really hard. I usually don't like platformers, but this one I did - exactly for the fact which others here critisized, like that there is no running mode. keep it simple!
Good work. from sweden
Ta. Nice and simple. Ta again.
too linear
no music
boring and too minimalist textures
no real story
too repetitive elements
lack of innovation
impossible to identify with the character, because it is not developed
(just to name the most obvious ones)
I love this game. It's so cute!!!!
Bart, thanks for playing! from Russia
The game reminds me a bit of the "robot wants kitty" series, but without the fun.
Don't worry Bart, I see this as a test - you wanted to see if you could get the mechanics of a platform exploration game down, and you did that well - it played very smoothly.
Now for the next staps add some more things, like monsters, weapons, upgrades, a map, a larger and less linear maze, a story, some characters to help out,...
You got the basics down pat, now be your brilliant self and amaze us!
I don't understand the criticism. Such a lovely game Bart! Keep your awesome games coming!
Total playing time ~7 mins. I know the price is right, but I would like a little more entertainment for my money. Perhaps I missed something important?
lovely game Bart!
Boring as heck, BUT, did anyone notice, the grass under your feet?
(the more coloured balloons you get the more flowers appear underfoot)
Fantastic subtle touch Bart. now just make it into an actual challenging game! ;o)
Boring as heck, BUT, did anyone notice, the grass under your feet?
(the more coloured balloons you get the more flowers appear underfoot)
Fantastic subtle touch Bart. now just make it into an actual challenging game! ;o)
boring, and no rewarding end.
het moet nie altijd moeilijk zijn :-) lol thx bart
This game is so boring!
loved it! lovely little time waster. make another adventure for this lovely couple! thanks bart!
Lovely little game!!
Simply not good enough, Bart. Simply not good enough.
What a lovely game, with such a rewarding ending, keep your games coming Bart!
Feels like the start of a good game Bart. Thought "this is a Bonte game, bound to be more to it than this" then it ends :(
I liked it, Bart. Short and sweet.
@ David - what grass? Didn't notice any grass.
@ Djork - yes you did. Where's your money? Not in Bart's pocket, I bet ;)
By the way - did anybody try to go back upstairs with all those balloons? I wonder if anything happens there?
here "anonymous 2nd, 3rd and 6th post"
@Carly: I did go up halfway when I didin't have all balloons yet, but nothing happened. The game is short enough to try again with all balloons... :D
BTW I find the negative posts a little too much. Ofcourse we have all high expectations and this game does miss something. But it's not a bad developed or very frustating game.
I went back upstairs with all balloons but nothing happend, I could not pass the pipes.
too bad it would have been a nice surprise but anyway a really nice waste of time… :)
@David, yes I noticed :-) It's like the platformer with the guy trying to please the cirl and everytime he has found a color, the game gets colored a lottle more ^^
@Carly, I went back with all balloons and could walk through the colored lines! Nothing else happends, I had to go back down to finish the game.
It's nice, loved the characters...but it's too simple and somehow boring :( after getting down that long stairs i thought of not going back 0_o ur previous games are better,anw thx 4 sharing
i like it,but i would prefer if the game had MUSIC since it's somehow long
keep the gd work :D
fun!!! maybe a sequel with the girlfriend too(?)......
Well Bart it isn't ur best game or most complicated but it wasn't bad at all. could use music. Agreed that it could be the basis of another game.
Reminds me of Physocophonium.
I enjoyed it, but seemed rather short. Calls for a sequel. No real plot line, when he met the girl, I execpted more levels. Too simple. I'm glad he finally came out with a platformer, but this is not an outstanding one, but still decent. One of those games I would only play once. Seriously, A SEQUEL IS ALMOST MANDITORY with this plotline. Graphics are a little wacky.
honestly, i didnt like it. and because of that i wish to remain anonymous. sorry man, i would like to be encouraging about this stuff rather than critical. just a few suggestions to make this game funner if you choose to make a sequal is maybe have a revealable mini map, some nice power ups, and maybe some upgradeable aspects to the character, a quest system to get further into the game, maybe put a little more story into the mix, i didnt like this game but i do think it has alot of potential to be a great game with a little more work.
I don't know if Bart intended it to be this way, but, for me the relative ease and simplicity of the game combined with frustration (having to jump all the way back up several stairs - often having gone down to find a dead end)was all a good metaphor for love - not just the obvious falling aspect.
Often it can feel easy falling in love but it takes time and effort to make it work, having to break down walls to let someone in(like the multi-coloured barriers. Sometimes you may feel like giving up because it doesn't seem worth it, but persistence pays off, getting to be happy together is your reward. Or maybe that's just my relationships...
Games don't have to be long, complex and fast paced to be beautiful and thought provoking. But, never mind, each to their own, this is simply my opinion.
Aw, bummer that nothing happened when going back.
Bart, you are awfully quiet - what are you thinking? Are you disappointed that so many people didn't like it? Will you make a sequel? A penny for your thoughts!
Easy enough for even my 5 year old to understand and play, but we quickly got bored after the 4th balloon. A good start for a more challenging platform game, nice idea.
loved the minimalist approach! loved no music and the silly sound effects... terrific lil game! you always amuse me, bart! thanks so much :)
a small little cute game
Another really great game~ /could use a little BGM though...But it was still cute, quick, and fun~ 4.5/5 Congratulations! :)
Not your best game, but at least, not as boring as sugar.
