Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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June 13, 2013
Push all the boxes in place in 30 braincrashing mazes in the puzzler sokoboom by in8finity.
Anonymous 00:48 - Level 4 WALKTHROUGH You need to walk round the grid after most of the pushes - push block down 1, left 3, up 3, left 1, right 3, down 1 HOME
Anon 19:11 WALKTHROUGH for level 12. Push left and right crates DOWN 1 then middle crate LEFT 2 then DOWN 2 and UP 1. Crate now in middle UP 1. Right crate UP 1 and DOWN 1. Push crate in gap to left wall (2 spaces). then push crate on right UP 1 and RIGHT 1 HOME... Then push bottom crate Right 1 and top crate DOWN 2. Then run around the middle brick again and push centre crate UP 1 then RIGHT 1 HOME... Push remaining crate UP 1. RIGHT 1, UP 1 HOME
Great game, fun!! But it's not saving my progress! Argh! Got to level 24, now back to 11. This have happened about 5 times. How to fix please if anybody can help? Same thing happens to me on The Crystal Temple over 5 times.
If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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This is my kind of puzzle game! Nice one
Cool game, cool music!
I'm stuck on level 4. The crate keeps getting stuck in upper left corner. Can somebody give me any advice for this level?
Sokoban with better graphics?
Anonymous 00:48 - Level 4 WALKTHROUGH You need to walk round the grid after most of the pushes - push block down 1, left 3, up 3, left 1, right 3, down 1 HOME
@ Jane F, THANK YOU!!!!
level 12 anyone?
Anon 19:11 WALKTHROUGH for level 12. Push left and right crates DOWN 1 then middle crate LEFT 2 then DOWN 2 and UP 1. Crate now in middle UP 1. Right crate UP 1 and DOWN 1. Push crate in gap to left wall (2 spaces). then push crate on right UP 1 and RIGHT 1 HOME... Then push bottom crate Right 1 and top crate DOWN 2. Then run around the middle brick again and push centre crate UP 1 then RIGHT 1 HOME... Push remaining crate UP 1. RIGHT 1, UP 1 HOME
well and truly stuck on level 5.......
done it....
Thanks Jane F.!
How do you do level 21?
Never mind. I got 21 after many tries!
...Anyone else creeped out by his face?
I can't believe I'm the first one to say that...
29... zis iz nicht zo eazy!
Neverminden! Zis vos cake piece! Now ze 30 avaits.
Loved it (level 30 very hard!)
I am completely stuck on level 26. Can someone help?
I'm completely stuck on level 26 too...
i am stuck on level 5 can u pls help me
help in level 5
Stuck on 27, for some weeks now :-(. Anybody?
Great game, fun!! But it's not saving my progress! Argh! Got to level 24, now back to 11. This have happened about 5 times. How to fix please if anybody can help? Same thing happens to me on The Crystal Temple over 5 times.
Hi, I would like to download the levels; and load them in my own sokoban program.
Is that possible?
In other words: can you please publish your levels as textfiles?
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