
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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April 18, 2013

push me

Push the red block out of the play area by moving the green blocks in the puzzler push me by SmartKit. Vertical green blocks can only move vertically, horizontal green blocks can only move horizontally.


Jane F said...

Stuck on level 10...

Jane F said...

figured it out! On to 11.

Jane F said...

Stuck on 20 now. :(

Anonymous said...

omg this is brain scratching good!

Jane F said...

Stuck on 25 - trouble is it looks impossible but I know it will be obvious... once I figure it out! lol

scoubidou said...

25 done in 13 moves, not the best apparently.
The idea is to move the block that faces the hole all the way up...

Jane F said...

Thanks scoubidou. Done that... Now what? :?

Jane F said...

DONE IT! (15 moves.)

Jane F said...

Did it again in 10 moves - "Perfect" :)

Anonymous said...

not working past level 1

Jane F said...

Struggling with level 40 at the moment - and I've only scored "Perfect" on 5 levels! Not very good. Enjoying this game though, thanks Bart.

Cyn said...

Sudden jump in complexity between levels 5 and 6 gave me a minor panic attack. I think this game is going to take me a while...

-k said...

Has anyone managed to pass level 40? I am really stuck as the moves that seem "do-able" are taking me in the opposite direction I want to go, with, seemingly, no way to return...

Jane F said...

-k, I'm on level 41. I thought 40 was hard - til I got here! lol

Jane F said...

Level 41 in 28 moves.

Anonymous said...

Cak: wow, 74 is pretty much difficult.

Anonymous said...

Cak: I'm stuck in level 74 for about one hour. Now I'm no longer sure, whether there is a solution;-)

IMHO a very intelligent and clever game idea (not as much variety as bart's which 1/2, but 100 fascinating levels based on this simple concept - wow, very smart. Thx a lot.

Anonymous said...

Cak: wooooooaaaaah. Lvl 74 done.

92 moves;-)

Redone. Works with 40 moves as well. But not perfect, not excellent, just 'nice works'.

Anonymous said...

Cak: ah, 17 moves is perfect. ... 92, lol.

Moe said...

stuck at 11 :( i began to like this game

Anonymous said...

Cak: Shall I tell you?


I finished some levels 'Excellent', but it's not counted.

38/100 perfect

Cak said...


move lowest stick to the right
move upper stick to the left
move red to top
upper stick from left to right
back to left
right one long vertical stick up to top
right lower stick from right to left

-k said...

Managed to complete all 100 levels. Most of them are not perfect, but after going back though and rediscovering how difficult some are, I'm okay with not being perfect. LOL.

Thanks for this game, Bart. It's a winner :)

Jane F said...

Totally stuck on 67...

Anonymous said...

any help for 32 level? thank you and sorry for my english

Anonymous said...

ok i pass 32 lets go for 33

Anonymous said...

35 now .it looks hard..

Jane F said...

SPOILER to Anonymous 20:18 - for level 35 15 moves is "Perfect". First move bottom 2 to left then drop Horizontal block to left of Reds position and push RED onto it. Then drop the Vertical block on the right. Then move the second highest Horizontal block to the right and the Vertical block on the left down. Then push the RED carrier up as far as it will go - move the bottom 2 back to the right. Then drop both left Vertical blocks to line up with gap and push RED off top onto them. Move the one you just pushed with to right then raise the Vertical block RED was just sitting on... Use Horizontal block to shove RED into gap... 15 moves - "PERFECT"! :)

Jane F said...

Can anyone help with level 67?

Anonymous said...

thank you jane i already passed this .now stuck on level 40 .sorry for my english

Anonymous said...

ok i pass 40 ! lets see 41

Jane F said...

Anonymous 20:10 - No need to say sorry - your English is good!

dyork said...

Nice puzzle, if a little repetitive. Currently on 71 with 54 perfect. Getting most now.

