
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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September 16, 2014

fluid perspectives

More connected worlds Ludum Dare puzzle platforming: fluid perspectives by Jezzamon.


-k said...

I managed to get to a point where the water is too deep, but the blocks cannot stack high enough (and the fire boy is too low even when standing on top of the blocks to be helpful). There is very probably a way to solve it that I am just not seeing, but I haven't found it so fascinating that I feel the need to make more attempts (beyond the five or so that I made). It was fun though, up until that point.

Tea said...

I'm stuck at the same level.
Any help will be appreciated. :D

Anonymous said...

Took me the longest to figure it out as well. You need to push the two left blocks over to the right as far as possible just before they fall in the water. Then push the top one over to the right even further just before it falls.
Then use the red guy to do the same thing on the opposite side and it makes a small enough gap that the blue guy can jump across the water.

Anonymous said...

Actually, reading back, this is for the level after the one you were stuck on. Since I already typed it, I guess I'll just post it as this was the hardest level anyway, IMO...

Last Level.

*******WARNING - SPOILER*******

Have the girl go up top. Move the block under the water flow and then push it at least half way off the edge. Send girl back down and have boy go up.

Have him jump onto the block that's sticking out beyond the (now) lava. Have him go to the top left and push the block off the ledge. Go back to the girl.

Send the girl up again to adjust the block and stop the entire water/lava flow.

Use boy to push block at current location down to the lower portion of the level. push the block over to where the 3rd block can fall on top of it. Push the 3rd block down onto the other. The blocks are now 2 high (enough to keep the girl above water. Push the double blocks to the left (NOT ALL THE WAY). Leave room to get on the other side of them.

Have the girl drop down on the double blocks.

Switch back to the boy and have him push the blocks to the other side with her on top.

Have both characters exit the level.

Anonymous said...

@anon22:41, I don't think that is the level that everyone is stuck on, for I am stuck on the same level as everyone else and there is no water/lava fall.

Me! said...

Stuck at the level where the water is too deep, but the lava is there as well. I can only get one character up to the top at one time. A block that only the boy can reach is there, as there is water there. When the boy goes back to get the girl, when the boy needs to get there as well, he gets stuck. How do you get both up there?

Me! said...

Also, there is only one block. WHICH LEVEL ARE YOU GUYS TALKING ABOUT?

Me! said...

Also, there is only one block. WHICH LEVEL ARE YOU GUYS TALKING ABOUT?

Anonymous said...

Good game. Not to hard or too long.
Rip off of the T. sisters.

dyork said...

Clunky physics. Nice idea, lacking in execution.

Anonymous said...

@ Me!

The level you are stuck on is the one I described above.

Under the "*******WARNING - SPOILER*******"

Anonymous said...

No it's not
I'm stuck with Mel as well
There's only one block, and the
girl can't get it

Z said...

Thanks to Anonymous 13:53 and 22:41 (I'm assuming you're the same person) for the help on the two hardest levels :). I needed help on both. I loved this game. Really interesting. Also funny is that I assumed the guy was just a tomboyish girl until somebody in my class was trying to help me out (he was just watching though) and referred to the guy as a guy. In my head, I'm like, duh!!! Anyway... thanks for posting this, Bart!

Anonymous said...


Oddly enough we were two different anons. :)

Glad I could help!!

Z said...

Hmm... two different ones. Oh well, thanks to both! :)

Stevens Miller said...

Not bad until the one where you have to push the block just up to where they fall off each other. Problem is that when you have them set up right, you still have to hop onto them, then make the jump across, without pushing a block off its support or missing the final jump. If you do, you get reset and start the whole level over again. I hate platformers that do that do you, making you use closely timed moves after you have done a lot of set-up work that you then have to do all over again if you miss your final jump.

Anonymous said...

Phew! Creative AND challenging! Nice.

Anonymous said...

I tried the last level so many times, and gave up over and over again only to come bact to it, and then I finally got it, and the game just ENDS!?! I want something good at the end!

Kati said...

Very short but amusing and creative game! ^_^

Damon said...

Well, I know there's no pretense for this, but my headcanon is that the two characters are siblings. The girl is a optimist, and it's hard to bring her down with anything. Her brother is a pessimist, and has a bad temper. These would explain how they see the world, as well. Water is refreshing, like the girl's refreshing outlook on life. However, being optimistic all the time is not always good either. (She can't swim, despite seeing water almost everywhere.) Lava is hot,(obviously) Like the boy's temper at times, and there is no water anywhere in his world, only lavafalls that never fill anything; signifying that he knows his temper won't get anywhere in life.

Whoa... that was deep. I think too much sometimes....

Kyle McDowell said...

Where do you get the music for the girl's perspective?


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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