
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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June 07, 2013

room g

The latest escape the room game by Kotorinosu is here, can you escape from room g?


ting ting said...

anyone else playing..?

gizmo said...

I am and I'm stuck, lol. I have

***** spoiler *****

battery, green ball, yellow ball, grey ball, and camera.

ting ting said...

going to have to leave this wee game but i will be back so far i have 3 coloured balls a battery a remote and a camera ...and stuck.... hope there will be more hints when i come back

gizmo said...

Where'd you get the remote?

ray11 said...

I have:

Yellow ball, grey ball, green ball, camera, two batteries, photo album, screwdriver. Stuck.

Remote is under the rug (in the TV room)

Need a third battery to turn down the air conditioner...

gizmo said...

You only need two batteries for the A/C (look at the lines under the controls; two for AC, three for the room light). I've now got the remote, camera, camera battery, snowman with one arm, screwdriver, and fish. When you turn down the AC, you'll get the fish and the hook it was hanging from, which is actually a key that opens the box next to the plant on the green shelf.

gizmo said...

Whoops--what I thought was a camera battery is actually film. The camera uses one of the regular batteries (under the screwed down cover).

ray11 said...

I used the camera to get a picture of a dragonfly, plus directions. Not sure where to use it.

Where'd the snowman come from?

gizmo said...

The dragonfly pic is your clue for the dragonfly picture above the couch. It tells you which corners to press in which order. That will get you the snowman.

I also noticed that if you zoom in on the screwdriver, there is a philips screw on the handle. Not sure what that's about yet.

ray11 said...

Ah. Didn't realize the Dragonfly corners did anything.

Poke the snowman's armhole with the screwdriver. You'll get a key.

Anonymous said...

Whenever I try to take a picture I just get a picture with a heart on it which disappears when I click on it. What and I doing wrong?


ray11 said...


Look through the other tv channels for a similar image...

Anonymous said...

Camera leaving you stumped? Try a different channel.

gizmo said...

Anon--have you got the remote? With a battery in it? Use the remote on the TV until you get to the channel with the heart on it. Take a picture of that.

ray11 said...

Got the other snowman's arm. I imagine the stomach design and the top of the box are related, though I'm not seeing how to make anything happen.

Anonymous said...

I've got an opener, which I can only assume is a can opener. And no cans. XD

gizmo said...

ray---manipulate the screwdriver and both arms until you get the snowman to have both mittens with thumbs facing up.

gizmo said...

I've got the can...put the fish in the "punk" picture in the second room. Where is the opener?

Anonymous said...

The opener was in the small black box. The key involves the doll thing in the other room.

ray11 said...

Can't figure out how to get the RC car to go. The remote?

gizmo said...

Now I've got the car, remote, 3 batteries, and a bucket. Used the ladder, wrench, and possibly other things that I'm forgetting, lol. With the 3 batteries you can now turn off the light, which reveals a diamond-shaped hole under the picture of a gear. Still poking around for more clues.

ray11 said...

Where'd the 3rd battery and the bucket come from?

gizmo said...

3rd battery in the controller for the car, which was in the bucket, which was in the lower room, accessible through the hole under the carpet after you open the ladder all the way.

gizmo said...

In the lower room under the plant, I mean.

gizmo said...

Ah...just found something else when the light is off. Zooming in on the Saturn-like planet on the blue door when the light is off reveals the number 4. No idea what it means yet.

Anonymous said...

How to open the robot? There is the clue for his arms?

gizmo said...

Remember...the robot is facing you. His left is your right.

Lulu said...

where did you find the wrench?

ray11 said...

Numbers in the dark:

The moon-shaped object has a 6.
The saturn on the wall has a 4.
The star pillow has a 3.

Any others?

gizmo said...

Where's the moon-shaped object? I saw the saturn and the star.

ray11 said...

The moon-shaped object is in the lower area, in the room by the yellow door, with the sink.

Removing the moon causes the door to close.

Also, you would think to use the sink to fill the bucket, to pour more water into that hole... but the sink won't operate.

gizmo said...

You're ahead of me, did you get the yellow door open? I haven't seen a sink yet.

Anonymous said...

Can't open the doll with hands! Someone help!

ray11 said...

Not sure what caused it, but the lower-room widget with the 1-2-3 finally switched over 3.

3 means TV channel 3, and then a few more things fall into place.

