Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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March 25, 2016


Drag and drop tiles to swap places and unite all the colors in uniteswap, the latest puzzler by Logical Cell.


  1. Lovely little game for Easter. Thank you Bart.

  2. Clever, but didn't hold me past the fourth level.

  3. More uninspired puzzles that quickly devolve into trial-and-error :(

  4. Hm. Not into this one.

  5. Is it just me, or can level 3 actually NOT be completed in 1 move (for 3 stars) like it says? Pretty sure I tried all the combinations.

  6. It's easier than trial and error if you aim for the "target" number: the minimum number of moves needed. Look for that one golden move that solves it instantly. Also seems to be a weird swapping rule - you can swap a large block with a group of smaller blocks that make up the same shape.

  7. Elmer Turnipseed25 March 2016 at 18:42

    JGo3000, drag the big purple block down to the bottom, swapping it with the red and blue blocks.

  8. Elmer Turnipseed25 March 2016 at 18:51

    I fluked my way up to level 11, but these par two puzzles are giving me a brain ache.

  9. oooooooooooh! you can do that?

  10. elmer turnipseed25 March 2016 at 19:14

    Yeah, took me so long to figure out!

  11. I can't do #13...PLEASE HELP!!

  12. elmer turnipseed26 March 2016 at 00:38

    Anonymous: to do #13 move the tall pink block 2 columns right, and the tall blue block 1 column left. And finally... you must... you... must... [suddenly dies]

  13. Horrible, I literally couldn't figure out level 2!!

  14. Hi, Helen.

    To solve level 2, switch the purple from the bottom row with the blue in the top right corner; then switch the two small purple and blue pieces.

    Hope that helps.


  15. #20 was hard. Move lower left green block to big group of greens. Swap single purple and blue blocks. Move large green group to the only place it will go. Now there's only one possible move left.

  16. Stuck for ages on level 14 :( Did anyone solve that one?
    And if yes ... how?

  17. Turnipseed! LOL an ty

  18. I noticed an extra comment arrived and was o so very hopeful, lol. Still stuck on 14. Could someone help me through please? Thanks.

  19. level 14 walkthrough.
    1.(3,1) -> (2,1)
    2.(7,1) -> (4,1)
    3.(4,0) -> (0,0)

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I can't figure out level 8.

  22. To solve level 8:
    Drag the bottom right blue block to the green block over the bottom left blue block.
    Then take the bottom left blue block to the top middle.

  23. Hi, arrie NL:
    To solve level 14:
    - in the second row, switch first gold and first pink;
    - in the second row, switch second pink and first blue;
    - move the large pink "blob" all the way to the left.
    Hope that helps.

  24. I think solving 25 involves making a 4x4 square to swap with other bits... any help?

  25. Thank you for answering my question. :)

  26. I am very stuck on level 24. Does anyone have any hints?

  27. Finally figured out 11. Make a 4x4 blue square in the upper corner, and you're laughing.

  28. elmer,
    25 ends with yellow in a square in the upper left, a green square in the upper right, and the other colors are NOT squares. HTH

  29. Anon, I'm guessing on 25 the red L ends up in the lower left. Am I right?

  30. Elmer Turnipseed30 March 2016 at 05:00

    Anyone have any more hints for 25?

  31. Level 25 - it's not going to be 4 squares. I just haven't worked out what shapes they will be or solved it yet...

  32. i think it will be yellow and green squares on top, and two sideways Ls at the bottom, red one in the lower left. Now to get them there...

  33. Just cracked 25:
    Make a big green square and move to top right.
    Swap bottom blue and red blocks. Move red L to...

  34. Thank you for solve 14

  35. help please on 15

  36. Level 7: start with dragging red block at the bottom to the top.
