Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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July 05, 2013
blocks with letters on 4

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FIRST! I really like this game.
Like these games as well, but already stuck on level 4. Seems there's something wrong. It looks like the clue is telling me the answer is TORCH, but there's no R and T. The easy to make (and a bit naughty and not working) word is gouch, so it seems it has to be COUGH, but can't do it :(
Nvm. late and drunk. Just OU on CH, H down, U on H, U left, O on H etc.
Pfew, have to try again tomorrow, level 9 is way too hard right now (btw. is it just me or is this one way harder than the previous 3 games?).
But thanks for posting Bart, great game :)
I'll help you with 9 if you can get me past 8 small-tool. Only letters I can make seem to be CCXE, and no idea what that would spell :/
Back and forth, back and forth ;)
Cannot seem to get past level 22. I think I've figured out the word, but I can't figure out how to place the final letter, as it blocks the 4th letter... :(
Here's the link to the first game. http://www.kongregate.com/games/Morpheme/blocks-with-letters-on
Level select doesn't work for me, either on Firefox or IE.
I don't get this game. Nothing is working for me and I can't even find a walkthrough too.
The game doesn't save your progress??!
It does. Open level select and then close it. You'll get on the level you left.
Managed to get past 22 (I was definitely over-tired) but now am struggling with level 25. Gah!
Stuck on level 6 cos I have NO idea what the word might be! E-E-K-K-T-T? Help please.
Yes, please help on level 6! I know what to do, I just don't know what the word is. (letters are KKEETT)
For level 6, there's a letter change tile on the right side, you need to switch one letter. The Ks float, it would be easy to get one of them there.
I love these games! Level 9 has me stumped though. And the in-game hint for this level is useless, as I cannot figure out how to get the R over to the 2-switch! :(
sarah - worry about getting the r over to the switch first - the 4 switch needs to be addressed as part of the solution
Many thanks Anon 19:06. I never noticed a letter change tile... It all makes sense now.
Anon 20:32, thanks for your help. I still don't get it though, think I'll try again tomorrow. I'm sure I'll feel stupid when I finally get it! ;)
Any help for level 17? I can't figure out how to hit the higher pair of glasses for a second "e".
Got to level 30 and after hours of trying got a word that I was sure would complete the game. But no! Too heart-broken to go on right now.
For 17, you need to use the X block (down below) quite a bit. You can get the second E by using the Purple teleporter. Let me know if you want more clues, hate to ruin it for you if that's enough to get you past it. :)
Thanks -k. I'll try that now... Sometimes I could kick myself!
Level 17 SO easy when you know how... Thanks again -k. Now 18! Only 2 letters??
Der brain! I only NEEDED two letters! lol
Finished the game at last. Had the right word in level 30 but had "changed" the wrong vowels to get it. Never knew that mattered in BWLO. Another great, great set of puzzles. Keep 'em coming.
completely stuck on level 30!
Completely stuck on 25. No matter what I can't get the letters there in time for the Y not to get stuck. any help?
To get to switch 2 on level 25, you need to build a row of four blocks along the switch 1 platform, then find a way to drop the other three blocks on top of that row.
In between each drop, move the upper block then one lower block off the platform, eventually building a 3x2 array between the platform and switch 2. Then shift each block in the lower row one space to the right.
Hover to see which letters drop.
I'll add specific instructions if you need more help.
can anyone tell me what the word is for level 11?
can anyone tell me what the word is for level 11?
11: Leave the GIT alone! You fail! You get an F! Do you know any words that end with 3 F's? How about two F's? What other letters can you change? Look it Up!
Also: Beat it. Harry Potter?!?
And for those of you stuck on 30:
1) The hint helps a lot. Shame one you if you didn't save one.
2) Make use of the orange teleporter, and all the O's and E's you have to get the T and M on the steps.
3) Use M and the yellow teleporter to flip L back over.
4) When you have O on P, LETE is ok to do. Keep M out of the way over an E.
5) The C should trigger the ? in the lower left, which frees the P (which uses the pink teleport).
How do you complete level 9? I have no idea how to get the R to the 2 switch! Help!
Any help on 28?
on level 2 there is supposed to be an R and a T (the clue said the first letter is T and in the hint there is both an R and a T) but the letters given are C,O,U,G,and H
and being level 2 there is nothing to change the letters with.
For level 2, don't mind the letters in the hint, just look at how they are placed :) No need to change anything, don't know why they're different.
Thank you Anon 02:47! And yes shame on me I had used up all of my hints :P
Megan - the word is Fluff
I did finally get it, but thanks, Jane!
If your stuck on level 9 use the hint. The "x" won't close the hint but clicking hint again will.