Lulu said...

for doll with hands, use pencil on sketchbook and it will give you the code

gizmo said...

Do you mean the robot or the snowman? The clue for the robot is in the red sketchbook after you scribble on a certain page with the pencil that was in the screwdriver.

ray11 said...

I didn't open the yellow door, it's to the RIGHT of the yellow door. It's one of the accessible spaces in the lower area.

Lulu said...

still can't find wrench...

ray11 said...

4 out of 5 batteries. Have the cryptic photo, but don't remember what that middle box is. Hmm...

Unknown said...

Finished! pretty cool

ray11 said...

And out!

I... never used that photo. A better ending exists?

Lulu said...


Lulu said...


gizmo said...

The wrench pops out of the box with the 5 colored balls, the second time you use it. The picture was a clue to tell you to put the box in the light to open it.

I've knocked out the corner of the wall...gotta be getting close!!

Anonymous said...

Lulu, wrench is in the box with star.

Lulu said...

thanks, guess i haven't figured out that box yet.

gizmo said...

And out! Did anyone else end up with an extra moon? Is there another ending maybe?

Anonymous said...

And now - what to do with handle?)))

ray11 said...

Yeah, I didn't get an extra moon, didn't need to knock out the corner of the wall, and didn't put a box into the light...

There's almost certainly a second ending.

gizmo said...

Interesting...replaying now. Will let you know if anything different happens.

I had to knock out the corner of the wall with the hammer in order to use the car a second time.

Anonymous said... does one figure out the star thing on the lid where the colored balls go?

gizmo said...

Did you get the disc from the can of pineapples? Put it on the box lid and rotate it until the lines line up. It will indicate where to put the colored balls the second time.

Anonymous said...

got it

Anonymous said...

I'm stumped with what I need to do with the green book thing. I placed the white and blue picture inside, but I'm not getting the puzzle.

Anonymous said...

"With the 3 batteries you can now turn off the light, which reveals a diamond-shaped hole under the picture of a gear"
... I have the handle but it won't let me go down the ladder when it's dark

gizmo said...

Not that gear picture, sorry...upstairs, just under the AC/light control panel, where the light points. Click that spot on the wall.

Anonymous said...

After you've put the blue and white thing into the green book, you need to realign it, so the four squares give you four numbers (the symbol in the middle also gets aligned so it doesn't overlap with anything)

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how the star on the box with these two loops can tell me a way to put the coloured balls inside it ...

Anonymous said...

Where is the fourth battery?

Tom said...

Has anyone discovered a second ending? It does seem like there are a couple of unused things. I've never gotten a second moon - not sure if that's intended or a bug, but I haven't seen it. I also never found a hammer.

gizmo said...

I think the second moon was a bug. I just played through it on earth did you manage to get out without getting hammer to knock out that corner in the wall? I put the little brown box in the light which opened it and gave me a gold handle for the safe, which gave me the hammer. Then I knocked the corner of the wall out and used the car to push the moon piece out while I was outside so the wall closed behind me, then used the moon to open the yellow door. I then solved the colored fuses puzzle to reveal the final door key. Did you not have to do all that?

Tom said...

I think there may have been a bug which has since been fixed. When I used the car in the moon room, it smashed through the corner of the wall for me, with no need for a hammer. But now that is no longer working, so I'm guessing the hammer was supposed to be used.

But I still can't get the hammer. I was able to put the box in the lit area when the light was out, but it didn't do anything, and I can't leave the box there. And with the rooom light on, I can't put it there.

gizmo said...

Ah, I gotcha. Re: the box--take another look at the picture. Notice the tulips are closed...

tantricCatnip said...

I'm stuck... I think I need another battery (I have three), and what hammer? :S

tantricCatnip said...

Oops, got it :3

Tom said...

Thanks, I wasn't connecting the different items in the picture, but that makes sense now, and I was able to get out. This time I used everything and didn't have anything left in my inventory when I escaped. I'm guessing there is no second ending.

tantricCatnip said...

Okay, stuck on the fuses... And what to do with the batteries now? I have all five...

gizmo said...

Holly, are you on the upper or lower level? You will need your 5 batteries to activate the fuse puzzle on the upper level.

tantricCatnip said...

Where's the puzzle on the upper level? :?

tantricCatnip said...

Found it :P

tantricCatnip said...

Out! Thank you!

Tom said...