Expected better....
Ooo yeah, not first but 100th!
Awesome. Such a cute, fun game that gave me a short break from my day. It made me smile. Thank you Bart.
Very boring and uninspired game. No fun at all, i'm sorry.
very cute but oh so short!
nice and simple
best game ever, what an idea with a deep deep sense...
love it Bart! thanks!
OK, needs enemies or power-ups, or something. It was just a big maze. BORING! Come on, Bart, I'm a kid from the USA. I NEED EXCITEMENT! LOVE games like Mario or Legend of Zelda, make a game like that!
Sorry, half the post got deleted. I am a huge fan of your games, and I'm not criticizing you, but you can do better. At LEAST expand on Sugar Sugar or Factory Balls. All of my friends love those games! (minus the ones who blow people to bits in games like MW3 or Halo Reach |:P
i liked it. a little too short, but i liked the style and the colors
That was fun, thanks for making it, Bart!
I love this game. It felt purposely vintage, loved the bright colors and how the green contrasted great with the blue background. It was simple but enough of a hook to make you wonder what was behind the next door, and at the end. This one was fun, no need to have to consult a walkthrough or peek at comments to figure it out. 5 out of 5 stars, thanks Bart!
Thanks for massively playing my new game!!
And thanks for all the compliments and feedback everyone :)
I wanted to make a platformer with 'Farafalla', but I didn't want it to be a traditional one.
And yes, if you want, you can discover a lot of symbolism in the game.
High annoyance. Low reward. Nothing but a key maze. Many things put in just to make it more annoying, without actually raising the difficulty level. No real puzzles to solve. I was seriously expecting better.
Thank goodness the colors were bright and weren't so close in shade so us colorblind people could enjoy it, unlike those escape games where the colors are almost identical which makes solving it impossible.
Fun game!
...But not really up to your standards Mr. Bonte. I really expected better, I always loved your unique style, and thought you were above pixel platforming.
Your games are usually so memorable and fun, but, (I'm sorry sorry sorry!!!) Your platform game here really doesn't satisfy. I love platform games, and this was a disappointing Bonte game and platformer. I'm all for trying new things (and the metaphor for falling in love was neat) but you should really stick to what you're good at. Your artistic styles in other games are really neat, and you could have made it interesting like them while still applying your ideas.
Again, I have nothing against this game, but I know you can do better!
I'm reading things about money, and they say that it was a wast of their money, but YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY MONEY. YOU CAN GET IT FOR FREE!
Really nice, short, pointless game! Just how all great games are!
Good job, Bart!
Nice little game. Easy, but fun.
I was disappointed with all the hype with the youtube video, the dramatic pause leading up to the release, then the release. Seemed a bit lacking. The one thing that I agree with anon 17:36 on is the colors were spot on for a colorblind person as myself and themself. I'll show some love to the game for that.
not your best barte
it was a pretty good game. i thought it was a little less than what you usaually make and i didnt like that it anded after the girl is found. it was fun nonetheless and i enjoyed it.
please make a sequal to farafalla!!!!!!!!!
To be honest, I didn't like this game. It was very repetitive and didn't have any challenge to it. The level led you to each balloon, then you picked up the balloon, then you walked back to the door. Rinse and repeat. I only stuck with it because I kept waiting for something interesting to happen.
But let's be fair, Bart -- I know this is your first platformer! So I hope that you take my critiques as complimentary, and bear them in mind when you make a second one! I have faith in you.
good base but deffs not a full game yet ! soooooooooo easy , add some stuff then we'll see :) good starting point though
good base but deffs not a full game yet ! soooooooooo easy , add some stuff then we'll see :) good starting point though
Bart!! I love your escape games- they are amazing! This game was cute, but a bit disappointing. I keep on hoping for another escape game, or something like a bark in the dark where you go outside :) Your games are the best, especially the escape rooms.
More pwease!
Where the heck is the white balloon i searcheds everywhere
I love the game!
Thank you, Bart.
you should make a farafalla game
called super farafalla with bosses
and weapons
A little slow but good game
I played this game 30 times, but I still love it!!!!
That was a fun game!
That was unexpected.
I was hoping I'd be able to look back at the end and see where I'd been and whether I'd missed anything, but it is cute.
It's nice to have a platformer with no impossible jumps: I usually don't click on random platformers because too often I get a couple of levels in and then it requires pixel-perfect jumping, co-ordination I can't manage or key-mashing faster than I can keep up with. Some of the ones here were tricky, but not too tricky.
Also, it's nice to have a game with no instructions that genuinely doesn't need them.
Ooh nice game!
Cute Game----
Can't believe I misses this. I have been following you for awhile. Great colorful game!
I have "fallen" in love with this game (pun intended)!
pineapple goodies
I love it!It's vary simple and I think you did a good job.And also the ending is cute.=)A+
I love this game!!! It is the best!!!!
record 4:53 min :)
Plz make a sequel!!!
It is very nice. I have played it a few times, and decided I should remake it.
I played this game when i was younger, so happy i found it again
loved playing this game when i was younger... found it on cool math and i revisit it every so often :) thank you for such an awesome game! hoping to see farafalla 2 in the future....
I remember playing this when I was in school at the computer lab in, like, 3rd grade or something like that. I've always loved Bonte games, especially the Color series.
cuando yo empese a jugarlo era en 1ro de primaria pero ¿porque lo desactivaron?
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