Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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August 29, 2014
candy rooms #15

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i love these games, thanks Bart. good game 1st
so i'm at the easel and see all the colors and numbers. what now???!!!???
@ MinnMan You can turn the frog around.
Now where can I find the 4th candy? I know it must be hidden somewhere just for grabs but I cant find it.
Nevermind just found the 4th candy :)
turned the frog around but where do i put the number? still cannot open the thing with the green candy in it.
The frog number is added to a number on the easel board to solve another puzzle. I need help solving puzzle to get the last candy, i.e. the green candy.
thank you. I still cannot figure out the flag guys to get the green candy. usually i get these games without much trouble. tough one for me
Idacar: watch how the flag guys move when you click on them. Each is different.
For the frog puzzle, notice the color of the numbers when you swing the frog around. I was able to solve the flag puzzle, I just do not know how I did it though.
got the final clue (flagmen pictures). very clever.
For the flag guys, follow their flag direction lead. If the flag points to the upper right, select the guy that moves in the upper right direction. Then the flag direction changes, now select the guy that moves in the next direction. Repeat until tray opens to get final candy
Finished with help for the flags! Probably only 3 rooms left until the series finishes :(
I still can't get the green candy. I also can't figure out the number code for the box and the flag men won't do anything. Can anybody help me with this?
I assume you have the colored markers. Use the markers on the easel. Now on the easel are 4 different color numbers swaths. Notice the blue has a frog's head next to it. Think where you saw a frog. Click on the frog's bench. The bench will turn around revealing a number and a "+" sign. Add blue swath number and the frog number for the code to the puzzle under the painter's palate. On the back center of the wall are 2 pictures of flag men. You should have a 3rd that needs to placed on the wall. The flag men should be active now. Good Luck!
I'm stuck looking for the fourth candy...?
Never mind... found it. :)
These are so much fun - but did anyone else notice that today the puzzles changed?
I still can't get the flag men to work! I've done everything I'm supposed to do and the flags will move but I can't get the right combination to get that last candy. :(
For the number box, try adding the code on the back of the frog to each of the numbers on the easel. For the flag men, each tile moves a different way. Click on the tile that moves in the direction they're holding their flags.
Easy, as usual, but I wish there were less candies just lying around and more puzzles.
@ Emily
Thank you! I finally managed to get the flag guys to work and I got that last candy. :)
For the people having trouble with the flag men: When you figure out the number code and get the last picture, there are three images that correspond to the position of the flag men's arms.
Yes, the game has been changed! It's simpler now.
I had a heck of a time getting the bench to swing around. I didn't realize that I had to move the mouse, not just click. I was clicking madly and it would swing around real quickly, so I thought it was a certain number of clicks I needed. BOY, did I feel stupid after I figured it out. I must have also gotten the easy version, because the flag guys were very simple to figure out, because of the clue behind the number pad where the middle flag sign was hidden. Was that not there before?
Worked it out without any help but it was tricky.
Did it with no help :D
I played the game a few days ago and the crayons were different this time! When I went to the easel a few days ago, it gave me four rows of numbers for each color, and i had to add the number behind the frog to the blue one. This time it gave me just one four digit number to add to the frog's number (which didn't change). the process to solve the men with the flags' problem changed too! interesting touch funkyland...
Good game, the turning of the frog was a bit tricky but I thought the puzzles were the usual nice set for Funkyland. Thanks Bart!
The puzzles changed from the original version that people were complaining about. In particular, the flag puzzle is now simpler.
0h no, the 2. version is much too easy now! :((
I'm glad, I had the chance to try both. But after playing the first one, the second version is just not satisfying!
Frustration. Frog & flagmen don't move at all. Nor do I see any markers. Have all but the green candy & only used 2 items. Help?
I love these games. Thanks for share it.
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