
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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June 30, 2014

smile escape

The door is locked and the room is full of puzzles to be solved before you can escape: smile escape by TomaTea.


chefsinger said...

TomaTea strikes again! Good one!

Anonymous said...

stuck with a battery, a scissor, some building bricks (wheres number 6?),a paper with fish and fishes on strings? any idea?

Fee said...

Have you cut down the single fish on a string? There's a button in the bottom middle shelf that gives you a ladder to get to it.

veewee said...

hmm..I have the completed fishy mobile hung from the ceiling, a remote control with battery, and a note with left and right fishies...
no idea how to proceed!
one cabinet section still to open...

Anonymous said...

I can't work out the shapes puzzle on the left red cupboard. I think it comes from the clock?

Anonymous said...

veewee, have you open middle of the red cupboard? Pretty that's where I got something to put the battery in.

veewee said...

@Anonymous - yes, that's what I meant by the remote control. Am I right in thinking that's going to be for the train when the time comes? So far, I haven't found what to use it for yet..

veewee said...

@Anonymous - have you checked out the piggy?

Anonymous said...

@veewee, yes have checked out the pig ... am i missing something? I had to shake several times to get it.

veewee said...

ok, so something fell out, right?
check the rug in the middle of the room...and then check out the item itself...
and then follow your instinct that you mentioned before...

Lizzie!! said...

Did it! I stupidly got hung up for a bit on the 4x4 grid, and needed veewee's subtle clue to realize that some aspects of this escape are used more than once! Nice one, Bart...thanks!

Anonymous said...

@veewee - thank you!!! Hadn't checked out the item, had only used it, if that makes sense!!

veewee said...

you're welcome! =)

I myself didn't get any further...and I now accidentally closed the tab I had the game open in..

Anonymous said...

@veewee - the fish move once mobile is up... havne't worked it out yet though.

Anonymous said...

@veewee - the piece of paper with the numbers and the fish mobile + the clock (again!) ... then gives clue to open last cupboard :)

Anonymous said...

@fee couldn´t open the middle shelf. tried "toys" "fish" and "Baby" but nothing happend

DonutLover said...

Keep an eye on the clock for this one. TomaTea certainly used the clues for multiple puzzles. A good game and good challenge. You also have to use an item you might not expect to open some doors. Thanks Bart!

Anonymous said...

I'm all the way at the lights and the train. I can't find the clue to do this one. I got so far without help, thought I could do it. But I'm getting tired.

Anonymous said...

Woohooo! Nevermind about the lights and the train. I found the clue. I'm out without help! That was very challenging.

Lizzie!! said...

The abacus thingy gives you the pattern for the lights. Look at the left and right side of it. =)

Anonymous said...

So I had a music box with that same music. What is the name of the background song? It's going to drive me crazy

Anonymous said...

The problem with Tomateas is the puzzles and clues never make any logical sense.

-k said...

@ Anon 1 July 06:07 -

The song is Brahms Lullaby, here's a music box version from YouTube:


tam said...

I used some help here and there... and I'm out! Very nice indeed :)
Thank you, Bart!

Anonymous said...

How to use the 5x5? Where is the train?

Me! said...

Gave up because:

1. No puzzle or clue made logical sense and the big grid made me feel like I would never escape that room...

2. The music was driving me crazy!

and 3. I couldn't find the use for many of the items and the balloon was unreachable

cat said...

Out! TomaTea games are so cute.

Anonymous said...

nice looking room, but the song is driving me crazy - had to mute it - too less logic in many puzzles imo. nice to use things the way some of us really do - but there is consequence missing in doing so - I quit

Anonymous said...

what is not logical about throwing a sharp dart at an unreachable balloon? pulling or cutting the string won't open it. But pulling string & cutting balloon could.


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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