Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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May 12, 2015

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Nice concept, but the resulting symbol of stage 13 reminds me of something...
Stuck on level 8 :/
me too stuck on 8...
Hints for stage 8: The trick is to push the left starting block into the corner without letting the path from the right block cross into the left side of the puzzle. Each block then fills in one half of the puzzle, split down the middle. The right starting block doesn't move.
yup, I can see that that brings the solution...just haven't yet managed to move that left block in that way..
Spoiler: level 8
AHhhhhh, thanks for that. Okay, so you can build an entire framework, and then shove THE WHOLE THING to the side. That makes sense and I wasn't getting that.
General hint: if you can only push them, how can you reshape the (in particular level 8) shapes so that you can move the shapes where you need them...
Still don't get how to push the left block into the corner..
you have to first draw the left box then as you draw the right box you push the whole left box and everything you already drawn to the left.
I'm stuck in level 13 :(
Ahhhhh! Finally got it! Whew!
am i the only one stuck on 11?
Level 15?.. Stumped..
Spoiler level 15: bit difficult to explain. First expand by one square, then push the two squares beyond an "entry" so you can get in.
Any hints on level 14?
stuck on stage 24 at newgrounds.
SPOILER for 14:
Move UULLDDDRR, then move the 1 up, and finish.
17 looks like a lot of fun...
#15 push out one square from each block starting with the top and going to the right, and follow with the others in a clockwise pattern, one square. then starting with the top and going left push the left block down, do the same with the others going in a counterclockwise pattern, then fill in the rest.
anyone can help me with stage 24?
here comes help for stage 13:
start with the one on the top left, draw it 1x down and 1x to the right, so you push two numbers in the 'outer circle'.
Then, continue with the one at the very right side, draw it 1x up and 1x left.
the rest is easy...
and some help for stage 15:
draw the one on the left 1x up and push it 1x down with the one on the top.
draw the one on the bottom 1x left and push it 1x right with the one on the left.
draw the one on the right 1x down and push it 1x up with the one on the bottom.
finsh wirh the one on the top, then the one on the right, etc. finishing should be easy... ;-)
Stage 24: There are several different solutions that I've seen (and I'm sure many more). I'll spell out the general principle for my solutions: imagine the blocks are numbered 1-9, left-right, top-bottom, like a phone. Move 7 right, then 9 left, so that 8 is centered again. Move 5 right, then 8 up (this moves 3 up to the corner where it can spread out). Move 3 down and 6 left, then 2 left, 4 up, and 1 right to fill in the spaces.
17 looks less fun.
Kind of aggravating at this point.
Stage 17: Use up the long block before you touch anything else - the idea is to push the 2s toward the top of the screen. The left part of the large block should end in the lower left slot (after traveling 8 spaces). That leaves 6 spaces, so the right part of the large block can end in the right slot. From there you should be able to fill in the gaps (it takes a 2 block nudging another 2 block).
Argh, Stage 18 is KILLING me -- because there are about a million solutions that all leave me exactly one space long OR short. :P
I'll get it eventually, though . . .
I'm having the same issue with 18 - always one blank square!
I can confirm...
18 is tough.
Here's my thoughts on 18.
In order to reach the square all by itself, one of these dudes has to get where only the guy that starts top right of the four of them can get to. Those two squares are two up and two right from where that square starts. The reason only it can reach them is because no one else can be pushed there.
Right? I'll take a hint in the form of "that block has to be pushed up/right twice" so I know. If I'm wrong on the above, tell me that, too.
I got 18. Here's a hint: The block in the corner needs to make an S-shape -- right, up, right.
Working on 19 now. :P
And finished 25... Not without hints on some levels though. And 25 is easy once you've cracked 24...
HELP on level 16!!
For lvl 16.
Move: #4 left over #1
Move #1 (far right)up.
Move#2(far left) over one-pushing #3 under now second #2.
Move top #2 up one.
Rest should be evident...
23 looks like it should be easier.
Now I can't get lvl 18!! That above "S" solution isn't working for me...
Still can't get 18 - that s solution? Just not working for me, so having a brain fart on this level, lol.
For anon @ 19:44 today -
For level 18:
Name the 3-cubes this way: A B
C pushes D once to the right. A pushes B once to the right. Then right edge of C pushes
A up once. That same edge then pushes B over to the right. D then moves once to the right and then
pushes B up twice. A fills in the blocks above and below it. C fills in above and to the left of itself.
Hope that helps!
TO Anon at 19 May 2015 at 22:07
Thank you for replying finally got it! :)
These Logical Cell games are really addictive. This is the only one I have managed to finish.
help me level 20 please
For level 20: Go right 1 (which pushes the blank box over 1 space). Go up 1, right 1 and then down twice (pushes the blank box). Go left 1, down 1 and right twice (pushing the blank box all the way over). Go down 1, left twice and then down. Go right 3 times (all the way over) and then up 3 times (pushing the blank box up, level with the empty space on the right). Go left 1 and up 1. Go right 1 (pushing blank box into empty space) then go up and then left!!
Hope that helps!
Level 23 help?
LEVEL 23 is solved by halving the board:
Right side: Move 2-block to the left once and up once. Move 3-block to the left once (pushes former 2-block). Move 4-block over twice and down twice (pushes former 2-block down). From here, finishing that side is obvious!
Left side: Move 2-block to the right once and up once. Move 1-block to the right (pushes former 2-block). Again, from here the finish is obvious!
Hope it helps!
LEVEL 24 is hard, but possible. I can give you some hints for now. The down right 1 should be extended up and it goes to the most right place on the board. You have several moves when you'll encounter a situation for the middle one to push the central left 1 to the left, the 1 above it pushes it down and you extend the pushed 1 to the left. In this situation you should have the down left 1 over the middle pocket on the board, after which it should be pushed down into the whole and then extended up.
that it for the hints, it is a little bit difficult to explain, but the trick is that the bottom left one goes into the middle whole on the board!
As I said LEVEL 24 is difficult but LEVEL 25 I did it in 3-th try.
here is an image of it http://imgur.com/q7qaHyx
For Level 11: You need to get one of the '2' blocks in the bottom left corner that forms an 'L'
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