Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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May 31, 2012
trader of stories: a grain of thruth

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Interesting thus far.
This is such a great game! Thanks Bart!
Very nice.
(on firefox it does a slow wipe opening a new location/screen but after that it's fine, probably something about hmtl5 in firefox)
Interesting. I may have to play through again if only to ask a specific question from the end credits. Thanks for sharing this sequel with us, Bart!
It's so hard! I'm stuck on the 3rd question with the captian. I have the words, "Cloud Eater", "telescope", "scientific", "price", "influence", "crew", "Zephyr", "brew", "The Great Oak", "environment" and "Legends". I already used the words "tradition", "bedding", "family", "connection" and "sleep". Are there any other words that I need to get and what are the combanations that I need to use them in?
Ok, now I have the word "business". That might help! :)
I thought it had to be the words influence and business on the third question, but that didn't work..
Oh wait, I think I've got it, where did you get the word price? :)
@ Pien, I don't remember where I found that one. I'm going to start the game over a little later today and try to make a walkthrough.
Still can't get the third question...
nvm got it
Ahh, too bad, now I've got to click everything again xd
Never mind, found it on the ship :)
(I have no idea how to announce spoilers, so this was a vague hint ;))
i only need 1 triangle now for my mind puzzle, i got the pillow and the stethoscope. i completed the full story line. any idea where i can get it?
It's really buggy (on chrome) I'm gonna have to start over :(
DeanR I missed the book on the table in the first wiseman cave/house location, maybe that is yours too.
Unfortunately near the end I have gotten a black screen with just the option icon showing and it's stuck (after doing "ask about" to the wiseman).
I have used the words: bedding, tradition, scientific, influence, Cloud Eater, family, sleep, business, connection, environment, price
I still have the words: crew, telescope, truth, Zephyr, brew, hidden, legend, The Great Oak
I am stuck at the captain's question: You believe that the ... about clouds is ... in ...?
- I thought truth, hidden and The Great oak, but that was wrong..
Can someone offer me any insights? :) I still need two thoughts to organise my mind..
Pien I think it was legend, just keep trying.
Site looks like it's hit a bandwidth cap, I will have to start over another day.
Dear Pien,
Probbably it is legend about clouds is hidden in the great oak.
or try the truth about clouds is hidden in legends i thought it was one of those 2
Dear Redc
i dont think that was it, i cant find any in there or was it a hint that i dont get?^^
I think i got that whole room covered..
I've been through the whole game did everthing i could looked everything up with the eye icon. talked and examined everything and everyperson...
Thanks DeanR and redc! :)
@ DeanR, I was in the process of getting the last thought, but then the screen went black and I got this notification: Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later.
You still want to know? :p
Well thank you i think i couldve searched for half an hour more or so:P well time to learn for my exams i guess... haha
And I will give you one little hint for the last thought... you need to look at the third paper hanging in your inventory ;)
Dang, the game froze on me. I hope I don't have to start over from the beginning.
it saves automatically.
It keeps telling me
"Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later.".
I'm getting the bandwidth exceeded error, as well.
The band width exceeding is one of those mixed blessings.Dang we can't play! Yay their game was so popular they will want to make more awesome games!
I found this at the creator's site.
It seems to be working.
Dang. I have to start over again.
well, let me start by saying.....that was very disappointing! it was not at all like the first one(which i enjoyed) and frankly very annoying that i had to install Firefox just for that and than be disappointed.it didn't load as well, the style was totally different from the first one, and there was far to much dialogue! I'm sorry Bart, it just won't do. this is my first official thumbs down for a bontegame
please tell me where to find the last stone for the ladder
I'm so stuck! Is there a walkthrough anywhere or is anyone working on one? :)
maria: this isn't a Bonte game at all. Bart merely posts a link to it. It's nice game, but not as nice as the earlier ones.
