
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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October 22, 2012

monkey go happy: mini monkeys

Can you collect all 15 mini monkeys in this new installment of the Monkey GO Happy puzzle series by Robin Vencel: Monkey GO Happy: mini monkeys.


Hugh Janus said...


Anonymous said...

Really? I loved the series when it first came out, but there is a time to stop. There should not be four Shrek movies. There should only be two. This is how I feel about Monkey GO Happy. The first three or so were good, with the first one being the best. It's just getting washed up now. I say stop.

Tom said...

Actually this one is different from the previous in the series. The others consistent of a series of unrelated one-room puzzles, whereas this one is a single puzzle consisting of multiple rooms that one can move freely between.

Anonymous said...

I loved the first one and have loved all the other ones as well, this being no exception :) nice, simple and FUN

Rob said...

pretty goof!

tam said...

I see mini monkeys and I GO HAPPY!
Thank you, Bart :)

Anonymous said...

i just got to say this : GO GEORGIA BULLDOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO DAWGS!!!!! GO DAWGIES,IT YA BIRTHDAY! GO DOGS! WOO WOO!!!!!!! And actually i am king of camelot! King of camelot

Lily (ICH BIN NICHT DEUTSCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! said...

ich muss zugeben:Ich bin mit google translate diesen Deutsch-Nachricht eingeben.Ich versuche zu sehen,ob ihr mich verstehen kann. Sie konnen dann kopieren und einfugen meine Botschaft auf google ubersetzen und finden Sie heraus,was ich sage. Ich spreche Englisch, so Bart kann mir in Englisch antworten.

NotMarian said...

How in the heck can you only get 93 clicks??
I was only able to do it in 95 at the least.

-k said...

Another fun little Monkey Go Happy game :) Thanks for this one, Bart!

Isi said...

I have 93 clicks - rank 18 =)
don´t put the lit torch away...

Moe said...

lool mini monkeys...this game just gets cutter and cutter :D
Thank for sharing Bart.

Ben said...

I found them. I found ALL of the mini monkeys.

ALL of them.

Anonymous said...

it won't load for me...? I've got google chrome...

Anonymous said...

easy and adorable. loved it. i for one think that all the pencilkids games get better each time.

Anonymous said...

Nobody else said it so, FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kati said...

Got stuck at the keypad stuff, but it's still a cute game!


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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