Marcus, there's a compartment at the bottom of the light blue panel on the wall. Click it to open it. Inside is room for 3 batteries, with 1 already present.

Anonymous said...

How do you get the pencil? Please help!!

Anonymous said...

How do you open the black box???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Anonymous said...

Oy! That has got to be one of the longest room escapes I have played in a while.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is a LONG game.

PyroLuna said...

I just got a crank handle from under the plant and I can't figure out where to use it, does it have something to do with the safe?

Unknown said...

PyroLuna .... turn off the lights and under the control unit you'll find the light pointing to a spot.. there where you can use the handle

Unknown said...

for the pencil, it's inside the screw driver, use the doll with screw driver to un-screw the screw driver handle cover...

Unknown said...

for the box and the light,,,

as you can see in the picture, the flowers are not blooming, which means the temperature must be LOW... before turning off the light, turn on the thermostat and lower the temperature then turn off the light and put the box under the light,,,, YES it's OPENED :)

Alairik said...

Where is the doll? I am stuck. dont know how to open the small black box.

Zippetta said...

Please help! I can't figure out the doll. I've gotten the pencil, scribbled on the page to get the code (LRLLRLR) and tried it on the doll multiple times, and it still won't work? Is there something I'm missing?

Zippetta said...


Never mind, I got it. Now, please excuse me while I bang my head against a wall repeatedly.

Unknown said...

use the ladder in the room with the blue control box to reach the not working lamp, you'll find the head to the brown doll-like thing next to the flowers..

Zippetta said...

Now I can't find the handle... and what's this about a box and light? Which box? Which plant? I'm sorry, I just don't get it...

Zippetta said...

Also can't find any other batteries (I have 3)... please help me!

Zippetta said...

Ok, now I know which plant you mean, but how do I get the wrench? Do I fill up the hole with water? Is there string? I could really use some help, please!

Zippetta said...

Still don't have the wrench, but how do you put the little brown box in the light? And which box is it! Please! For some reason, I can't figure out anything!

Unknown said...

Did you open the safe?!
Do you have the combination to open it?!

Zippetta said...

I've tried 36436, which seems like the logical answer after checking channel 3, but that doesn't work.

Unknown said...

To get the wrench you have to open the box with the five colors balls again.. using a second combination. . First you have to open the black box and the girl picture at the same room

Unknown said...

The last symbol in channel 3 is upside down ;) got it?!

Zippetta said...

Sorry, handle, not wrench.

Zippetta said...

Just tried 36439 and that didn't work either...

Unknown said...

you have to press "E" after the numbers

Zippetta said...

I am, and it just says "error"

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zippetta said...

I've tried 34636E, 34639E, and endless other combos, but I always get "error"

TRuth said...

I'm in the same situation :(
But how did you figure out what number the moon is?? x

Unknown said...

how did you get the numbers?.. you should find them at the game.. if you did't take the moon from the ground or didn't browse the other two numbers it won't open..

the moon is in lower level in the room to the right of the yellow big door, the other two numbers are in the upper level, turn off the lights (using the three batteries in the blue control unit) and check the star pillow and the door with planet symbols..

Anonymous said...

Can anyone help me find another battery?
I just found the car and remote and I only have 3

TRuth said...

Now I feel stupid...I found the two numbers but never even noticed that little room...

Unknown said...

yeah it's really tricky, i spent more than 15 minutes wondering around before i found it by mere chance

Zippetta said...

I had to save and quit earlier, so I had to look at the numbers again. Thanks so much! I should be fine now.

Maybel said...

Hm . . .

Anonymous said...

Where in the light do I place the brown box? It won't let me put it anywhere

TRuth said...

Help! I can't put the box in the light. What am I doing wrong?? x

Unknown said...

turn off the lights, then turn 180 degrees and look at the triangle light, there you have to put that brown box... but as i said before, make sure the temperature is lower that 20..

TRuth said...

I've tried that but it won't let me place the box

TRuth said...

Can't be bothered with this anymore, it's not letting me put the box anywhere in the light, even though the temperature is 7 and the light's off...

Mary said...

Where is the third battery??

Mary said...

and the wrench?

Mary said...

I've opened the black box and the girl picture, but what is the second combination for the colored balls?

Mary said...

how come I can't go anywhere when the lights are off?

Anonymous said...

*sigh* I've read all the comments carefully, the temperature is low, but I'm not able to put the brown box into the light :((
Is there any little detail which was not mentioned yet?