Disappointing game play. There is real value in working to improve a score, and keeping track of where you're up to, but the game does not help. So much more could be done from this base.

BTW if I was writing this game, I would write a solver so I could automatically generate (say) 100 levels. I would also rank them in difficulty and put the easier ones first. Just a thought.

dyork said...

Level 74: 18 moves is perfect, not 17.

dyork said...

Level 82: perfect in 4 moves. Are they getting easier?

Cak said...


actually I didn't now whether you have to meet minimum count of moves to get the perfect state.

so as I did 74 with 17 moves (I did it twice, but don't know about the possible minimum) and you got perfect on it with 18 moves ... I guess you have one reserve move to get perfect?

Anonymous said...

Jane thank you .now i am on level 52.

Jane F said...

Still need help with level 67... please.

Cak said...

lvl 67:

try via upper right corner

red one step to the right (above the two sticks)

up to top, right side down

some more detail steps to get enough place

then long stick up to top, move little stick from lower right corner with red on it two steps to the left, long stick one step down, little stick two steps right (red falls down one step) and finally one left

dyork said...

Level 67: perfect is 22.

Red goes right 1, up all the way, right all the way, drop 5, left 2, drop 1, left 1, drop in hole.

Green moves are left as an exercise for the reader.

Cak said...


u r right, lvl 74 needs 18 for perfect

(obviously I noticed move count within the level while retrying for perfection before finishing move, because choosing the lvl again takes too long;-)

... so I forgot to count the finishing move ...

Anonymous said...

any help about 53 level please

Anonymous said...

ok i passed 53 lets see 54

Anonymous said...

stuck on 56 .time for sleep .maybe tomorrow will be easier :)

j said...

Thanks to Cak and Dyork for trying to help me but I'm still stuck on level 67. I can't move Red right to top blocked by little green above... I can't move it more than 1 step to the right because it is blocked by long green... Stuck!

Cak said...

@J: First move the long one in the upper left corner to the right (at least two steps).

Then you can move the second stick from the left one step to the top.

After that you can move the one above red one step to the left.

Here you go.

As you move both stick on the right side of red to the bottom, you only need to move red one step to the top, pushing it to the right afterwards.

Jane F said...

@ Cak. Thank you! 23 moves - Excellent! On to 68... :S

Anonymous said...

stuck on 67 :(

Cak said...

@Anonymous 23:55

lvl 67:
plz see comments from

25 April 2013 13:24
25 April 2013 13:54

26 April 2013 20:43 (it's lvl 67 too - in case you're stuck at the beginning of the lvl)

Anonymous said...

thank you cak !! lets go 68 now !

dyork said...

Finished! 74/100 perfect. Many on the first try.

92 was the hardest, but 94 and 100 were way off perfect.

Great pity it's so hard to go back and work on the poor scores.

Anonymous said...

74 looks impossible :(

Anonymous said...

finally passed it 52 moves nice work :)

Anonymous said...

and 75 9 moves perfect !!

dyork said...

Re 74: 18 is perfect.

Red goes right 1, up 2, left 1, up 2 and home.

Green moves are left as an exercise.

dyork said...

Level 56: perfect is 24.

Red goes up, left, down, up, right 2, down, up 2, left, up 2 and home.

dyork said...

Level 75: 8 moves is perfect.

Red goes left, right and drop 4 to home.

Very short and simple after 74.

Anonymous said...

level 88 seems impossible

Anonymous said...

ok finally level 88 68 moves nice work

dyork said...

Level 88: perfect is 29. This one is tough.

Red goes up 2, right, down, left, drop 3, left, right 2, drop, left and drop in home.

Anonymous said...

level 91 impossible :(

Anonymous said...

Hi @dyork, please...

Level 88, I don't understand.

Red goes up 2, right 1? = above the longest block?
then I'm lost :-) … where down, how left, drop 3, left, right 2, drop, left and drop in home ?????

thanks 4 help, cheers!

