
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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November 01, 2013

i saw her too, with lasers

Desperate to find a cure, a mad scientist has captured two loving zombies in his laboratory: I saw her too, with lasers by Krang Games (sequel to the puzzler I saw her standing there).


Anonymous said...

FIRST!!!!! I loved the original and I love this one!

Anonymous said...

FYI: The game does not, I repeat DOES NOT, have a "Save Game" function of any kind. I was up to level 13 and accidentally closed the game window. When I reloaded the page it took me back to level one. Other than that this is a great little game.

Unknown said...

Fun game and I like the puzzle aspect, but why did it have o be with zombies? I hate zombies!

Unknown said...

I meant to, not o.

Anonymous said...

the first one was WAY better

damon said...

@ Emily- It's a sequel to "I saw her standing there" The previous game had to do with zombies as well. In the end of the game, the main character is turned into a zombie by his lover. This game picks up where the other one left off.

damon said...

I liked all three endings. Not a very hard puzzler, for sure.

Unknown said...

I know, I played the first one after I played this. I agree: the first one was better. I still don't like zombies, though.

Anonymous said...

I have a mouse that tends to creep off target, so I really needed Marty Feldman eyes for this one... :)

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 11/2/13 20:45,
Congratulations! You've just won the award for the BEST COMMENT EVER on Bonte Games. The "Marty Feldman eyes" thing had me laughing way too hard. :)

Anonymous said...

nice endings (but the laser was so big it caused the universe to end)

Anonymous said...

Hey everybody! Does anybody remember the game "Easy Joe" from 2010? The sequel just came out!!!!

Unknown said...

I know this has nothing to do with anything, but I just finished Mr. Bonte's game Chicken Grow! I'm so happy, because it really took me forever.

dyork said...

I tried, but I don't really like it. The logic was too hard and the trial and error too easy. Once it starts moving it's too hard to follow the plot.

So every level turns into a sequence of push this then that and eventually success. Not satisfying.

Yes, it does REPEAT DOES have a save game of the ordinary kind. It seems to restart at the beginning, but very soon you're back in the main menu and level selector with all progress preserved.

Keep at it. There are 21 levels in 3 acts. The 'bouncy' mode and the 'cheats mode' at the end are kinda fun.

Anonymous said...

Ok. I gave up on level 13. After trying that one 10 times I just couldn't get the timing right.

Anonymous said...

I was stuck at level 14 till I realized the foot switches stay on.

Anonymous said...

There's a walkthrough on YouTube. Here's the link for it.
I still can't get past level 13 after watching it. It might help out anybody else who's stuck. :)

dyork said...

Level 13: press the top two switches in order left, right, left, right, left at roughly 1 second intervals. The effect is that she stops just beyond the pit and the zombie falls through and dies on red.

Then press right until she stops in the foot switch. Then far left until she drops through the pit.

Margaret said...

Even with the walkthrough the timing was hard! Not as much fun as the first one, but still a good time.

Anonymous said...

don't get 15

Anonymous said...

don't get 17

Anonymous said...

is it just me or did the link revert to the original game

Anonymous said...

I think this is a rather beautiful addition to the original game. :) The endings were all a bit odd, but the overall story was nice.

PewDiePie said...

Absolutely wonderful sequel to oneof my favorite games

Anonymous said...


Me! said...

The 3rd installment is out now!


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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