Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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November 15, 2013
leaf me alone

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Hmmm.. I'm stuck inside the 1st part when you can 'blow' on the cogs to turn them. I end up at the bottom room trying to get to the cog in the top right, is there a way to jump the whole room?
Nevermind, somehow I managed it.
Fun game! I managed to acquire "The Knowledge" and collect all of the seeds.
In the third level with the big tree, I saw a lack figure on a top branch, but I can't figure out how to get where he was!
Black, not lack
So you feed the nuts and get to the windy place, but no idea where to go next and I keep dying.
Got me in this far, but gets boring after a while.
How do you pick up the seeds? I don't know how to collect them, do we have to use x?
Can't figure out where to go and what to do after the credits and restart.
Can someone post a walkthrough?
Played this to death when you first posted it, Bart. Took me for EVER to complete! Not sure I can face it all again... lol
@ Anonymous 20:52 - Have you tried looking on YouTube? They're usually pretty good for walkthroughs... :)
Oh, no! Well, there goes MY night. I'll be playing this for a while... (secretly does a happy dance!)
Oh my gosh this is amazing!
AHAHAHAHA this is amazing!
Cute! I found one of those square pillar things from Fez!
I made it to the room where the glowing red guy keeps knocking you back when you get close. Now what?
Ah, nevermind. I didn't realize that the orange leaf's "dash" ability let you turn the gears at the top of the "mountain" stage. Got the mask now.
@Jane F
Of course I looked. There is nothing for this one. The only walkthroughs available are for the first one from april/may and for the game up untill the credits.
There is no information on how to progress after this.
Anonymous 20:52
Cool game!
This expanded version is better than the original.
I found a walkthrough:
Part 1: http://youtu.be/wTpdvtaUe-Y
Part 2: http://youtu.be/A54QAozEnDk
Cool game!
This expanded version is better than the original.
I didn't really know what to do with
(Spoiler, translate with google translate)
den "seed" sitter på kanten av en gren halvveis opp ekorn treet, nær salt og pepper shakers.
(end of spoiler)
I found a walkthrough:
Part 1: http://youtu.be/wTpdvtaUe-Y
Part 2: http://youtu.be/A54QAozEnDk
You can play even further than shown in the walkthrough. There where the walkthrough ends you'll get a "windflower", which you can place wherever you want. So you can float to places which were out of reach before. So far I have collected a red and a yellow gem/seed/flame(?). To what purpose I don't know - when collecting these items the screen glows white, but I've seen no other effect yet.
Look at the 3 pictures in the room before the credits.
Why do they need to reload the advertizements every 30 seconds ?
There are 7 symbols that light up when you get the gems, just in to the left of spawn.
Sorry it is left of home & right of spawn. Also they are seeds not gems.
I love the fat squirrel on the treadmill L.O.L.
There is a Bell above the 7 symbols that changes day to night.
Yes ! I got the rainbow ending.
Need night , trap ghosts & blow pepper.
Where's the seed for the SQUARE symbol? (It's the second from the right in the temple.) I've got the rest but something tells me I'm not gonna get any sleep till I find the last one. Help pls! :)
argh, nvm. found it. noticed the symbol on a certain thing i was standing next to hahaha.
Can someone who has completed the gems post a where abouts and how to get for them.
What am I supposed to be doing with the ghosts?
Ok, the ghosts have to be absorbed into the sections on the sides
Spoilers on the jayisgames site! http://jayisgames.com/archives/2013/11/leaf_me_alone_expanded.php
What a fun game! I got all 7 gems and the secret ending. I won't say where the gems are, that would spoil the fun. Generally speaking, there is one gem per major "area". The hardest one is probably the one in the windy treetops, but i hear that the wind is turned off if you ring the day/night bell. Two of the gems require you to do something special (visit the picnic bug at night, as well as the graveyard at night).
WOW. Got to be one of the best games of the year...
Eventually got everything there was to get.
I LOVE this game.
I loved the short version when Bart posted it way back when, and I love the longer version even more -- especially how it becomes a completely different game after you beat it the first time.
The gems are all tricky, but not impossible, though the "pepper" and "ghost" ones took me a while to figure out. The ending was appropriately grandiose.
My only question is about the owls. What the heck? Is there any point to scaring them away? Also, I only found two (the "main area" one and the "windy area" one) -- are there others that I'm missing? Maybe I just didn't scare enough of them . . .
Found the answer at JayIsGames. There's a third owl in the waterfall stage; have to dash-glide all the way over from the graveyard to find him. But the reward for scaring off all three owls IS worth it.
Damn, this game just keeps getting cooler.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!! Everybody is making me feel stupid!!!! I've only gotten the green leaf and gone exploring a little bit and already I'm stuck! I just need a little hint- where am I supposed to go?!?
This game is so awesome- just finished the whole thing! I tried playing the shorter version when it came out, but my older computer lagged really badly with it. So glad I came back to the updated version with my new laptop! (The lag from the ads was still annoying sometimes, but it's definitely worth dealing with because this is a GOOD game...)
And to "Anonymous" just above, head to the higher door on the tree to the left of the start point. There are puzzles with acorns in there to solve.
If you need more help, Margaret from a few posts further up gave the link to the walkthrough on JayIsGames. I didn't use it myself, but it looks helpful and should point you where to go next. I'll place the link here as well:
Have fun!
Margaret- The "sections" are coffins! You're putting the ghosts back in their coffins!
I found all seeds but 1, and now I'm stuck. Are the owls mentioned above the way to get it? Or is it something else entirely?
(Same Anon as above)
Hmm... Found all seeds and the last one had nothing to do with the owls. I didn't really get the secret ending, but whatever. Do the owls have to do with the Knowledge thingy mentioned above?
omg what should I do...
I just got flying leaf.. wit z key
Addicting Games unfortunately removed the game from their site, and most places only have the original game jam submission version, but I found the expanded post-compo version here: http://kbhgames.com/leaf-me-alone-expanded/
You can also find the entire soundtrack, plus exclusive remix tracks, on David Fenn's Bandcamp site: https://davidfennmusic.bandcamp.com/album/leaf-me-alone
For some reason it seems to be back up on Addicting Games: https://www.addictinggames.com/action-games/leafmealone-game.jsp
It's also on Mark Foster's itch.io: https://clawmark.itch.io/leaf-me-alone
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