
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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April 30, 2015

free the birds

Have you got what it takes to free the birds in this short point and click game by Vitamin Hana?


Mads Aggerholm said...


Anonymous said...

Hooray - out.

Easy...ish... :-)

veewee said...

i seem to be stuck...

I've a bottle with a number (used once already with water in it)...I've a plank of wood, a hammer and some nails...
it seems obvious I need to build some 'steps' but it's not clear to me how..
there's also a number clue I'm not getting yet...the red one next to the fountain..

-k said...

Have you used the hammer on anything that looks "broken"? If you do, you should get something that lets you turn that plank into multiple planks...

palat said...

Try using the saw on the wood... You have the saw, right?

-k said...

Oops, meant open the vase, not use the hammer. ;P

veewee said...

I have used it on something broken which, I think, is where I got the nails....I don't have a saw! ...yet...

Rob said...

Nice game!
Reminds me of the old days,
the weekly Minoto game...

veewee said...

this saw is not materialising for me...

Helen said...


Very frustrating game, not clear or logical really, because I literally had to click everything until I finally figured out you need to click "about item" for the plank of wood and then use the saw on it (same goes for the nails). The saw is inside the vase (click on the vase lid). After the rest of it it took me a while to figure out the second bird you freed was on the bird bath holding a little clue for you to finish the game.

midge said...

Is there a walkthrough for this game?

midge said...

how do u free the birds?

Midge said...

So, I have an empty bottle with the number 45, I have a hammer, a brick broken in two and a knife. I'm stuck, where do I go from here? Anyone?

Cyn said...
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Cyn said...

@Midge: you have to keep re-using the ladder; think about what the knife can cut.

midge said...

Thanks Cyn, great help....

midge said...

Are the numbers 1/3, 6/2. 4/5 the number of clicks?

David said...

did it

Anonymous said...

@Midge No, it's just the order in which you have to click.

tam said...

Yes! Let's free the birds!

midge said...

so what is 1x tree minus birdcage equals ....I get one, but nothing happens...

Bethany said...

The equation on the paper refers to the numbers on the bottle, tree & cage. Do the math, and that gives you the final cage combination.

Anonymous said...

Nice! And not too difficult: one of the few "escape" games I didn't need a walkthrough for.

PK said...

I can't even find the hammer and nails that you guys are talking about -- I think this is just beyond me.

PK said...

Ended up looking at the walkthrough. What's messed up is that I'm 100% certain I tried using the bottled water on the vase earlier, but apparently I didn't click the right spot or something. Solved (with help).

Joe said...

Agreed. I couldn't figure out what to do with the bottle of water. After that help, I got the rest.

Anonymous said...

Yay! I freed the birds! XD

anna in spain said...

I clicked "about item" to pick up the planks, but then had to put them down to pick up hammer or nails. Can't use two at a time. Tired of messing with it. 0 out of 10.

Anonymous said...

As much as piling wood & nails then picking up your hammer to build something makes sense in the real world, that's not how it is normally done in a game.

Playerette said...

I really liked it, don't quite get why some many people seem to have extraordinary problems solving it. The only problem I had was that I couldn't use one of the objects when "too close" to the other object I wanted it to use it at.

I can help you if you don't want to look at the walkthrough.

Anonymous said...

The "filled bottle on the vase" thing nearly prevented me solving that puzzle. I had to click maybe a dozen of times before it worked an revealed the number. Not very logical and I didn't like it.


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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