Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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December 21, 2015
submachine 10: the exit

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Wow, it's been a long time since we had a new Submachine game!
Wow this place is BIIIG, been playing for a bit. Wondering if I should draw a map.
Where is the plateforme game with the little Alien?
I deleted the post about that platform game, because everyone commented the game froze somewhere in the middle, I replayed and got stuck too. If you want to try, the game is here: http://bartbonte.com/portal/sprout.html
Awesome! I have been so wanting to see this game. I am excited by how large the playing area is...and to think, it promises an exit.
i was at the end of the platform game just wandering around. it didn't exactly "freeze" but i went somewhere i wasn't supposed to and got stuck in a cycle of death that would reload me back into the acid pit over and over. anyway as for this game i'm stuck as i have been on every submachine game before besides the original, the remake, and FLF. i really suck at these and hate using walkthroughs.
I've been playing this for the last 4 hours or so and I'm pretty sure I'm nowhere near through.
Yes! Can't wait to get started on this one!
I would say Yes! But actually my first reaction was NOOOO! The Exit...
I'm not sure I want to get out...
For sure I'll buy the HD Full screen version as a well deserved present to myself :)
wow this is by far the hardest and largest submachine game so far, which is great its just too bad the series is ending i loved it. i got pretty far before i needed a walkthrough, some of the puzzles are pretty hard to figure out and its so big that i kept forgetting where everything was lol
Okkk, now I understand for the plateforme. I got the froze too and I thought it was due to my computer.
But thanks for the link Bart
Wow! What an experience! I actually cried at the end. It was so good.
Well, played for a while, left, came back, and "Continue" is not available. Lost my game. If you play this, don't shut down your browser 'til you're done.
(This behavior should be illegal under international treaties.)
Stuck in the red brick rooms with only one karmic stabilizer. Walkthrough doesn't show any way to get out.
Okay, figured out how to "back out" of the red brick rooms. But... does anyone know how to get it to save your game?
It saved automatically for me. I just closed it, then went back later and selected "continue" and was right where I left off. Do you have cookies enabled?
saved automatically for me as well, however i played the game off mateusz skutniks site, so maybe the saves only work there
easyest way to tell how to exit one of the looping rooms is the exit room will usually have some metal on each side coming in from behind you. although if your really having trouble just keep cycling through the rooms until you can click the bottom of the screen. the storage 33/1 is probably the hardest room to navigate since theres no pattern and its randomized what room will show up when you move (the area through the portal in that level is also random but the exit is a portal in front of you making it easier)
@Tom/Anonymous, yes I have cookies enabled and other sites store data from Flash games. I certainly have been able to save mildescape.com games, though you do that manually. It's very puzzling.
I will try it from Mateusz's site and see if that makes any difference. This is such a grand effort, I will probably buy the $5 version. I think he deserves it.
I lost my saved game a few times, and could continue a few times as well. Unplayable as it is. It's too vast to have to restart every time, and I sorely miss the zip mode in Myst games, but what's 5 bucks for that amount of playing time when you also get better quality graphics?
Regarding the graphics, I use CTRL/+ multiple times to zoom my browser so I can see it. It doesn't affect the resolution, but it does increase the size so I don't go blind.
Regarding saved games, so far I haven't had a problem, but I would be pretty upset if I lost my save. Having to redo my progress would be painful, and I haven't kept notes so it would be tough.
I have save the game once. Allways start fr.o.m there.
I know this is unlikely, but is there a chance any of you having save problems clicked "new" instead of "continue" when starting? That would probably wipe out any saved game.
Another thing with saving: make sure you're loading the same site each time. The site linked in this post is different than the site linked in the Top 10 of 2015 post (the game hosted directly on the Submachine website). Your saved game will only be present on the site you saved it on.
Thanks for the help on saving, folks. No, I'm not clicking "New Game" by mistake. The problem appears before I could even make that mistake because, after closing the page and reopening it, "Continue" is greyed out and doesn't do anything when I click it. I can come and go from the game, to the menu, and back to the game, because "Continue" is enabled while I'm still on the site. I cut and pasted the URL that took me there and, if I re-enter it and return to the same site, "Continue" is greyed out and disabled every time.
When I look at storage consumed by other sites the Control Panel's Flash applet, I can see several of them do store successfully. (For example, the "Elements" game at neutralxe.net stored 1kb when I clicked on "Save," and had no trouble reloading after I closed my browser and returned later.) Now, all those successful saves I've done were all initiated manually, while "Submachine 10" is supposed to save on its own initiative. Maybe there's something wrong with my configuration that is stopping it. I'm running on the (increasingly irritating) Windows 10, Version 1511, Build 10586.36, which is notorious for changing your settings. But, I've tried to play this game on three different machines (all, admittedly, with Build 10586.36), each with different settings. Can't seem to find anything that makes any difference.
I will buy it for $5 and see if the desktop version works better. For all the work Mateusz put into this, I think he deserves it. But I do have a slightly uneasy feeling when I buy a product to get around a problem the freeware version isn't supposed to have.
Regarding problems saving/restoring, one other thing that might be worth trying is returning to the main menu before exiting. That might force a save, or perhaps give an indication of what the problem is (as opposed to just closing the window while in the game).
I bought the full version and have constantly the same problem. I click on "continue" and it start from scratch. No idea how to solve it. I am playing on a Mac.
Hi Jean-Jacques, you better contact the creator of the game Mateusz about this (http://www.mateuszskutnik.com/), cheers!
thank you bart, I will. Cheers
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