Anonymous said...

Can someone help wiht lvl 91? Been stuck for ages

Anonymous said...

me too .stuk 91

Cak said...

lvl 91:

try left and the way down under to the right

you need something to transport red to the right, so you can manage the gap in the third column from the right

Much more detail:
move sticks in upper row to the right

stick left of red one step up

next stick left of red one step right

stick in most left row to top

stick left of red one step to the left

push red one step to the left

stick below red one step to the left too, red falls one step down

stick above red one step down

in upper row second stick from the right two steps to the left

stick directly pointing to the "goal" one step to the right

two sticks in the column left of it (middle column) up to top as far as possible

stick below red two steps to the right

use stick left of red to push red one step right

both last used sticks left from red (same row and one below) two steps to the left

lower stick in middle row two steps down

upper stick in middle row one step down

middle stick in top row two steps right

upper stick in column left of the middle one step to top

goal stick two steps to the left

stick below red (and red) one step to the top

finish move to goal

hm, maybe i didn't forgot any (important) moves, might reach out for perfect

dyork said...

Level 91: perfect is 24. Actually quite easy when you understand the strategy.

Red goes left 1 and drop 1, right 2, right 1, up, right 2 and home.

Lots of shuffling outer green blocks to make that happen.

BTW: 92 is much harder!

dyork said...

Re level 88: I'm not planning on providing a walkthrough, someone else may or may not do that.

From my hints about the precise track the red should follow, you ought to be able to work out the (only) sequence of green moves to make it possible.

If not, I can't help.

Anonymous said...

Cak finallly passed it ! thank you ! :)

Anonymous said...

94 14 moves perfect :)

Charlie Brown said...

perfect on every level except for levels 30 and 90. on lvl 30 i cannot get below 17 moves, but it's not enough! anyone has any hints?

Anonymous said...

@ dyork: thanks for your tips, very clear indeed! Level 88 moves 43… 'll try less later… Cheeers! Sam

Anonymous said...

cant pass 97 .maybe tomorrow .so lets go to sleep now :)

dyork said...

Level 30: I can't beat 17.
Level 90: perfect is 23, but now I can only get 24. Bummer!
Level 94: perfect is 9.
Level 100: best I get is 31, but it's not perfect.

Anonymous said...

any help for 97 please?

Charlie Brown said...

gotcha! i did 90 in 23, taking red up using the right lift instead of the left ;)

about 100, i got perfect on the first run but i cannot repeat the performance :P

and... still cannot beat 17 on lvl 30... last one left behind

dyork said...

Level 97: 22 is perfect.

Red goes right 2, left 1 drop 1, up 1, up 1, left 1 drop 1, up4 and home.


Anonymous said...

Dyork thank you but my english is no so good and i cant understand the moves you said .how red goes right ? anyway thank you again

dyork said...

Re level 90: perfect is 23.

Red goes left 1, right 2 drop 1, up 4, right 2, drop 3, right 1 and home.

Thanks! Yes, the right drop was the key, but there is a tweak in there I missed. Otherwise it comes in at 25, worse than the other path.

Anonymous said...

can anyone help me with simply given moves for 97 level ? thank you

Jane F said...

Any help for level 91? I've been stuck there for days!

Anonymous said...

Jane look the post here 29 April 2013 04:34
this one help me to pass the level .now stuck 97 :(

Jane F said...

Thanks Anon 19:58 but I STILL can't get it! If I drop red 1 I can't push it R2 without it falling and I can't get it UP either... Maybe I should just admit defeat. :(

Jane F said...

Sorry - I meant 20:58...

Jane F said...

Sorry - I meant 20:58...

Jane F said...

Sorry - I meant 20:58...

Jane F said...

I don't know why that shows 3 times. This is just embarrassing now.

Anonymous said...

Jane you can also see here 29 April 2013 00:31
i am sure this one can help you pass the level ( soory for my E nglish )

dyork said...

