
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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September 22, 2014

hoshi saga reishiki

Yoshio Ishii just released another episode in the hoshi saga 'find the star' puzzle series. Can you find the star in each of the scenes of hoshi saga reishiki? This time the game uses only the arrow keys and the enter key.


Anonymous said...

So where are the FIRST shouting people now?

jj said...

Love Hoshi Saga! Great to have a new one!

JOJOBEAN said...

this is hard

zbeaker said...

To satisfy Anonymous at 11:25


Hishi Saga games are enjoyable!

Jane F said...

Second! Great game - though the one where I had to catch the girl (level 21?) took me a while to figure out. Thanks for sharing, Bart. :)

Anonymous said...

I can't get level 13. I know that the balls attach to each other but I can't get the speed right. :/

Anonymous said...

It wasn't until the seventh level I found out there was things other than the star to find on each level.

Lizzie!! said...

Were there gifts on each level? I didn't always find one, and I don't feel like going back to check. Cute, but not their best version, in my humble opinion.

eightoclock said...

The only gift I haven't found yet is for puzzle 21. I have all the other ones, but for some of them I do not understand how I got them.

Anonymous said...

by far the easiest ever I love these games

PK said...

Eh, I got bored halfway through the game. Not bad, but not really worth the time IMO.

Me! said...

How do I do 8? Oh well...

Olavo said...

@21: kiss - out of sight...

eightoclock said...

Thank you, Olavo.

@Me! - You have to arrange the tiles to form the star. Fortunately, the tiles are already in order to do that. For the gift, you have to match the tiles to the shading on the ground.

Anonymous said...

I finished it. It was a nice game.

Anonymous said...

How do you do the octopus level?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

octopus level is all in the timing...

Anonymous said...

I like this game - simple concept, well executed.

Anonymous said...

Ugh... The octopus level has had me stumped for three days. I've even watched the walkthrough and I still can't get the timing right.

tam said...

I got Mount Fuji as a present :)
Nice present, very nice game.
Thanks for sharing, Bart!

birdie said...

For the octopus level, you have to shoot each ball just before the previous one hits the first wall. Took me a while too! Good luck!

The only gift I haven't figured out is #16. Any help? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Can't pass lvl 21 (the girl)... And can't find the gifts in lvls 7 (with the lines) and 18 (bumpy planet)
Can any1 help me ?

Anonymous said...

-> birdie
In lvl 16 you have to make the "7FD5" that is written in the bottom with the binary code

Anonymous said...

-> birdie
In lvl 16 you have to make the "7FD5" that is written in the bottom with the binary code

RJT said...

How do you do level 21!?

Anonymous said...

In lvl 21, just walk really slowly...


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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