Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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F r e s h g a m e w i t h
I n t r e s t i n g i d e a s .
R o l e p l a y i n g i s
S o m u c h f u n t o d o .
T o d a y i s a g o o d d a y .
good concept fun game! thanks bart!
Interesting game. Beware, however, that sometimes clicking on the same region, in the same color state, can produce different results due to the random motion of the pixels. This caught be by surprise a few times, when I ended up with just a few in some color which were originally the same color as some of their neighbors. So sometimes you need to try the exact same solution more than once to avoid that. I also would have preferred if the game controls didn't overlay the game field - sometimes it was a little hard to see what was there as a result. These problems notwithstanding, overall it was fun and unique.
Some levels have very small clusters that are hard to spot behind the controls. Other than that there's not much challenge. Enjoyable for a short while, and I liked the graphics.
I suppose there's a bug on level 15 - I can solve it by 4 clicks but get the message failed anyway....???
when I choose another 4 click option it does work
I explained this problem above. You're getting some stray pixels that didn't change when they should have due to their random motion. It's a game flaw. They may even be hidden behind some of the game controls.
cool game
Note: Some of the later levels will fail, by floating colours into odd spots, if you get the order wrong. They are achievable, easily, without that happening.
Very relaxing, low brain power game. Just what I needed :-)
I really like this, even if on some of the later levels you have to be pretty quick about changing the colors as to not end up with stray blocks.
LOVED IT!! What a great game! Those stray pixels didn't bother me very much, they added to the "difficulty" in the later levels, as all levels were pretty much straight forward. I would love to see a larger game field with more bubbles and trickier levels, and yes, maybe the game controls not exactly right across where I'm trying to play. Very enjoyable game though, calm music, great movement, just perfect!
Thanks, Bart! This one is a winner!!
I absolutely do not get it.
Okay, I kind of get it, but I agree that the pixels you can't see because of the controls are a drag. Lost interest at Level 14 due to that.
Very beautiful game. I enjoyed playing it, even with the "hidden" pixels (or because of them, to add to the challenge).
Thanks for sharing, Bart!
Give me more!!!
Seriously, does anyone know a similar game? I got addicted to this one but it was way too short!
Too Easy, more levels, more interaction with things, perhaps static objects, colors that cant be changed, differed size and form of the level.
But any case, I LOVE it, nice one.
Absolutely love it. Just enough to get the brain out of idle but not too much to make it overheat.
Very nice. Looking forward to more of this.
Did anyone else notice the FIRST post is done weirdly ?
the glitch on level 15 is NOT a glitch...i failed this level several times before i noticed one singular orange square pops out on the left side...change your strategy and the level can be completed
I got very confused on one level and spent ten minutes on it before I came up with a strategy for beating each level that made the rest of the game easy. If I experienced pixel drift issues, which I did a couple of times, I would just try a slightly different order when I retried it that still complied with my strategy.
My strategy, in case others are stuck, is:
SPOILER if you speak Arabic!
العثور على لون المساحة التي تمس جميع مجالات لون معين وتغييره إلى لونها
If this doesn't make sense, please let me know. I used Google Translate.
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