
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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February 10, 2014

grow clay

Eyezmaze is back with a new addition to his ever growing collection of grow games: grow clay. Items you click will grow and effect each other as they grow, so think about the clicking order. You will complete the game when all levels are max.


tam said...

First! For the almighty power of uselessness!! Yeah!!!

Circuit Rider said...

Love these games. Thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

cuter than ever!! :D

Jane F said...

I have NO idea what I'm supposed to do! :?

Anonymous said...

URGH! I'm stuck on level 3/4. HELP!

Anonymous said...

whewww...! got a giant robot at the end.

-k said...

Had fun with this one, seemed much simpler than others, though. Thanks for sharing this with us, Bart! :)

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Everybody who knows the other growth-games will find this rather simple.

However, walkthrough for newbys:
1. Stage
- Click Stone
2. Stage
- Stone/DNA
3. Stage
- Stone/Heat/Screw
4. Stage
- PC/Stone/Energie/Magnet
*Spoiler End*

Emily said...

That was fun!

Emily said...

Oh, and Anonymous @ 14:22, I was under the impression that the "stone" was actually a pile of clay.

Anonymous said...

OK. But...
Why does the robot have a face in it's hair ?

Anonymous said...

@Emily: You are right, clay was meant, but to me the icon looked more like a stone (where I come from clay is red)...

Anonymous said...

Really disappointing after the genious grow maze

Anonymous said...

Way easier than the other grow games. The only difficult level was the last and I just went through the possible combinations until I got it. I miss the other ones with lots of different combinations. Seeing the mistakes was just as fun as figuring out the right one.

Anonymous said...

I have loved all the other Grow games, but this one simply doesn't measure up. Much easier, and too many sponsor tie-ins for my liking.

Anonymous said...


kf said...

grow games are the ultimate time wasters. some random clicking and watching illogical things happen.


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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