Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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I'm stuck ....
This game freaks me out D: I'm standing in grey room... and can't go anywhere... Only throw the ball and after there come a string of... light, so you can see where it have been going... BAH D:
Stuck in a room where I cannot bounce the ball of the walls and get the correct angle (or reach the other side with just a throw) but seem to need to in order to get across the HUGE gap in the floor between me and the next door :(
Otherwise, this was interesting but, as always, the nausea factor is a bit intimidating with Unity Player. Thanks for this anyway, bart!
absolutely too cool!
thanks, bart!
stuck at the same part as -k, no idea what to do.
stuck beginning of level 2 with the long pit?
In level 2 you have to find the correct distance so you can bounce the ball on the middle platform!
yep... same place as k and jj...
there is no platform where the long pit is... ?
First, sorry for my horrible english...
I can't play the 3 level, the play put loading and don't finish...
Another thing, for the 2 level when you have the white ball you can throw it and before the ball bounce call it. Then you press alt and you will do the path of the ball...
Hi. The long pit... throw the sphere down the corridor adjacent to it first until it bounces to the end. Then face the pit and right click and you will follow the path of the bouncing ball all the way across :-)
I was also stuck at the long pit for a while.
Keep in mind that you do not need to start following the path of the ball from the same place as where you threw the ball.
You will still follow the path of the ball (unless a wall or something solid is in your way).
If you throw the ball and before the it bounce, you call it. You will do the path of the ball without bouncing...
Sorry when I said "call" I meant pick up or collet the ball
Has anybody figured out how to get past (jump over) the long pit filled with water? I can't throw the ball far enough to reach the platform on the other side, and I can't see any other place to go.
I figured it out! Here's a hint: take a leap of faith.
If anyone wants an explanation, let me know.
Finished! An outstanding game. Puts me in mind of Portal in the way you have to think the problems through. Looking to create your 'flight path' by first mapping it out with a bouncing ball (sometimes in another space) is inspired.
Well done. More like this please. :-)
Hmm it's kind of cool, but at the same time it's just a bunch of 3D jumping puzzles.
Brilliant! I was mesmerized and intrigued all the way. My only question is, am I done? I seem to be in a room with the only exit being to jump over the railing and die. I'm up to level 4...
Level 4? Plenty more after that.
It just gets more and more annoying.
loading screen after loading screen after loading screen so much loading and the game hasn't even started yet why must you make me wait....
Found my way through that one...tricky bit, though.
After the third loading screen in a row, I decided impatience is a virtue. How many years does it take to load, exactly?
interesting game but im also stuck at that enormous jump!! anw thx 4 sharing
Neat game, but too fiddly to be fun. Throw the ball with the left mouse button. Recall it with another left click. Hold right button and you follow the path the ball just took. Release right button to stop following the path and drop. It seemed very forgiving by restarting you at your last location when you die. But it stopped doing that, and I hate replaying difficult tasks I've already accomplished just to have another stab at one I haven't. And you're usually have to look ahead and can't see where you want to land.
It's been loading for 15 minutes. this is not Diablo.
This game is okay, but I can't stand these types of games. Even when I reduced the mouse sensitivity, it was still hard to control which way I turned the screen. Also, at times it seemed when I would go forward, I would occasionally jump or temporarily float in the air for no reason. Then, it took me awhile to figure out how to get across level two since I didn't find the hint about right-clicking, until I went back to level one to that underground room. Eventually I quit, since all that movement made me feel sick.
I love these games. I know everyone complains about the controls being hard or causing motion sickness but I think they're great, unfortunately they make everything else run slow and i can't mute it so I don't know if i can keep it open, does anyone know if it saves or how to save?
Oh, and I am stuck at the top where the screens are in the way. Anyone know what I am talking about. Also how do you save, or mute?
Another CRAP unity game...don't waste your time.
nice little game, completed it.
For those who don't understand how the game works:
After the sphere gets charged (somewhere past the bit with the collapsing floor), you can throw it, recall it and then hold the right mouse button to follow the path the ball took. If you move before right clicking, the path will remain the same, but will be moved with you.
tried playing but way too much load. When I finally get playing BAM! bad file length error. Refresh and I have to load the whole thing again? >:(
What's with the psych out load screens. 100.........nope back to 13......100.......nope only at 22. Hope it was good. I never found out.
i give up. i can't find any way to finish level 3. no clue. cool idea, though.
Maybe I need the unity web player 'cause this game was driving me nuts. I didn't get past the door.
Level 5. Game WAY too long, but fun until I couldn't handle the on and on and on.
I loved the game. It's a little tricky to figure out how exactly to play it (throw and recall the ball with left click, then right click to follow the path; you can move around and "carry the path with you", i.e. you can throw the ball down a long hallway, then go to a huge gap and cross it), but after that, it's a well done physics puzzler.
Loading sucks a little, but that's probably the price you pay.
Okay. Does this stupid game ever end? I am at level 7. Any hints? Tricks? Cyanide? I want to quit, my hands ache and it is 1am. I pray I never feel tempted to open this game again.
This convinced me to get Unity, and I'm glad I did! ;D
Got stuck in level 2, where there is a platform in front of me, but a gate impedes me to throw the ball or cross it. I always fall dawn and die =(
No way I can pass T______T Anybody help, pliz?
A game worthy of Portal.
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