Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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yeah :) first
For those wondering if there is a map, I'll just leave it here: http://1101b.com/xkcd1608/
Also, my record (without that): 108 coins
oh, wow. There actually is an imperial star destroyer.
I got lost in the crater :( but love the exploring
136 coins, I got tired from exploring inside the big destroyer, like its really big with lots of hallways etc. but its fun to find all the little bits and jokes.
xkcd is so awesome. Thanks for posting this.
nice idea, cute illustration
in my opinion too big for one pic - I got lost and bored
maybe it would be nice to explore all the nice stuff in levels
I managed a 151 coins before i realized how to count them - lol. not a bad effort. Now that I've seen the map I think there was only one or two places i didn't make it to.
I got lost in the volcano too. I wish there were a zoom out button, because when my screen's all black or all white it's really disorienting.
Other than that, I loved the game. Some of the dialogue made me laugh so hard!
I love that you posted this! A cool little game within a comic :)
managed 150 coins :)
and took me quite a while to get out of the volcano again...
Wow - my favorite game designer mentioning my favorite cartoonist! LOVE XKCD!
166 coins (with the map). Took nearly 2 hours >.<
I'm seeing references to soooo many things:
-Star wars
-harry potter
-steven universe
This guy is great
-emperor's new groove
-lion king
Am I the only one that doesn't see a thing on the screen but one coin and all black? I really don't have a clue what to do, but I'm getting pretty curious now...
anonymous 21:59, yes, you might be the only one. it's pretty obvious once you start.
I got 159 coins and I don't know how many there are, but I kind of love that I can explore a world without obstacles/enemies/health to worry about, no time limit, no goal - just explore everything. I think he made this for people like me who just want to see all there is to see.
On the flip side, I started to feel like a fairy in a folk tale - you know how it's said that if you spill salt in front of a fairy (or gnome, leprechaun, elf... fill in your favorite little goblin here), they would have to stop and count every single grain? I couldn't stop hovering around trying to find new places I hadn't seen before.
p.s. there's a MAP????
I'm rereading my earlier comment and I didn't intend to sound so mean in that opening line. I was intending to say "try refreshing the page. it's pretty obvious [what to do] once you start." But instead I belittle a stranger. Sorry stranger!
Nope, got stuck in a cave and no matter what combination of keys I pressed I couldn't seem to get out, no way of knowing what to do as it's just a pitch black screen so I thought that was rather pointless so ended the game there.
Anonymous 21:59, I see the same as you (black screen with a single coin in the corner). I think it is a bug, maybe my computer is too old… If I press the arrow keys a lot, I get flashes of the real screen, but the graphics are still glitchy.
@Helen, @Anonymous: According to explainxkcd.com, "The collision map is encoded in the darkness of the black. Using an image manipulation program, one can easily find the secret pathways even in the zoomed out maps provided below by enhancing the contrast of the dark areas. On a slow connection, it's possible to move into an 'open' area and then the black image loads in and (probably permanently, without tricks) traps you immobile."
insanity! have to stop playing... attacking spaceship is too big to explore
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