
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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November 26, 2012

xmas stash

Christmas games are allowed from now on, right? Guide Santa to the presents in every level of the fine puzzler Xmas stash by Doomwizard Games.


Rob said...

Stuck on level 3...

Danish... said...

Me to :c

mskanjertje said...

i even got stuck on level 2

mskanjertje said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

i'm stuck on 3 too. i can't see a solution.

Bart said...

It's possible, there is a solution for 3

Anonymous said...

you can push the gifts.

Anonymous said...

Stuck on Level 2 as well!

Bart said...

For level 2: join the two pieces of the candy stick

Anonymous said...

Level 3... Get under left most cane..push up one slot..go around to other side of same cane pull down once slot... go to other cane push in where present was to start with.

Anonymous said...

Any help for Level 6, please

Anonymous said...

Typical ... the moment I ask for help, I find the solution myself. If anybody needs help, too, let me know

Anonymous said...

I'm stuck at ten, but I'm surprised I got that far with this type of puzzler, I just may stop there and be hapy with that small accomplishment.

Anonymous said...

Those aggravating little snowmen heads on 12 have me well, aggravated!

Anonymous said...

I'm stuck on level 6. I can only get the gift in the bottom left corner. How do I get the one in the top right corner?

Tom said...

Finished all 15 of them. Some were a little tricky, but not too bad. You need to move snowmen around for some of them, and use them to push things.

Anonymous said...

nice easy christmas game my behind!

Anonymous said...

Hate it. I'm stuck on level 3. Cant push where present was. Arrrg. :(

Anonymous said...

Dont like to be stuck :( Sombody help :0 :0 Remember it's christmas time!!!! Level 3...

Tom said...

Seems a lot of people are stuck on level 3. This is a very easy level. Just remember you can push presents with candycanes. As long as you realize that, it shouldn't take you more than about 10 seconds to figure it out.

alexisawesome;) said...

oh, and bart? hood 5 is out ;)

Bart said...

There is no hood5, hood4 was the final one, no?

Bart said...

For everyone who is stuck at level 3: push the vertical stick one up and one down, then push the horizontal stick one to the left, and you can reach the present!

karl said...

and ... out. for those struggling at 15: don't make things too complicated

karl said...

and ... out. for those struggling at 15: don't make things too complicated

Anonymous said...

hmm. level three was a killer, but i got it now. thanks!

squeakypie said...

how about level 6? anyone got that? help? ps yes christmas games are allowed now!

Megan said...

help with 12 please?

karl said...

@Megan - try to stack the two topmost snowmen.

Zimmers said...

I need help with level 15. I cannot push the stack high enough. Trying to not make it complicated.

karl said...

@Zimmers - level 15 - the only thing you need for the stack on the right is one of the small candystick bits. Forget about the snowmen - just make sure they're out of the way.

Zimmers said...

Nevermind! Finally figured out how to get an extra block from the top right of screen to the stack!

Zimmers said...

Funny - our posted comments were a second apart. Thanks for the help.

1234567890 said...

How is Minoto coming?really miss him and his games

Anonymous said...

i made a love song for minoto. i love you minoto, and i always will! your games will never leave my mind! i love you so much, minoto! but if your a boy, DON'T PREPOSE!!!!!

-k said...

I am completely stuck on Level 9. I get that I'm supposed to use the snowmen somehow, but I am lost as to what I need to do. Fun game, thanks for this one!

-k said...

Heh, got it. But now stuck on 10. I'm going to let my mind think on it for awhile :)

jaymar said...

hover here for a level 9 hint

Anonymous said...

Any hints for level 10?

Danielle said...

I can't get it to play. Any advice?

Zimmers said...

Level 10 hint(s)-
One candy piece at a time, move the single pieces to the top to fill-in the 2 right spaces of the half-comb figure. Move the large candy piece to catch the snowball when pushed to the right. Move the candy and snowball to the right to place the snowball in the stack. Finally, after the snowball is in place you can release the stack of snowballs and present. Go to the bottom right of screen to push the pile up!

