
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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November 19, 2015

the sequence

Complete the sequence by using logical thinking in the 40 levels of this puzzle game by Gamezhero.


Anonymous said...

First ^-^

Wee Eck said...

Not working on google chrome.

Helen said...

Got as far as lvl 29 and then got a bit bored and my logical thinking started to fail as I couldn't seem to see how it was logical anymore since the previous level (28).

GeometryMasterX said...

Got as far as Level 33 until I couldn't figure it out...

GeometryMasterX said...

By the way I'm new here!

Anonymous said...

cool! thanks Bart

Anonymous said...

Stuck on 33 as well

Anonymous said...

Hint for 33 (rot13):
Obggbz ebj vf bar gjb guerr sbhe, gbc ebj vf guerr gjb bar mreb.

I need a hint on 40.

CheddarMelt said...


Upper right, you have a 5. work your way down the numbers going to the right.
going across the bottom, pull the pattern to the right, then float the square.
The rest is pulling the patterns up or increasing their sizes.

CheddarMelt said...

Edit: Should start with upper left, not upper right. oops.

CheddarMelt said...

hint for 29: each square is a single logical step away from the square next to it. in this case, each step is a little more or a little less brown.

Anonymous said...

Too easy. And crappy pick up of the tiles made it a rather annoying experience.

Elsie N said...

Would have been WAY more fun and less frustrating if the pick up/drop down mechanic was quicker. Doesn't work with a touch screen, can't switch tiles with each other, etc.

As far as the puzzles, lots of them were kind of arbitrary, but that would've been much less frustrating if you could switch around tiles.

Anonymous said...

Half the time the level would not end when the correct sequence was entered. Had to use a walkthrough for some levels only to realize that I had the correct answer at the start. Very frustrating.

tam said...

Level 31 & 40 were too hard for me, the rest of it was fun!

CheddarMelt said...

for 31, every step away from the beginning just adds a square of brown.

Anonymous said...

I too experienced the effect of having the right sequence but not having the level finish. It always got solved by picking the pieces up and replacing them, but it's an annoying bug that got me looking at the walkthrough for one level where I didn't need to. Once I knew that this sometimes happened I could finish it without too much trouble, though some levels still required a bit of thinking.

I really enjoyed this game, it felt new.

Anonymous said...

For those getting stuck, there's a video walkthrough linked from the game. I needed it for the last 3 levels and even then I'm not sure they really made sense...

James said...

Pretty clever, even if it wasn't too challenging at the beginning. Simple and mind-boggling at the same time!

colinbashbash said...

wish it had an animation at the end of each level to show how they figured it made sense. i got through them all, but some were kind of annoying to guess what they were looking for.

Carly said...

Needed the walk through for three levels:
31 has no logical explanation whatsoever and does not make sense. I would have never come up with the solution.
35 was just plain stupid. There's a million ways to make a logical sequence. How are we supposed to find out which one is the right one?
40 was way hard. Everything does make sense, but to come up with that, jeez, my brain couldn't do it.
The "secret" ending was fun though!
This game could be so much better. I agree with most comments above.

Anonymous said...

Level 6 is the first sign that the "logical" solution to some of these might be a bit arbitrary. Arranging the pieces in the completely opposite order is just as reasonable as the "accepted" solution.

Margaret said...

This was pretty fun, except for the fact that I found about on level 33 that sometimes the right answer still won't work until you reload the game -___-

Anonymous said...

Mr. Spock would be proud of this game. Good stuff.
Thanks Bart.

Anonymous said...

Can't make it work under either Firefox or Chrome. No clue what I could possibly be doing wrong. Other games run fine.

Wee Eck said...

Working on chrome this morning.
got to level 33 then the logic when awry a bit.

deodato said...

Working on Firefox either

clbsfn said...

Bart, your wikipedia page was turned down because it had only 1 source (the Gamasutra interview). I added a lot more sources today and resubmitted it.

Again, let me know if any information is wrong or if you want me to change anything. I want to make sure I do you justice and inform people about you and your games.

clbsfn said...

To find the page, just google "Draft: Bart Bonte" and it should come up.

clbsfn said...

Sorry, ignore the above comment. The page won't come up on Google. It will show up on a "Speedy Deletion Wiki" but some of the facts are wrong.

Look up "Draft: Bart Bonte" on Wikipedia to find the page.

PK said...

Doesn't load (Linux/Chrome). Ah well.

AltoFront said...

I enjoyed the game, but like others, I had the irritation of having the right answer and not completing the level. I made it to the end, but had to refer to the walkthrough for hints for 3 of the puzzles. Not all the sequences appeared perfectly logical, though. I think that had a lot to do with how clearly the design of the tile conveyed the sense of "movement" between each part of the sequence.

They could check an 11+ school entrance exam for ideas - I remember there were a lot of challenging "complete the sequence" puzzles in it when I sat mine.

Anonymous said...

only ones i had trouble with were 29 and 40, although 29 only gave me trouble becuase for somereason it didnt reconise i got the correct answer the first time, but for the rest they all made logical sence for me. i guess i have the same logic as the creator because 31 i got in my first try, not sure what people were having trouble with

Anonymous said...

I made it all the way to 39 without getting stuck. I don't want the full answer, just a hint. Any help?

Anonymous said...

Sorta stuck on level 11... any help?

Anonymous said...

Nevermind that... it didn't load at first when I put in the right answer.


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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