This time the theme of the contest/game jam was 'kids' and the games had to be targeted to young kids (age 6 and older). Since one of the possible constraints of the contest was that the game had to be partly made by one or several children, I proposed to my own kids (aged 5, 8 and 10) to make a game together and they immediately loved the idea! We sat together for a brainstorm and also choose the 'playground' constraint, meaning the game had to be inspired by a traditional children's game and we picked 'hide-and-seek'.
So the concept for the game and the story comes from the children, but they also drew a lot of the individual graphics: a lot of the object that are in the rooms were drawn by them and then imported, processed, colored and combined on the pc. They also made the artworks that were scanned and are on the walls in the game. I hope you enjoy this Bonte family creation. The children are very proud of their game!
You can also get a downloadable standalone adfree windows version of the game here (which you can run fullscreen on your pc) and you can check all the contest entries here. If you like the game, please take a moment to share it. Thanks and enjoy!
Lovely, lovely little game Bart. Well done to your three children. They obviously have your talents.
Bonte, you did it again. This game is AWESOME!
What a wonderful game! You and your kids must have had a great time making this. Make sure to tell them that they did a fantastic job!
Can't wait to play this, but I can't find a volume control/turn the sound off.. So I guess I will have to wait..
So fun and wonderful!
Bart and Family, wonderful game! I really loved all of the details in all of the rooms (and outside).
A family of artists! What an outstanding game. And great music - care to tell us what it's called?
Cheers! The music is from 'Souvenir de Florence' by Tchaikovsky.
This may be one of the best and fun little game ever.
I loved the artwork and style of the game a lot.
Well done!
What a great game, Bart! My niece (10 years old) absolutely loved it as well. The challenge was there (even for me), but it was not so difficult as to make her frustrated or unhappy. Thanks for sharing this with us. It is a terrific effort from you and your children. :)
Heel erg leuk, die Kat.
Al je games, trouwens...
Loved it! The music and the humor are fantastic!
That was lovely, Bart. Thank you, and thanks to the kids!
Well congrats to Fien, Jasper and Lotte ! Very nice and poetic game !!!
...and congrats to the happy dad !!
bravo! sweet game... loved playing this knowing your kids were involved :)
I kept looking for all of your portraits on the wall :) Cheers Bart.
A cracking little game, thanks.
Such a sweet game! Some things were easy to find, but it seems the outside scenes were more challenging. Took me just a few seconds more to find stuff. Very well done, Bonte Family!! I hope you win! :)
Good grief - I looked at three of the other games and they are HORRIBLE. If the rest is anything like what I sampled, you have this one in the bag, 4Bonte.
Bedankt Bonte familie, dat is een heel mooi spel geworden, ook voor kinderen die al veeeeeeeel ouder zijn dan 6. :-D
What a cute and lovely game! Keeping my fingers crossed for you for the contest!
Bart, is that you hanging by the stairs?
What a wonderful game, Bart! Bravo to you and your family!
Love it! (I can see it leading to a whole sequence of games... mice dreaming of cheese, dogs of sausages, ...)
Bravo!!!!! your children are talented and it was nice that I didn't need help for a change!
That was fun. I was wondering if we'd see the mouse's tail sticking out of the cat's mouth at the end, hehe.
My 5-year old game thought it was a really good game! We had fun playing it and laughing at the hard ones
Simple, challenging, and fun! That was great!
* 5-year old son*
Very well done.
absolutely wonderful. that mouse was hard to find. good thing my 10 yr old was here to help. cheers Bart! ~Kris
I can't make it work. I'm stuck at the language screen - I try to click English and it highlights but nothing else happens.
c'est franchement chou! Merci la famille!
Thank you Bart! Congratulations to you and your kids - great game. I keep my fingers crossed for you. Hope you will win!
Very nicely done! I love how the cat is just as demanding as my real-life feline overlord.
Thanks for sharing your children's talents with us. I was charmed by the graphics, especially the pictures on the wall. Congratulations!
Loved it, and those mice were tricky ;-)
You must be very proud of your children. They did a great job!
oh my gosh - that's so cute!!!
I really enjoyed this little game.
The chosen music is nice and I really love that building the cake fits the rhythm.
And I really enjoy the option to choose different languages.
thank you for creating and sharing!!! :)
This was such a great game! Thank you for sharing it. You're children are on their way to follow in your footsteps.
Very nice game with charming graphics.
Also quite enjoyable for children of 40 :-)
Congrats to you and your children - good job all of you!
