Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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December 18, 2014
a new bontegame: pixels for christmas

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WOO! Thanks for the new game! :)
yay, 2nd!!! thx for the game i have been waiting excitedly for this!
Gave up at 50%. Can't figure out where to go next. It's a big maze. Should have a small inset map of the whole tree to show where you are.
yay! very cute... and challenging... i'm not finished yet but i wanted to thank you for not being too cruel with dying... i was wondering how i was going to know when i was done and then i spied the % up in the right corner... i love lil platformers like this! great job! and merry christmas! xo
Thanks Bart and a Merry Christmas to you as well. Managed to finish in one attempt without dying too many times!
@Anonymous: it is not a tree and you'll see the whole maze in the end. not that challenging, just needs a strategy. Thanks, funny little game! Best: no long falls and respawning at the point of death helped against rage-quit!
Thanks, Bart!
SCORE! thanks Bart! Love the Christmas games!
The ending is HILARIOUS, especially the music :-) Thanks Bart and merry christmas!
I dunno, this one's a bit of a pixel hunter... ;) Enjoyed it!
Stuck with 90%... it should be useful to have a map or a missing pixels indicator... ^^
Okay, it is finished :) I restart the game over and finished it with 100% Merry Christmas Bart and thanks for your pretty games :)
some kind of maze, i don't like
Loved this game!! Very cute Ending!! Merry Christmas!!
Merry Christmas Bonte! Thanks for the game and may your holidays be full of joy!
Such a nice present!!!
Thank you Bart!
Bonnes fĂȘtes!
I was so excited when I got on this morning to find you had a new game! I played it right away and got done fairly soon. Love the end! So cool! I love all your games and you're a genius game designer. Well done!
That was fun, thank you Bart, I found your blog I think it was about 2 years ago, since then I check it almost every day and had a lot of fun here-wish you and all people around here happy and peaceful christmas days
Thanks Bart for the Christmas game! Keep up the great work
I always look forward to your new games! I agree with the comment about the inset map, though.
stuck at 99%....otherwise, nice game, neat idea, original as always Bart! :D
nope. can't get past the 99%. I'll try tomorrow. I'm done for now. but thanks again Bart! very nice game!
Excellent game again, Bart!
As always, with a satisfying game, it's hard to let go when you are having fun!
Would be good to have a full map to see where the player is missing the final 10% or so...esp. after playing for a long time and retracing steps.
As a game designer, myself, I'm thinking maybe a time tracker, or just a "big map" button to free frustrated players a bit.
In my (brief) experience, folks will come back to good designers who've provided great challenges, but who've ultimately left the control in the players' hands--particularly when they (the players) felt frustrated and wanted to give up THIS game, but were pleased with the game overall (though, still had put much effort and time into THIS game and wanted to see the finale!) :)
Well done! And kudos for maintaining a wonderfully simple, friendly, design aesthetic throughout. The game style certainly doesn't need more, and the great essential elements remain the focus.
~Tony Shultz
Merry Christmas Bart, always a pleasure to play one of your games.
perseverance paid off! was stuck at 90% for what seemed like forever! but i kept looking for something i had missed and finally found it! i was thrilled as i was watching my count closing in, hoping there were 10, not 9, in the last spot... taa daa! luvved the end and seeing the whole picture was worth waiting for! thank again, bart... you da man! xo
Areas you have already been in should change color. Got to 60% and now just going in circles.
to those of you asking for a big map... a map would ruin the surprise at the end... stick with it and you'll be happy you did :)
Fun game. Enjoyed having to keep a mental note of where I've been to make sure I got 100%. I think adding a timer and a time-ranking at the end would improve the game, because it would provide incentive to play the game more than once.
The only thing I would suggest is a hint button that can point to the direction of the next gold pixel. I was stuck on 99% for a while, and it was pretty frustrating!
My game won't load, it starts to but stops halfway there.
Great game, really enjoyable!
YAY I love this game and all of your games! Happy Holidays and thank you for the work you do!
87% on first attempt. Definitely wish there was some way of working out which direction to head for the other 13%!
Hehehe, and now done :-)
I'm a senior and not that good at platform games in which you have to have super dexterity with jumping skills, so I appreciated the ease at which I could navigate all the areas. And once I figured out to save a gold pixel near a challenging area so I would restart my search close the new area that I needed to explore, the game fell nicely into place. Thanks for the great Christmas gift!!
Stuck at 99% for hours, just to find out in the end that my screen has a dead pixel. HOHOHO, just kidding. Nice one Bart. Zalig Kerstmis voor jou en je dierbaren! En dank voor weer een mooi gamejaar.
Awesome Bart... Merry Christmoose!
FINALLY GOT PAST THE 99%! and I LOVE the end! amazing Bart! absolutely amazing!
Apparently I'm the only one....
But I can't play the game. It tells me it's not "optimized for mobile play". Yet I'm using a laptop, with Windows 8, and Explorer 11?!
Not sure what my issue is, but apparently it THINKS I'm on a mobile phone??
Very odd....
very cute, and great game !
thank you.
I'm having the same problem as TiCKed. Windows 8 with a new browser and the game tells me it's not optimized for mobile play. (The jokes on it 'cause neither am I. I don't even own a mobile device. Not even a basic old cell phone!)
Merry Christmas Bart and thanks for all the fun!
SOOOOOO good! I wondered if there was a "map" view, because I could not find the last four, so it was cool to see the larger image/map at the end.
Merry Christmas and thanks for the great games!
so very good!
thank you, Bart :)
Cool, I like it the way it is, thanks for sharing, I love open-world platforming games!
It's awesome, and fun, but I have to ask.... how many pixels ARE there? [takes... so... long.. lol :)]
About the map dicussion: Without a map it can get frustrating. But as we know, Bonte's games are always special, I finished it and got satisfied. The map would destroy this special moment. But no map could frustrate new players, they will quit the game and probably will never play any other bonte game.
I think this game is too simple, for a professional game designer. This is something I my students could programm as a simple exercise.
Thanx Bart! nice little game you made!
Okay, I finally finished it and it was great! Thank you, Bart!
It's just too confusing. 58%. I give up on this one.
Thank you Bart for making this game. I finally finished it!
Happy Holidays!
I liked this game. The ending was cool.
Got to 96 % but had to leave and restart - accidently selected new game. Finally finished. Thank you and Merry Christmas!
I had no problem finding all 100 in about half an hour. There are not many loops so standard maze exploring works. Neither mini map or map building would keep the surprise, but a directional clue might help get to the last areas not explored, perhaps to the largest grey area or a pixel.
My favorite part was: game.state.start('playlevel2');
This is a fun game but it really doesn't have much to do with Christmas.
Fixed height jump at 3 blocks and forced 1 block height climbing aren't really compatible with my lack of patience ...
I really love to sea the whole map in exploration platformers, and the surprise was here really pleasant.
Nice little christmas game :-)
also, Bart Bonte, i finished maybe about 25% of your games...
i still play this game... woah... 3 years.
game was very fun and kinda difficult
now how do i download
this was a great game, hard but not to hard
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