Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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April 04, 2012
sneak thief 5: final five

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Haha, short but funny.
I don't know how to get the blueprint
I think I have everything else and am just left with the hammer but don't know where to use it to get the blueprint
Nice one, but so insanely weird that it took a while to solve.
Oh, and hammers are for making diamonds.
How come the new Ugly Duck 7 hasn't been posted yet? I tried to play it on the site that Minoto games come from but it gave me a 403 forbidden error?!
HeLp sOmEoNe PlEaSe PoSt A WaLktHrOuGh! :)
Click the Walkthrough link below the game. It's really a walkthrough, not a video.
I have played pastelgames the entire day, i love them ^w^
Im stuck..have looked at walkthru but I can not find the coffee bean or frog. I have gone to the room on the right (where I got the wind up mouse), but I do not see anything but a door where there are 2 buttons that you can push, but nothing happens.
That was a funnier ending than I had expected :)
Thanks for sharing this series with us, Bart!
OMG I love sneak thief I love and I hate at the same time I get so confuzzzzzzed it drives me crazy at the same time its soo much fun. ty Bart for shareing. aaaaarrrrghhhh:}
why cant i play?uurrgg!!:(
I loved this one, was able to solve it all on my lonesome and the ending was hilarious.
Took me longer than it should have, since I didn't click on the pink mouse long after I had made a frog battery. Then, it all made sense. Fun...now to go back and play 2, 3 and 4...
A power drill, a roller handle and a wheel make a drill with a cutting extension???!!!... This guy is great at making games but clearly knows nothing about engineering..
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