Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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I think it's freaky and I like it like that.
Looks like a sim-city clone to me. Way too many instructions. Passing on this one.
Either I a too stupid for this or it is not yet fully finished. For example: In Mission 1 I get messages about possible upgrades for buildings, but I have no clue how to actually activate them.
Also the factories suddenly stop producing money. And other issues...Thus, thumbs down for this game from my side.
The buildings upgrade in the build option. You have to demolish and rebuild as far as I can tell.
Agree 100% with the too many instructions, and also with Anonymous 14:20
I have no idea what to do. Anyway it is not a game for me .... ;-)
The girl interrupts so much, you don't have time to actually play. Same with the UFO's, especially in the higher levels. Thumbs down.
What about that UFO stuff? It's nothing but annoying and interrupting the flow of the game. Otherwise, this game could have a lot of potential!
FIRST AS USUAL.............
Also don't like how it's so disrespectful/insulting toward the player. Yah/Nah? Oh, sorry I fell asleep. (computer is more important than the player?) And so forth--Really?
I love notice for the upgrade of the cannons. "HAHA SUCK IT!" XD
Answer to why your factory stopped producing money:
You have to continuously pay your workers. When your factory stops making money, it means the amount your factory is making is exactly the same as the amount you are paying your workers. Build more factories. If you do not have enough money to build more factories, maybe try scraping one of the other buildings?
I can't get it to play. I read all about the game and turned on 3rd party cookies but nothing happens when I click their button. Any Ideas?
There it is now working when I reopened the page.
We require more minerals!
blah, meh, pfft... in that order.
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