Again a very smart BWLO game, thank you for posting, Bart. Just hoping that it won't take too long until BWLO Part 5 ;-)
WARNING!!! If you go back to an earlier level for a bit of respite you have to carry on from there! It won't let you go back to your highest level! REALLY frustrating as I can't remember the word for the level with all the vowels and the ability to change one letter once and one letter twice... THINK it's level 22 but not sure as it's sent me back to level 16! Burglary!!! AWKWARD!!!
It IS level 22 cos I'm there AGAIN! Wonder where it'll start me next time I try? Heavy sigh. (Still enjoying it though! lol)
Came out and went back in to see where it would put me... LEVEL 18 - YET AGAIN!!! (UP) Is there any way to stop it putting me back to earlier levels? (Cos I sometimes forget the word I needed! Like on level 22... I think I remember it started with a "B" - but I could be wrong! lol)
Impressive. I've enjoyed the previous BWLOs and this is at least is good. Yes, I did use one Hint (shame!) but otherwise a clean run.
Level 30 is not actually very hard, but it takes quite a bit of planning: at least 10 intermediate targets. Logic tells you what you have to do.
BUG ALERT! The level display is broken badly. On FF, simply does not work (just close it). Bummer!
I usually don't like them, but my kingdom for a video walkthrough! Someone explain 25 to me like I'm 5, because I just cannot swing it.
help w 23??
hah! never mind!
I also need the dumbed down explanation for 25
I am having trouble getting t or m on the top stair on level 30. Any help?
Will someone PLEASE tell me the word for level 22? I had it - then got sent back and I can't get it again! Please have mercy on a poor old dimwit. :'(
Smeesh, start with the C ... then the M and shift the L and T across over them.
Still stuck on Level 22. Can't figure out what the word is... Which is really frustrating when I know I had it once! Fated to stay here forever, I fear. :'(
j, your voice has been heard.
@ Stage name - Thank you SO much! Now stuck on level 25... Can't get the "Y". :'(
...and I haven't even STARTED to consider what the word might be! lol
It's a pretty safe bet I know the word for level 25 - if only I could get the "Y"! lol
If anyone's still watching this... Can I please have a "how to get the Y on level 25"? PLEASE! (I need it explaining to me like I'm five years old!)
i wish i could help, but i'm stuck on 25 too :C
Hey guys - there is a fixed version of this game on www.sogood.com and www.jayisgames.com, where the level select screen works properly and you can choose any unlocked level. This site and many others are apparently still running an old version of the game before the bugs had been properly ironed out.
Thanks Marty Sears, will try that... Whilst I have your attention - you couldn't help me get the "Y" on level 25 could you? ;)
I have replaced the game file with the latest version.
Cheers Marty, nice game!
Spoiler Alert!!!!!!!!
Level 25:
Move the E so that it will drop down some where useful.
Trigger the 1
Move the C all the way to the right.
Drop the S and U down on top of each other creating a bridge for the T to move right 2 spaces.
Drop the R down and make a row with I, S, U, and R (order doesn't matter)
Drop the T down and then all the way down (starting to form a 3X2 array on the bottom, in the yellow spaces).
Drop the I all the way down (part of the 3X2 array)
Trigger the 1 with one of your remaining 3 letters on that level, and bring the other two right next to it.
Send the E through the yellow teleport and move the C to prep to drop down on the next 1 trigger.
Drop one letter from your remaining row of three to be a part of that 3X2 array.
Move a letter over to trigger the 1, but as the C is falling, quickly move the next letter over to catch the C to land on top of it.
Drop the C down to be a part of that 3X2 array, then drop one letter from your remaining row of two into that 3X2 array
Use the last letter on that level to trigger the 1.
Send the E through the green teleport and drop it as the final piece into that 3X2 array.
The last letter resting on the 1 trigger goes across that 3X2 array to trigger the 2 and rescue the Y.
You're letter may now be all sorts of out of order, but the blue teleport will come to your rescue and put things right.
I notice that still there is no video walkthrough available of this. I've never done one before, but if people are still looking for one let me know and I'll do one.
Thank you SO much Liz! Thought I was stuck there forever... I would LOVE a walkthrough. ;)
Here's the last 10 levels, the real sticky ones. I'll get the rest of them up soon.
Thanks for the walkthrough Liz- I'm sure I'll be referring to it when I'm stuck... again! lol x
YES! i I did it!!! I finally finished level 4! the word is cough btw
O.k., it took me a while, as I started with BWLO 1
Nice game, but a little complicated for non mother tongues. So I often had to look up the (for me not so common) solution word and had most fun in finding the way to this solution. BLOW No 4 at last supports wasd (yeah!), which is very good because I need so many tries per solution ;-)
But what I would prefer was to cycle through letters using space in one direction and with shift+space (or another key) in the other direction. That would be great.
Just an idea for number 5: Magic "buttons" could turn the whole screen and change gravity by 90 or 180 degrees ...
Nice game!
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