Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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FIRST!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!
Soooooooo confusing! Where the heck am I?!? I don't like it nearly as much as the other fractureds.
Having a bit of trouble with this one. Unlike the previous 2 games, there is a steep difficulty level to it. In the previous games, usually it would start out with small, simple levels, before going into larger complex levels. Plus, the exit is undefined, leaving the player confused on where to go. Plus, the switching of the characters on each death is confusing in itself, as no explanation for this is given.
I agree with everything Anonymous has said. Gave up on this game early on - just not enjoyable. I was all gleeful when I saw the post on bontegames but lost that pretty quick.
Several times I had half a mind to give up as well.
Pretty soon I decided to suicide the girl every time to stick with the boy. Sounds awful but it helps.
I was about to give up when I figured that both characters actually in the same world. The goal is to bring the girl to the starting spot of the boy, and vice versa. I did too much trial and error to be sure, but it seems because the platform configuration, their optimal journeys aren't "symmetric".
to complicated... :-((((
Doing my head in, even on the third attempt...
This game runs way too slowly on my older machine - it's like the characters are moving through molasses. Oh well.
I wish there was a quality button; this game runs really slow on my computer...
I like the premise, but this is one game that I truly wish was more linear. After wandering around and getting frustrated and not remembering if I had traveled certain paths... I give up. The messages should at least only show when you're making progress, but it seems that they just show when you go to a new screen.
Bring back the old style of fractured 1 and 2! Solve a puzzle... smile... move on to the next. This one is ridiculous! You can't keep track of where you've been or where you're even trying to get to. 2 Thumbs down!!
Too slow. I'll have to try it on a newer computer. I couldn't stand to play more than about a minute because it was so slow.
I like this one. At first I thought the girls levels are easier...but as I finished the girl's part I realized that the boy's part begins where the girl's part ends. I other words, they have the same level, but start at the opposite ends of the level. Girl's part is easy at first getting difficult as you progress. Boy's part is vice verse.
Yup, way too slow. Can't imagine why. It doesn't seem to be doing anything taxing.
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