Anonymous said...

I was wondering where you get the camera film.

Alairik said...

Okay.....what do i do with the handle? kinda stuck. Dont have batteries to start RC car running, dont know how to get moon sign out of th room. stuck again

Alairik said... last.
Major things - use ladder under the broken bulb to get the head of robot
and the secon handle is usable on the upper floor when lights are out. The small ray of light points to the exact spot.

JaronFlick said...

Can't find the red ball. Help Please!

Anonymous said...

How do you open up the ladder?

Anonymous said...

Finally got it :)
Great game!!!!
Thank you very much, Bart!

JaronFlick said...

Hmmm. Is there a robot AND a doll? I found the robot. I have seen some hints on taking the screwdriver apart using the "doll" but I can't seem to do that with the robot and I can't find the doll.

Anonymous said...

the robot is the doll
when you've put the head on the body you can move the arms - and with one you can open the screwdriver's end

JaronFlick said...

I haven't found the ladder yet. Still looking for that. Thanks!

amc said...

I am lost, I have a camera, remote and three marbles.HELP!!!!

JaronFlick said...

Can't find the brown box. It won't let me pick up any boxes, much less set them back down! I have tried with the lights on and off and the temperature at a couple of levels. Hint please! (Thanks.)

Anonymous said...

Wow! This game sure has a lot of comments.

Stage name said...

Best room escape in a long while. Like the Energizer bunny it just kept going . . . and going . . .

Unknown said...

regarding the box and the light.. i am not sure why it is not working, maybe you have to get the "hint" inside the game first before it allow you to do it.. the hint is a picture.. did you got the picture that shows the brown box under the light?

Hoffman said...


001 get closeup view of 3 goofy robot figures in room

002 open white switch box near tv using robot figure eye codes

003 get camera from white box

004 get cell from aqua wall thermostat battery compartment

005 get remote from under carpet

006 install cell in remote

007 turn on tv and note the face dial orientation

008 open round face dial box on table and get screwdriver

009 remove cell compartment cover screw in back of camera

010 retrieve cells from camera and remote

011 install 2 cells in wall thermostat in leftmost positions

012 reduce room temperature to 7

013 get fish and hook key off wall

014 open tan box on green shelf with hook key

015 get photo film from tan box

016 raise room temperature to 17 or above

017 remove battery from thermostat

018 install cell and photo film in camera

019 install cell in remote

020 snap photo of channel 2 on tv and note photo from camera

021 bump corners of dragonfly wall art according to photo

022 get snowman behind dragonfly art

023 push hand key of snowman out using screwdriver

024 use snowman key on white drawer and get blue card

025 replace snowman key and retrieve screwdriver

026 get green booklet from trashcan using screwdriver

027 install blue card under cover of green booklet

028 slide window of green booklet to reveal code

029 use code on wall safe and get 2nd snowman hand

030 install 2nd snowman hand in snowman

031 place snowman on tan box to open and get key

032 use key to unlock striped door

033 get green marble from bookshelf snail

034 get yellow marble from under star cushion

035 get black marble from wall clock decoration

036 enter striped door room

037 get red marble from flower

038 get blue marble from behind seedling

039 install marbles inside white box on blue shelf

040 close cover of marble box and get key

041 use key on green closet and get ladder

042 re-enter main room

043 place ladder under burnt out light toward the right

044 get robot head from light socket and retrieve ladder

045 re-enter striped door room

046 install fish in punk fashion wall art

047 get pineapple can from behind punk fashion art

048 get red notebook from box under punk fashion art

049 install robot head on brown robot figure

050 use robot arm to remove screw on back of screwdriver

051 retrieve pencil from screwdriver

052 apply pencil to back cover of red notebook

053 move robot arms according to the revealed code

054 remove robot head key

055 use robot head key on dark grey box and get can opener

056 open pineapple can and get code wheel

057 install code wheel on white box on blue shelf

058 orient code wheel to reveal marble shuffle code

059 re-orient marbles and close cover to retrieve wrench

060 unscrew bolt in box under punk fashion art and move box

061 remove bolts on bird of passage wall art in main room

062 get car behind bird of passage art

063 remove ladder hinge and expand ladder

064 install ladder under carpet

065 enter sub-level

066 get bucket and radio controller under tree

067 flip red switch on back of silver robot figure

068 enter room with sink

069 remove moon token from floor

070 note number and orientation on moon token

Hoffman said...


