
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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December 23, 2013

pixel room

The latest escape the room game by Kotorinosu will demand a bit of pixel hunting in the beginning but as you make progress the resolution goes up in pixel room.


-k said...

Great game, Bart! Really liked the concept. Thank for sharing this with us! :)

Anonymous said...

found three green things and place it in its place and a lever appeared then i don't know what to do!

Any help.

And thanks Bart for the sharing :)

Anonymous said...

for anonymous:
click on lever,look under the picture,it is fireplace,look at it,there is hammer

Rava said...

This was GENIAL!!!

Dimpl said...

What a great escape game!

Anonymous said...

Awesome game, See you in another room!

Anonymous said...

Im stuck with what looks like a battery? (but doesn't fit where a battery should), a present, and a hammer. Wheres the code for the cabinet with the 4 colored squares on it?

palat said...

That thing is a jar with a battery in, smash it with ...

chefsinger said...

Wow, two escape games in one! Kotorinosu has really stepped it up. I think he does the best for these types of games with the exception of maybe Neutral. Always comes up with new types of Escape puzzles.

Anonymous said...

Hm, I'm stuck with a hammer and the scissors. Can anyone help?

Anonymous said...

Anon w/ hammer and scissor: Click the red doll's head button and make note of the different parts of the cross's ends appearing and disappearing. Use that pattern on the yellow doll's buttons.

Unknown said...

So I got the code for the door, and put it in, but nothing heppens. Ive checked and it is definitely the right code

Unknown said...

So I got the code for the door, and put it in, but nothing heppens. Ive checked and it is definitely the right code

The Gordo said...

Amazingly excellent game!

Thanks, Bart!

tam said...

Incredibly good games!

Too bad they arrived right after your top 10 for 2013...

Anonymous said...

GREAT GAME! I loved this one!

Anonymous said...

Great interesting and original game. I like a lot!

Emily said...

This game was awesome!

Emily said...

This game was awesome!

Emily said...

This game was awesome!

Emily said...

This game was awesome!

Emily said...

Sorry, I didn't mean to post that multiple times.

deCarlo said...

Amazingly simple and complex at the same time. And a completely new type of escape game. Really the best of Kotorinosu so far!

MagicBook said...

A nice escape game from Kotorinosu, far less pixel hunting then many other games. I enjoyed it greatly, thanks Bart.

Cak said...

Merry Christmas to everyone.

That was very nice. Thx Bart.

Anonymous said...

I needed a hint for the doll thing.
You get to a point where you don't know if it's working right or not.
I feel so dirty for not giving this game the time it deserved.
So very dirty.

@01:28 said...

This game is cruel because:

1) The symbol in the red doll should be yellow to at least give you a little clue that it's not a 10-digit counter

2) The yellow doll says O P E N ↓ once and that's it. If you happen to miss it for some reason, you're plumb out of luck. That's evil.

Olavo said...

Awesome game. Finished without help, but quite some thought here and there. Great concept, and I liked the amount of detail (e.g. the shape of the final key; also, I changed the coloured letters in low res, which was reflected in higher res).
Definitely in my personal top 10 :)

Anonymous said...

It doesn't work once I get to the part with the pattern in the door panel. You should look at that and get it fixed.

Joel said...

Now that was a really cool game- both of them, in fact! Loved it!

Lizzie! said...

Lost me with the color code for the left door. Can't figure out what to do with the paper that has the colored letters and the pixelated gray panel that was hidden on the red door. Stuck with a screw driver that won't unscrew anything, and no idea what the four letter code is. So sad...

Lizzie! said...

Got it...never mind. Used the Othello board, which I should have realized was a hint!

Anonymous said...

Help I am stuck in low rez. I have used the hammer on the jar to get the fuse/battery thing & on the door to get the ladder. The resolution only improved one time.

Anonymous said...

Ok I figured out to put the ladder in the big empty space. That's what happens when you click on every colored pixel but not empty space.

Anonymous said...

Best reward ever for doing a pixel game.

jam6i said...

The game was incredibly cool in concept. But some of the puzzles really lost me, and I lost interest in beating it. I know obscure puzzles kind of makes sense with this particular game (where obscurity is the gimmick), but it's still a puzzle game and I lost it. Bad.

Anonymous said...

I am stuck in the second escape, i can't find the fourth piece, I have all the others, I think I may have to use a walkthrough

Anonymous said...

For those who are stuck with a screwdriver and a piece of paper: Nwod edispu tenibac, neerg eht evoba emarf. Egnaro eht ni slobmys yllautca (srettel eht daer)!

Nat R. said...

New link:


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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