Just to be clear, I'm prepared to provide hints for any level, but not a walkthrough. My hints are in the form of the path that the red will take if you're doing it right, and I tell you the 'perfect' number to aim for.

It may take many green moves to set up for the next red move, so there is still a puzzle to solve, but if you understand the red path you should be able to plan accordingly. Anyone who has got into the 90s has already acquired all the skills needed.

Jane F said...

Many thanks for help with level 91 - I was totally stuck! Managed to finish all 100 levels with 46 perfect... Will be trying to improve on that now. Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Jane can you help me for 97 ?thank you

Anonymous said...

i dont need help ,something happened and everything lost :( i am to tired to star again from the begging

Cak said...

lvl 97:

move stick with red on it one step to the right

use "goal stick" to strip red off by moving the "transporter stick" to the left

(you have to get some space in the bottom row so that vertical stick which red should fall on can move one step down)

now your job is to bring red ON "goal stick"

to cut the knot:
no, the stick in top row will not help you to move red to the left (at best it has to be moved away to obtain some space for other moves) .. but maybe one of the sticks some lines below helps out?

but "goal stick" cannot go low enough .... sorting and sorting .... starting in the bottom row

Anonymous said...

level 92 in 9 moves for perfect

Anonymous said...

stuck on 46 :(

Anonymous said...

and now stuck 54

dyork said...

Level 54: perfect is 14.

Red goes right 1, left 2, down 1, up 1, right 5 and home.

dyork said...

Level 46: perfect is 14 too.

Red goes up 3, down 3, up 3, right 3, drop 3, right 1 and home.

In some variations, the drop 3 can be separate drops.

Anonymous said...

thank you dyork i am already on 73 it seems hard lets see

Anonymous said...

75 now

Anonymous said...

stuck on 97 its impossible i see help for this level but it still hard .maybe its because my English is not so good :(

Jane F said...

I got "Perfect" on level 97 when I did it in 29 moves... Sorry to Anonymous 2nd May 21:24 I've only just seen it. Do you still need help?

Anonymous said...

yes Jane please :)

Anonymous said...

oh finally passed 97 all alone but 39 moves .after that i wonder why it looked so hard for me. :)

Anonymous said...

ok passed all 100 levels .my favorite game are all sugar games . i think maybe its time for a new one :)

Anonymous said...

Level 100 DONE :-)
Didn't reach perfect on levels 17, 30, 39, 67, 74, 84, 86, 88, 90, 91 and 100… Continue to work… :-)

scoubidou said...

78/100 perfect
I keep working on it

Jane F said...

SO SORRY! Thought you'd got it! If you'd like help you really should choose a name and not just post as yet another "Anonymous"... FULL WALKTHROUGH FOR LEVEL 97 FOLLOWS
Move Long bottom block to left. Drop short block next to RED into gap. Move short block above RED to right. Move RED one right. Drop centre block to RED carrier. Move RED carrier left—drops RED. Move top left block to right. Raise RED carrier. Move bottom right block to left. Drop 2 the blocks on the right. Move short block above RED into the gap. Raise short block to left of RED to top. Move long block on left (above RED) to right Move short block on left to top. Move long block above RED and two short blocks to left of RED to left. Move short centre block down. Raise RED carrier one space. Push with short block on right. RED drops. Raise RED carrier to GOAL! 22 moves—PERFECT!

scoubidou said...

15 moves in lvl 30 and still not perfect.
99/100 perfect otherwise. Slighlty frustrating...

scoubidou said...

well... 100/100 perfect but had to count on a bug (!) in level 30 (14 moves).

dyork said...

Hints (or a walkthrough) for a perfect score in 30 and 100 would be appreciated.

Toum' said...

68/100 perfect, je fais une pose...

Toum' said...

non, une pause !

Toum' said...

80/100 perfect

hotdog said...

19/100 hints 4 times.
i'm ok with that


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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