Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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May 26, 2015
monstrous mini mazes

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OMG 8/
Wow this is amazing! And tough indeed :)
Can't do it :(
Well I'm stuck too, someone send help! :)
wow....I'll save this for a time when I can think more clearly! Ha-ha!
LOL, Bart! Same here.
Love the idea, but just can't see any moves past third level. I've retraced every possible move and it just gets stuck.
Stuck where the only "stars" showing are the one in the green box and in the brown in the bottom right. Just unlocked the one in the brown area in the top left and it didn't do anything!
"You escaped from the monstrous mini mazes"
That ... was ... hard.
I did it in about an hour. This is my kind of puzzle, Bart. Thanks!
huh, is it possible to get yourself stuck in a way that it's impossible to further complete the game? I got the star out of the first big box, using the green box to cross the red blocks, and now I feel i'm totally defeated.
Oh my god! I'm so stuck XD Very interesting and challenging little game! :) (this "I'm not a robot" verification is getting more and more ridiculous, how am i supposed to know what sushis look like? I dont live in Japan O_o is it really necessary to have this system?)
Amazing and pretty tough!
I must be doing something wrong :(
Awesome- finally did it! I feel accomplished. :-)
Not a clue beyond the first 2 parts and I can't find a walkthrough either, this one is beyond me!
I just unlocked both blue boxes, but now I'm stuck because somehow I got it where I can't move BACK through the blue boxes again. I have no idea how I was able to get through 'em just fine, but now I can't. :(
If you get stuck, you may use the R key to get back to the point when you got the last yellow thingy you picked. In one case, my character was reset on top of a wall !
Touugh indeed, but not impossible.
Did you note that the green box has special behavior?
You can walk along the edge.
So, yhe ultimate goal is to
get the green box outside its big frame and move it over the thick red line to create a kind of portal to the last flashy thingy.
At least that's how I did it.
Oops, I used tags, but apparently they didn't come through. SOrry!
The last one is top left.
Push back the green square inside at the bottom right to make a bridge for the blue and the light brown.
Push the blue on the left and the brown on the right, to reopen the access to the grey.
Go inside the light brown and turn around to push the little grey from the bottom left,(the goal is to put the top little pillar inside it), on the right and up, alternate pushing the grey and the brown. Go inside the grey make your move with the pillar, stay on the little place top left when moving, the pillar is now behind you, make your way back with the pillar inside until the way open. You can access the last one, push the big brown to finish.
Hope my writing is understandable, Ben from France
If anyone is interested, I made a walkthrough on YT.
Thanks for that walkthrough video Silke!
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