
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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August 29, 2013

the cave of heroes

A wrong step has sent Alexia tumbling down into a mysterious realm filled with ancient secrets. Can you get back out in the adventure game the cave of heroes by Questtracers?


Anonymous said...

Sloooow and clunky.

Michelle said...

It's nice. I'm still stuck on the dragon (?) puzzle. Also 'second' xD

Isi said...

The dragons should not touch each other ;)

Anonymous said...


tam said...

Nice puzzles, annoying girl ;)

Rava said...

Very nice puzzles, but soooooo slow!!! :)

Lara said...

The dialogue scenes were slow, but the game was amazing. Can't wait for the sequel!

BenL said...

So nobody wrote it so far so:


BenL said...

So nobody wrote it so far so:


Anonymous said...

stuck on harp! anyone may help?

Peter said...

Beautiful graphics, but slow gameplay and terrible pixel hunting.

Anonymous: you need a special stone that produces the sounds in the right sequence.

eightoclock said...

Some of the puzzles are not going to scream out "Here I am, click here!" Be on the look out for anything that looks odd; and when all else fails just click everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Dang! This game consumed my time :<

dyork said...

Puzzles are quite good, but gameplay is clunky. Too much delay, crap dialog and hard to navigate. Engine needs work.

hint: use the witches pot twice.

Isi said...

I have two silver keys instead of one golden... is that supposed to be or just a bug?

V V said...

I think this is a good start to a series. The puzzles were nice and diverse. I had a bit of trouble finding the one where you have to smash the pillars but was able to follow elsewhere. Decent graphics if slow mechanics.

Isi, you need to finish the Posideon room to get what you need for the keys (the witch's pot does more than one thing).

Anonymous said...

Two silver keys in not a bug!

Anonymous said...

Grr. So slow & I got stuck right away. Started clicking all over while watching for new text. Then The walkthru started up in the game!

Anonymous said...

Second try with time to relax & enjoy the game. Nice game , puzzles & items work well together. Just wish it would resize to fill my screen. sometimes the pointer glitches if you leave the window.

Anonymous said...

The "deal" at the end is not much of a deal. Extortion is more like it.

Visit us Goshen NY maid service information said...

Graphics is very great but the game is somewhat laggy sometimes. And I'm not sure if this is a glitch or not, when I watch the walkthrough, I was supposed to put the fish on the witch pot to get a weird stone, but I didn't get one. Please fix that, otherwise a very interesting and elegant game :)


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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