I really enjoyed playing your game very much: drawings, music and story!
Great job indeed.
And the cat looks exactly like my Wesley :)
Thank you all!
P.S. I've sent some money for cat food, just in case!
Such a cute game! I love that it was a family effort. :)
What a great little game! :) Thanks for sharing this fun project with us!
Great Game - well done to all the family!!
beautiful graphics, story, music
Very cute! Good job :D
Thanks for all the compliments on our game!! I'm passing on every message to the children and they are so proud of what they created :)
Also thanks for sending the money for cat food ;) we don't have a cat so I'll buy some sweet children food instead ;) (When you download the windows version on itch.io it's a free download, but you can add a little extra)
Everything is nice about this game: the idea behind it, the drawings, the happy music, and the game itself!
This game is really cute!! The graphics and music are well fitted together!
It's like reading an illustrated book!
What a pleasure to play! :)
That game is also challenging!!!!
It really surprises me!!!
It doesn't get much more adorable than this.
Good luck in the competition! I enjoyed the game.
Ha Bart, wat een prachtig familieproject! Dank jullie hartelijk.
Ik ga dit gauw spelen met mijn eigen kinderen, die deels in de doelgroep vallen.
Really good fun
echt leuk, mooi gedaan.
Absolutely wonderful, Bart and kids!
Thanks, Bart and family! Played through with my five year old son and he loved it.
I've followed Bonte games ever since stumbling upon Full Moon what feels like eons ago and I went back and played all the other games you created. I want to say I was around 14? I watched as new games were added, reveled in the similar taste in games we shared. for the past 6 years, Bonte games has been saved in my bookmars, the first thing I go to when I have free time (right next to flipline. Love the papas games!) Just wanted to say thank you for the years of great games. Loved this cute little creation, and look forward to playing it with my 8 year old brother as his introduction to flash games.
Arty's story is exactly like mine!!!
I follow your blog since 2007, and I'm just kind of addicted.
It's an old habit now to check the new games posted every week!
A really big thank you Bart for all these years!!
Wonderful! Fun! Thanks, Bart! and kids!!!!!! Awesome!
Wonderful game! The kids did an outstanding job. The mouse was very scary for me to find and I was like eeeeeeeee it's on the shelf in the kitchen!!! Silly mouse. But at the end the mouse and the cat are all friends and that is very happy. Thank you kids!
Okay, I know that this is irrelevant but I have a question. I recently switched to Windows 10 and I'm not able to play Unity games anymore. Is it possible to play Unity games on Windows 10?
Great game.
I used the "wave the mouse cursor around" trick.
I especially like that about this game.
Nobody likes pixel hunting too much.
Wonderful game reminds me of the graphics in that show Charlie and Lola absolutely brilliant!
The game is amazing! I liked it a lot.
Such an adorable amazing cute game. And the Music worked so well the the game play. Love it 10/10
This was a delightful game. I loved the artwork, the music, the clever hide & seek and the charming end. Thank you! <3
I love this. Some I saw in two seconds and others took much longer. It was a lot of fun.
Ooh, I finally got a chance to play this. How sweet! I loved everything about it. Congratulations! Meow meow meow :3
For those who are interested, Kongregate just added an achievement badge for this game.
OMG, this is amazing! I loved the graphics, and tell your kids that they did amazing art!
This is absolutely the one of the cutest games yet. I love the drawings and animation. You and your children did a phenomenal job, and the concept of hid-and-seek is perfect. I hope there are more games to come from them!!
This is sooo cute. I have to show this to my nephews (5 and almost 7). Really great level of difficulty for younger children I'd say. Objects and mice weren't too easy to find, but not because they were in hiding places you had to come up with by thinking complicately. How much of it was the kids' idea? For a moment I was really worried about the mice since I couldn't know what the cat (or just "Katze") was up to. Would she eat the mice? I was grinning all the time while playing it. Still am, to be completely open about how this great little simple masterpiece makes me feel.
Your fan forever
Marie Lastname the commenter formerly known as Playerette
Good game!! Living with cats and kids made it a bit easier to know where to look, ;). On the mousie level I was wishing there were a hint or reveal button, but I made it through. I'm getting better at some of these games. Is it because I'm training my brain, or just beginning to understand how game designers think?
Well done!
the music in this game is perfect- its like wondering in a cottage garden and time slowed down. Or reading the 11th hour as a kid. I listened to the whole musical piece but this small section is the best. That must of been hard to find!
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