I love this game, the last rock for the ladder is by the hut thing the other thing you can go to by the rocks
I am stuck on the separating clouds majong(can't spell) puzzle, i have tried every combination, and the puzzle doesn't change, anyone figure it out?
How do I get to the other cave door where the red fabric is? I can't get over there!
use the axe on the rope, combine axe and rope, toss it to the other side
Anyone have a solution for the mahjong puzzle?
I can't seem to use the axe on the rope. It won't let me combine/use them with each other. I'm still stuck. :(
@ Anonymous 1:43 You need to use the rope that you cut, the one without the knots!
I also need the cloud mahjong solution
For those stuck on the mahjong puzzle: work from left to right. (Taken from jayisgames. they've got a walkthrough up!)
Where do you get the word "Hidden"
Thank you Anonymous for the Mahjong help
Examine the chest I believe
Thanks for the help with the mahjong, Anonymous! Now can anyone tell me what the stethoscope is for? I also need one final piece to the mind puzzle (one of the center pieces).
Urgh! I can't find the last memory piece! I'm missing the one that's on the left hand side of the center circle. Where can I find it?
Dang, now I can't get past the questions with the wiseman. Help! I guess I'll just have to finish the game tomorrow. :)
Thanx for the chest advice
The papers with the colors, i have pages 1,2,4,5,6 I am missing 3 but if I put the color filters in that order should it work, what am i missing
I seem to be missing one of the papers that give a clue to the color filters. Looks like it's the third page, according to the roman numerals. Any ideas?
Probably the best point and click I've ever played! Not too easy, not too short. Great illustration, too! Going back to play the prequel.
There is no third page. But, given there are only 6 spaces and 6 colored filters, you can infer which color goes in the third slot.
I recall that the words for the third question are truth, hidden and legend.
Don't forget to form the puzzle in her mind (middle button between map and caravan).
If you have finished the storyline, you will no longer have the pillow and stethoscope. Have you found Zephyr?
This game is amazing!! wonderful storyline, various puzzles combined in a point&click game, the atmosphere. Thanks for sharing it!!!
HEEHEE - thruth
I loved this game. Beautiful, good length, and not especially frustrating. Took me too long to figure out that you could click on the map to "quick" travel, but other than that, two thumbs up!
Woo! I finished it! I had to use a walkthrough but I finished it. I can't wait for the next one.
asks for capitain:
1 family, tradition, bedding
2 connection, sleep
3 price, business
4 evironment, cloud eater
5 scientific, influence
6 truth, hidden, legends
And if someone can help me, I can't find the last cloth.I have found them in the ship, in the rocks, and in the wiseman house, but I miss one...
Thanks ^^
ok, so i've answered the first question but can't seem to be able to find any other words (i still have "cloud eater", "scientific", "telescope", "influence", "price", "sleep", and "crew"). do you just have to keep randomly clicking things until you find something? if so, i am not very much impressed with this game. if it all just comes down to searching for words in new conversations with the same 7-or-so people, i am not going to have the patience to finish this. *sigh*
finished asking the Cap't all of her questions and have one more inside puzzle piece to find. still can't find a way to break the Wiseman from his trance. any suggestions??
Jessica: you have to question _everybody_ on the ship. And some words pop up at the rocks.
Anonymous: you can't break him from his trance on that rock. Let Myosotis enter a trance instead.
I believe that the final cloth piece is in the hidden cave beneath the water machine in the lab. Good Luck!
Beautiful game, my computer also did the wipe when going from screen to screen, but that didn't bother me too much. I didn't figure out the 'quick travel' map thing for a while, but when I did, used it all the time. Very nice. Played the first as well, also a nice game, although slightly different art style and such. Played just as nicely as this one, though. I'm looking forward to the next one!
Did it, all on my own. Loved it all the way true. Magnificent!
nooo i cant play :(
Where on earth is the word "business" ??? And how do you make Myosotis go into a trance??
Anonymous said... where do you get sleep
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