
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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June 26, 2014

a bontegames interview with ...

After last month's interview with Mateusz Skutnik it's time for a new interview with a game designer of the frequently featured games here and when you are a regular visitor of this blog, chances are high you appreciate a well made escape the room game. So this time the game designer is ... Robamimi!
Robamimi is famous for her many high quality escape the room games and has been featured many times here already on bontegames and now she has accepted to be interviewed by you!
So please submit your questions for Robamimi in the comments below, I will collect them for Robamimi and soon I hope to present you everything you always wanted to know about Robamimi and her games!


Anonymous said...

When designing a game have you ever had to step to the side and think "Where is the happy medium between puzzle maker and puzzle player"?

-k said...

What first inspired you to make your games?

Are your skills self taught or did you get a formal education in design or tech?

jj said...

How did you start making games, what started it all? Is it a hobby or a fulltime business?

chefsinger said...

In many escape games, often there are some common types of puzzles, such as touching a picture frame's corners in a specific order. In your games, you always seem to present new and innovative puzzle types which keeps the escape adventure fresh! What process do you go through to come up with your new puzzle ideas? Do you ever think of puzzles while dreaming?

Questioner said...

What question would you like to ask yourself if you didn't know the answer?

Anonymous said...

Where do you draw your inspiration for your backdrops/settings? They are always so creative and beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Where do you draw your inspiration for your backdrops/settings? They are always so creative and beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Most of your games feature beautiful and mystical backdrops and items. Do choose those themes simply for their beauty or is there anything else?

Rava said...

How long does it take to create the graphics for one of your escape games? Because I admit that a great part of the pleasure in playing them stays in these very beautiful renderings!

Rebecca said...

Your games have such a beautiful aesthetic. I have frequently wished the rooms you create were real places I could visit. They are restful. I confess I love your games because it feels like a nice vacation just to be in the rooms! Are there real life locations that inspire your designs? Do you perhaps have training as an architect or interior decorator?

Cyn said...

Not so much a question as a comment: Thanks for reminding me to think outside the box. So many escape games have the "get screwdriver" formula and yours don't.

Unknown said...

Where did you get your inspiration for your games?

Anonymous said...

Is there a way out of the dungeon without using the wizard's key?

Anonymous said...

Sorry! It's not everyday I get to make that Simpsons reference!

tomato-juice said...

What do you find most fun when designing your games?

What is the story behind the name "Robamimi"?

Have you thought about collaborating with any other game designers?

Me! said...

What inspires you?

Anonymous said...

The graphics of your escape games are superb. Do you create all this by yourself? What tools do you use and how long does it take just to create a room (apart form implementing the riddles)?

Anonymous said...

What do you think is your best game?

Do you often play escape the room games from other people?

Anonymous said...

What do you want the player to feel while he's playing? Apart from general pleasure. Excitement, appeasement, thrill, happiness? Relaxation or focus?

Anonymous said...

How come you can't find anybody to make decent english translations? you're the best, I bet there are a lot of people who wouldn't mind doing it for you.

Rebecca said...

Please don't change the way your games are translated. That's part of the aesthetic for me!

Anonymous said...

I'm a woman gamer. My favorite escape the room games seem to be designed by women, like Robamimi and Maya from Neutral (sorry, Mr. Bonte, I love your games too!). I don't know what question to ask, exactly, but could you ask Robamimi about being a woman making games other women like to play? I play all her games and have gotten my mom, sister, and friends hooked too!

Anonymous said...

A bunch of questions about yourself:

What is your favorite colour?

Of all the games you've made, what are your favourites?

What makes you laugh? And what makes you cry?

And finally, do any of these things actually matter in the process of making a game?

Bart said...

Sorry, too late. I already sent the questions. The interview will be online soon!


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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