Anonymous said...

@ Zimmers:
Thankyou!! level 10 is done

tam said...

For level 6:

you can only move the two candy bars in the middle: don't push the two closest to the presents.

I pushed the first candy bar 1x left - 1x up - 2x left

Then I pushed the other candy bar 1x up - so that the little red person can pass between the two candy bars.

Then I pushed the same candy bar 3x down.

Now I have a nice corridor for the little red person to reach the presents. Both, finally :)


Zippetta said...

Argh! I can't complete level 13 to save my life. Help, please?

Anonymous said...

Ok.. Now stuck on 11.. Walkthrough anyone?

Zimmers said...

Level 11 -
See the free candy in the middle of the screen. See the free candy in the upper right. Try moving the middle piece to combine with the upper right piece. Move the candy cane stuck in the wall to the right. Now you have a whole large enough to move the combined piece to the upper left to catch a falling snowball. When the combined piece is level with the stuck candy cane -- push the combined piece to the left with the stuck piece. Push the ball onto the combined piece. Move the ball amd combined piece to the right of the screen to move the snowball into the hole in the line of action on the right. Remove the candy cane between the snowballs. Go to the bottom the screen to push the stack of snowballs and the present. Go to where the snowball was pushed through. Move the ball to get the present.

Zimmers said...

Leave 12 -

This level is a matter of playing with the two santas. First move to the left and down to catch the falling snowball with the left santa or LS. Move LS up to one move away from the present. The right santa (RS) can be moved to follow the path to the bottom. Use the walls and movements up or down to prevent LS from getting the present. Move the RS to the left to collect the 2 bottom screen presents. Finally, move LS to follow the path to the remaining presents.

Zimmers said...

Level 13 - Notice the 3 snowballs on presents at the top left of the screen. Your goal will be to use those three snowballs in the comb shape on the right of the screen. 2 in the slots and the 3rd on the candy cane ready to be pushed up. Easier said than done. Push the snowball to the right on to the single brick. Continue moving right to have santa sitting on a snowball and a present. Push the combination down 6-spaces. While avoiding presents move santa to the bottom of the screen. Next move santa to the far left of the screen collecting 3 presents. Follow the path up to get a platform. Use the platform to move the original 3 snowballs to the spaces on the right of the screen. The only tricking movement is positioning the platform to catch a snowball after collecting the 2 upper left presents. Collect the presents by running under them. Now push the snowball onto the platform. Move the candy cane to release the 2 snowballs to make a stack of 3 snowballs. Go to the bottom right of the screen to push up the stack and present.

First said...

Wow, surprisingly difficult, but passed finally. Nice game!

Zippetta said...

@Zimmers: Thanks so much for helping me and everyone else here out!

Anonymous said...

level 4? anyone? I only see 2 possible moves, but both of them lead to nothing.

Anonymous said...

On level 15. I think I know what I should do, but it is not so easy. Arggg. :)If you have the time to tell me, i can se if I am working in the right direction.

Yu-chan said...

Stuck on 9!!! T___T

Anonymous said...

Stuck on level 9,any ideas

zbeaker said...

Level 9 -

Notice in the upper/mid left a snowball sitting on a candycane piece. Move the candy and ball to the right side of the screen. Push the ball in the hole between the 2 candycanes. Release the stack of snowballs and present. Push the stack up to move the present into position to collect.

Anonymous said...

Level 5, please?

Anonymous said...

Level 5- Notice the 3-pieces of candy look like they could be a candy cane. Move the pieces around to have them connect. After the candy cane is formed, move the entire candy out of the hole. Go to the present!

Unknown said...

This is a great game. Nearly every level appears impossible, but can be solved elegantly after several minutes of swearing at the monitor. Sequel please.

Your Fellow Anonymous said...

To anonymous of 30 November 2012 23:54: The snowman one the top left will be helpful, but the snowman on top next to the present will not. Also, the two candycanes on the left can be pushed downward.


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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