It seems to be a very calm period for new and interesting games to post, but I have something
off to work we go related that might interest you. Perhaps it's time to freshen up your desktop wallpaper? Well, can you spot the wallpaper that I submitted to this month's Smashing Magazine selection
here? Go and grab it if you want!
Some other bontegames news:
factory balls mobile has been doing really well the last couple of days in the
Amazon appstore and I have received loads of requests for solutions for certain levels, well, I just added a full solution for the game, check the solution link in the left column. Cheers!
nice ;)
Short & easy, but still nice :D
Hmmm, I noticed a lull. I just thought you were on vacation....
cool wall paper!!!!!!!!!!
Here's a link to a pretty decent room escape I found on another blog site. Best one I've played in a while...for those needing a fix. http://haretoki.com/escape/game007.shtml
so glad its doing well bart!!! love that game :)
I finally got a chance to play the Android version of Factory Balls I got a few days ago. Fantastic! I really enjoyed it and I'm quite proud that I never got 'stuck'. :)
Thanks again for such a great game, Bart!
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