
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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April 02, 2013


The latest escape game by Robamimi: neighbor. Have you got what it takes to escape this room? (alternative link)


Olavo said...

Must be a great one again. Going in NOW.

TiCKed said...

Oddly entertaining. :)

Hint: The text for items tells you what you need to know, even if you don't realize it.

(I beat the futon 156 times...I may have issues. :)

TiCKed said...
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PyroLuna said...

I beat the futon 43 times
I was wondering what the point of that was

Olavo said...

That was FUN. Quite different from other Robamimi games. I very much liked the interaction. Needed the HINT function once. "A good neighbour is worth more than a far friend!"

-k said...

Fun little escape. Thanks for sharing this one, Bart!

Russmon said...

Don't forget to capitalize.
Thanks for the link Bart.

Anonymous said...

I can't get the hot/cold water one right -.-

Anonymous said...

Actually I figured out how to do it ^_^ . You use that code for the box under the right side of the sink.

kck said...

Finally a new game. hell yes!

Moe said...

oh man i'm stuck and that futon beater is driving me crazy :S what should i do with it!!

Moe said...

lool ok i realized that i was completely blind!! But really noticing the ceiling was a challenge

Anonymous said...

Ha I tried it without any hints.
I thought the left-right button code was the radio waveform - both LLRRLRRLRRRLL and LLRRLRRLRRRL open it!
So the game short-circuited without needing the 4-digit safe code or discovering the ceiling tile.
I never needed the cheese puff, soap, TV, button box, or sink! I thought it was an April Fools' joke.

But why does my neighbor have the same name as my fish pastry snack, and why do I have to terrorize him to borrow a screwdriver? Do I beat the hell out of my futon to vent my fury for not buying one before the worldwide economic collapse?

The Gordo said...

Fun one!

Thanks, Bart!

Stacey said...

I liked it... just enough of a chellenge. I beat my futon 23 times. (Wow that sounded kinda dirty... *hangs head in shame*)

Unknown said...

ALRIGHT GUYS whats his friggin name ive tried every word on the baked thingy no dice help!....HELP!

Hope It Helps said...

His name is on the cookie, Capital first letter, lower case balance of letters.

Zippetta said...

I'm stuck on the "SIDE and radio" hint. Please help!

HopeItHelps said...

For those who really need it, following link is for the walkthrough.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I'm weird but I have no idea how you get the code from the radio. I saw 2, 4, 7, but how were you supposed to know to make it 472?

Joe said...

Haha! That futon counter is great!

Joe said...

Regarding the 2,4,7 code, I just tried the combinations...

I'm not sure that there's another way. If there is, that's cool. :)

Anonymous said...

I am proud that I was able to finish this one with only the in-game hints. However, I did beat the futon 52 times :)

Anonymous said...

I must have beat my futon hundreds of times. Counter said 24 only.

Anonymous said...

His name is not "State Farm".

Lizzie! said...

I also feel like I brute forced the 3 digit there a reason for the order of the digits? I only needed one in-game nudge, but the game froze toward the end and I had to restart. So my futon beat count was zero...but really it was in the millions. Very different for Robomimi...but good. A little easy...but thanks, Bart!

NDW said...

The counter said I only beat the futon 16 times but I know it was must not be able to keep up with how fast I did it. Remember the futon!
I really liked '2 April 2013 21:43' post, also escapee should have a screwdriver like the ever knowledgeable neighbor knows.

tam said...

Beat a futon: 0 times
Why do I feel I missed something? :)

nice and pleasant, thanks Bart!

Olavo said...

@Lizzie! and Joe:
There IS a hint for the correct 3-digit order. It is "SIDE".

The right side that is...

...of the box where you enter the code

Anonymous said...

music and game wonderful!

Lizzie! said...

Thanks, Olavo. I guess I didn't pixel hunt well enough (and I didn't use that in-game hint, so I didn't see the SIDE clue.)

Me/You said...

Beat the futon 171 times ^_^ Great escape, thanks!

NotMarian said...

Kind of weird. I didn't have to use everything or do everything.


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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