Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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The last inclined wall is really hard!
...and I had to leave as impossible
Made it as far as the room with the platform and long jump - tried climbing the wall, but my finger ligaments cannot handle it. Fun up til that point, though. Thanks for sharing this, Bart. Helluva game for 48 hours. :)
I think I am at the same point as -k and both ways seem not worth the trouble. Either you have to make a jump where a pixel makes the difference between success and failure, or jump up a annoying wall/ceiling with great precision trying not to fall into the water below.
Actually once you get the wall climb and air jump abilities it isn't too bad.... you just have to learn to master the wall-double-jump move to climb up what appear to be impossible walls to climb. Hang onto the wall, jump off, then quickly hit jump again and drift back to the higher part of wall above you. Tricky, but not impossible after getting the timing down.
Can't figure it out... I can wall climb and air jump but I'm going round in circles! I give up. Thanks for trying Bart. lol
Awful, just plain awful. The keys have a lag time and you don't have any control where your person stops. Nice concept, terrible execution.
PS: Love the new photo, Bart! :)
Ugh... some glitches I guess cause I can't move...
I have to agree. The controls for this one are terrible. Shame, because it looked interesting.
Had once too I couldn't move but I just reloaded the game and it had remembered my last save point, cool!
The impossible wall is okay up until the top, then I just can't jump up there because I keep banging my head on the jutting out parts.
I finished the game, but I had to scale the impossible wall 4 times because I'm a doofus! First time, I pushed the block the wrong way off the ledge at the top (it needs to fall to the right, not the left). Second time, I finished everything at the top and gleefully jumped down into the water, forgetting I hadn't reached a save point! Third time, I finished the top again and tried to fall down onto the platform with the save point, but missed. Fourth time was the charm (I studied my landmarks so I'd know where to fall). This game was a real challenge! Nice style & really good controls on my computer.
There's some fatal glitch where if you die, respawn and then quickly die again, you won't come back. Refreshing takes care of it (progress is saved).
hmmmm, I dont really know what everybody is talking about... For me the controls are almost perfect, very smooth and accurate.
And I finished it in 30 minutes or so. I would say its kind of easy and straightforward. But maybe this only means I played too much "Super Meat Boy" and "Electronic Super Joy"... these games really made me lose my mind :p
I had no problems with the load or the controls - just my lack of ability with these type of games. lol
Finally got up the final wall. I know it was made in only 48 hours, but at least a "congratulations" on the final screen would have been nice. I mean, my fingers will be sore for days after that ;)
WHY IS TH OPENING SCREEN BLACK? Do you need a certain software to play or...?
I didn't have that much trouble with the impossible wall. The main trouble I had was that I'm a complete idiot, and had to scale it three times. The first time a pushed the box off the wrong side. Then I went, got the triangle, got back out. and fell straight off the platform with the box. I wanted to see if I could land on the platform with the button. Then I remembered it's impossible to jump from there and there was no saver in the area with the triangle. :(
Other than that I'm having a lot of fun with this game.
I like this one better than the other Ludum Dare 29 games.
Great game, until that point where the others have lost their patience too: the double-wall jumps. Until that point it's a beautiful game, with relaxing music and curious environment.
I mastered the impossiwall!!!
Takes wayyyyyy too long to load. Not going to sit around waiting when there are so many other games out there. Fail.
AWESOME! love this game. neat. beautiful. well constructed and paced. good challenge at the last. can anyone recommend some other games from the bonte site like this?
I did it!!!
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