
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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June 25, 2015

free the cats

Have you got what it takes to free the cats in this new point and click game by Vitamin Hana?


palat said...

Sweet, but I don't know how to free the second cat...

Anonymous said...

Have you tried looking on top op the drawer palat?

palat said...

Oh! Thanks for that! It was smooth sailing after that, freed all of the cats :-)

Anonymous said...

Got the first two cats, but can't figure out the cat food turning puzzle...

Andy said...

Look at the third cat's collar.

Anonymous said...

for the third cat: there is a piece of paper at the third one, in its cage.

anna in spain said...

I must be really slow, I don't see the third cat or cage. I've got one cat up a tree, a treat I don't know what to do with, and a locked cabinet with 2 drawers.

These games make me feel so dumb.

Michelle said...

The first cat digs into the ground which gives you some sort of key. Look for the keyhole.

Anonymous said...

No idea how to get the piece of paper off of the third cat. Can't figure out the dice sequence on the drawer. little hint maybe? please?

Anonymous said...

geez, got the dice one.

Anonymous said...

Nevermind, I figured it out. geez. I should have waited 2 extra minutes before posting.

Anonymous said...

The cats've all got amazingly similar markings.

Kati said...

Such a simple little game and I fail so bad to find out what to do after like 2 minutes. I got to the point where i need to free the 3rd cat and i have an unopened drawer with the dice code. I also noticed how you have a huge inventory for these games and you barely have like 5 objects through the whole game altogether. But its a good game, i guess the smarter and more patient people could solve it!

-k said...

@ Anna: The treat that you have, could it be something else? Maybe try examining or playing with it in the About window. Who knows, it may even be useful a couple of times... Take a look at where the pond was, there is a clue for one of the drawers there... And, once you get the bottom drawer open, you can find the third cat. :)

Lizzie!! said...

Twice now I have been stumped by Vitamin Hana games by not finding all the views possible. (This time it was the top of the drawers.) I feel so dumb. These games are seemingly simple, yet there is usually one point where I am stuck. Nice work! Thanks, Bart.

tam said...

lovely game, lovely cats!

Stevens Miller said...

The note was a pixel-hunt. Don't like pixel hunts.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it - where do I find the hint to solve the right-left-problem in the end?
please :)

Anonymous said...

oops - got it :)

anna in spain said...

Thanks, K! You always help me out. Forgot to post, finished it yesterday.

Anonymous said...

how do you free the third cat and get the note off I have a orange diamond shaped key

Skater said...

Kitties are so cute...all the little fuzzy faces playing around! This is a cute little way to pass time. Thanks, Bart!

Anonymous 21:58 Pay attention to the water that is left, it should lead you to getting the item you need to make the cat happy enough to come to the front of the cage.

Chelbo said...

Does the knob actually move? I've clicked, I've dragged but nothing. Please, kind people, help this poor confused soul.

Anonymous said...

There are 3 levels of difficulty in this game.
Very easy: find & use items.
Easy: click on objects & items.
Medium: notice what changes when your not looking.
There are no puzzles.

Joyisawesome said...

Thank you everyone who posted a comment; it helped me get through the game without a walkthrough

Unknown said...



If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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