071 replace moon token

072 re-enter main level

073 retrieve 3 cells from 3 devices in inventory

074 install 3-cell battery in wall thermostat

075 turn off lights using button on thermostat

076 get closeup view of star cushion and saturn

077 note numbers on star and saturn symbols

078 turn lights back on

079 adjust room temperature to 16 or below

080 re-install cell from thermostat in remote

081 select channel 3 on tv and note symbols and orientations

082 replace cell in thermostat

083 re-enter sub-level

084 enter silver safe box numbers from channel 3 symbol code

085 remove handle from silver safe box and add to inventory

086 install handle on faucet in room with sink

087 turn on faucet and fill bucket

088 dump bucket in square hole under tree

089 get crank from floating jar

090 go to main level and turn lights back off

091 install crank in wall under thermostat at point of light

092 turn crank

093 turn lights back on

094 retrieve cells from thermostat

095 re-enter sub-level

096 get heart card from floor under gear art on wall

097 get scoop from behind gear art

098 scoop dirt from tree pot and get cell

099 install cell in camera

100 insert heart card in back of picture frame on middle shelf

101 snap photo of front view of picture frame

102 retrieve photo from camera and add to inventory

103 re-enter striped door room on main level

104 remove cell from camera and install in car

105 install battery in rc controller

106 place car in front of hole in wall under punk fashion art

107 select rc controller and activate car

108 enter sub-level and retrieve car and key from floor

109 use key on window above sink

110 get 2nd tan box from behind window

111 re-enter main level

112 switch battery from rc controller to thermostat

113 turn off lights

114 place 2nd tan box on floor in light of triangular window

115 get gold handle from 2nd tan box

116 turn lights back on and retrieve cells

117 return to sub-level

118 install gold handle on silver safe box and get hammer

119 enter room with sink

120 remove moon token

121 turn around and knock out wall corner with hammer

122 turn around and replace moon token

123 install battery in rc controller

124 place car behind checkered line near moon token

125 back up to full view of room with sink

126 select rc controller and activate car

127 place moon token in center of large 4-panel gold door

128 get cell from right edge of 4-panel door

129 retrieve cells from car and rc controller

130 return to main level

131 enter green closet in striped door room

132 install battery for control panel and press button

133 rotate trace discs to link electrodes by color

134 re-enter sub-level and press button behind 4-panel door

135 get key and exit through saturn door on main level

Anonymous said...

what an awful game - way too long - not everything that logical and the walkthrough I found on youtube hadn't had the hammer and the brown little box - kind of nerve-racking - I'm done

Anonymous said...

Thank you Hoffman for posting a walkthrough! Thank you Bart! More room escape games, please?

Lizzie! said...

Bart, Thanks for posting this. Kotorinosu always makes awesome games, and this was superb! I only needed two little nudges about only needing two batteries for the A/C and what the 3rd toggle switch was for on the figure on the lower level. I just KNEW the 3rd TV channel was important...but I forgot about it. I sure did switch batteries in and out of that camera and remote a lot, but I figured it ALL out! Loved it!

OneWinged said...

Quite the challenging escape the room. Good length that had many multi-layered puzzles. Thanks Bart.

Joel said...

Great to see a VERY well-designed room escape game- and fun too!

Anonymous said...

With a game this long your going to need a hint or two. Very nice.

Yu-chan said...

Great escape game form Koto!! ^^

tam said...

A lot of battery switching and a lot of fun!
Thank you so much, HOFFMAN, your walkthrough helped me (more than a couple of times...) to thoroughly enjoy this beautiful game :)

The Gordo said...

Stunningly awesome game. Finished without help, but it took me a LONG time, with a few stops. Excellent!

Thank you, Bart!

Anonymous said...

I'm stuck at the part where you have to use the car to push the crescent out of the little room before the door shuts....I cant gat the car to move with the remote because every time I click there it just opens up that window.... :{ someone help me...

dyork said...

Impressive. One of the longest escape games I've ever played, and all perfectly clued. Bit heavy on the battery swapping but with a bit of luck and attention to detail, no hints required.

[I didn't see the car/hammer bug -- worked fine for me.]

More please!

dyork said...

Anon: to get the crescent you need the hammer which means you need the box in the light trick first.

Anonymous said...

omg stupid car wont move


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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