Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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I'm stuck... I have no idea what to do after the pillowguy... I've found two dudes that didn't want to speak to me...
Cool little game. Clean your monitor off before you start. I thought I found something and it was a speck on the monitor. HA!
Thanks for the link Bart.
I'm just starting the game, and my first thought was what the heck does it mean by saying "Left click is your friend" on the bottom of the screen?
Heath really needs to do something about that mouth of his. That's the only downside so far. That and I can't find Elise.
By the way, Just Me, Heath is on the key board. If you start at the top left key, go 6 keys to the left and 1 key down to find him.
Okay, I found Elise, and after that it was pretty straight forward. I couldn't tell what was in the window at the end, though, it faded away to quickly.
Okay, I found Elise, and after that it was pretty straight forward. I couldn't tell what was in the window at the end, though, it faded away to quickly.
Oops, sorry, I didn't mean to post that twice.
press Esc. to adjust the mouse or quit. Nice & easy , but slow & boring. Looked to me like I saw someone with a camera zooming in at me from the void as the ending faded out.
Huh. Weird dream.
Found 4 guys who say nothing...do they all give clues?
Got it...missed one somehow...fun game but feel motion-sick now...
Where is the one that is supposed to be on the lamp?
Anon 13:35 I had a speech bubble pop up about halfway between on the outermost left side but lost it.
The one in the lamp is hidden very well it must be white, it is on the left side, found it quite by accident. But since the fonts are white and it is so bright white that I can't read the next clue.
Okay there is no next clue. Guess after I found the one in the lamp that was it. It zoomed backwards, seen something in window but couldn't tell what it was.
For anyone who couldn't read what Benny said due to the background light, he says "Is this a dream or is this actually happening? What's more likely- finding tiny people and listening to them? Or spending a life avoiding problems constantly? Hanging off a light fixture for dear life? Or hoping in vain for someone to rescue you? My name is Benny, but who are you? Whoever you are, I hope yo enjoyed yourdelf. Because right now I can feel the end coming on... And here it is, right out of the void..."
Definitely one of the coolest things I've seen in a while. It felt very Freudian, looking at all those representations of various feelings and beliefs.
Liked it very much!
Interesting, but overall I liked it, exce4pt for some of the bad language used. And for some reason, I found the person with the camera in the void very unsettling.
I didn't mean "exce4pt" I meant "except". My bad.
Yeah Emily I also felt creeped out by the person holding the camera at the end.
what did the camera guy look like?
what did the camera guy look like?
Literally the best game i have ever played on the internet. Beautiful overall feeling and interesting idea for a game. when i turned and saw the man in the void, right behind me, i felt a chill down my spine and my heart dropped. Amazing!
Will all game creators one day realize that all keyboards aren't QWERTY ?
wheres elsie?
I can't do anything but move around??? How do I manipulate objects??
Figured it out. The cursing really turned me off.
That was an interesting concept. I didn't realize at first that I missed the trail of notes on the shelves, so I found most of the people out of order through exploration. The swearing didn't bother me because it seemed to fit the mood well.
I can see why you put this on your top 10 list Bart- thanks for posting!
Couldn't get the download to work and the link practically shut down my computer. it took 5 minutes just to close the tab.
I'm not a big fan of these unity player games. They give me headaches
Yeah, I can't find elise either... I wish peter would just tell me where she is. I'll just have to keep looking.
i can't find the man on the window sill! where is marcello? can somebody help me please? i'm stuck T_T
oh i got him :) i was searching at the wrong side of the window sill
cool game with a strange end...just like I love it! beautiful and creative. I want mooore!!!
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