You can watch a trailer for the game on youtube here. The game is absolutely free, but it has one in-app purchase 'premium unlock' if you want to support bontegames (It will also remove the ads you see when you ask for hints and adds a skip level button when you can't get further with the hints).
Let me know what you think about the game in the comments, please no spoilers if you discovered what's inside :) Enjoy my new game, spread the word and happy puzzling!
1 – 200 of 283 Newer› Newest»Love it, stuck on level 43 :(
Great game, nice try at escape games mechanics without the exploring stuff. I rated it 5 stars on google :) Thanks for the free really cool game !
First anon : Have you used the hints ? If yes and if it's still unclear, look at the three boxes at the bottom of what the hint guides you to. Especially the middle one.
Also stuck on level 43 and the hints don't help - any tips? Don't understand the above! Thank you
Ok :) Another hint for level 43: somewhere on the screen there is a question mark, when you press the question mark it tells you something about other ..., now the second item of those other things..., maybe you have to form that with the letters...
Just enter the words of the second box :)
Thank you but really struggling to see another question mark? It's driving me crazy!
Top right corner of the screen (not on the box, but on the screen)
Aah finally got it. Thank you!! :)
Nice game Bart!
Still, I'm going to rate it three or four... the game is really well done, but I think sometimes the puzzles are repeated nearly identical (like levels 81 and 88 or the WIN and TILT levels) and I when I come to those I'm like "Oh, that's the same as before" and the challenge vanishes... :)
Still have to reach the end, anyway (level 91, so far)!
Level 96 is really hard... can't figure out how to get the last two squares green :c
I'm stuck on 41 any hints?
Very nice game but keeps hanging on my hudl.
Stuck at 45 :(
Stuck on 14, even after the hints.
Oh, man. Finally got 14. On my iPhone, what was hard, especially with my imperfect vision.
somehow stuck on 97 even after hints
I'm stuck on 47, I read the hints, but I guess I'm still not, "walking the line" correctly.
Great game but I am lost on 86
What is the solution to number 19? Ive tried all of the clues, but I still can not get the answer.
Having much fun, as always ... but I'm curious about level 17. Did I really have to tap a few thousand times to get to the solution? Just wondering if I've missed a more elegant solution.
Finished the free levels, now tackling the others. Good job as always, Bart!!
Hi, Bart: Always love your games. Watched the trailer on YouTube; the game looks like fun. And I love puzzles. Sadly, though, there is no BlackBerry version. (No comments please ... I love my BlackBerry.) Do you think the game will ever be available to play on a computer?
Thanks so much Bart! I can't wait to play!
I am totally and completely stuck on level 66 "WIN". I see the hint "straight lines win" but literally have tried everything I can think of and can't get it. Please help!!
Wow actually got it. Feel like a dork now.
Hey Anon, or someone else, can you give another hint to 66 "WIN" please?
Who wants to help me with 78? The hints aren't helping me
For lvl 78 you have to shake your phone for 15 seconds or so.
Lvl 91?????
Thanks for compliments :) Well a lot of levels use the abilities of a phone like tilting, so that's why it's only on mobile.
But you can install the Google Play store on a Blackberry, no?
Ok some more hints for the levels you've asked :)
17: tap once left to start with a new light on top, then tap right until it's in the last position, then repeat this with new lights...
19: look at the symbols from bottom left, can you see it? one, four, .......
41: the four dots represent the four knobs, each time one dot has a line bit that shows how to position the knob
47: pretend you are the dot and you walk along the line, you have to take left and right turns, and there is a left and right button...
66: look at all the lines in the word win: there are 8 lines, and there are 8 knobs with a line...
86: if you make the sum of the two lines, the result is each time up or down...
Ok, that should do for now :) Shout if you need more help
I really don't get anything on the 91, I tried combinations between puzzle pieces and lights, clicking everything, nothing seems to let a light stay on :(
for 91: tap all the puzzle pieces that have the top piece, and then tap the top light.
I am stuck at 97 now, tried a few different patterns, but it does not work...
Really can't get past 84! Tried changing the knobs so the lines make TILT, but obviously I'm not doing it right...
Thanks Judith !
I'm stuck at lvl 39 whatever i do i cant find the right number.
Judith if you're still stuck at 97, I guess you found the pattern in the upper left, this pattern is not the general one, it's the one you have to put in each corner with in the end the upper left corner visible.
Phew. Done. I finally opened the box. And inside, there's a... Because I'm a...
anon stuck at 39 : There's only one combination to those roman numbers close to each other:
You can't enter a 10, so the X is part of a 9.
Then for the last two numbers, the last two I must go with the V to form a 7.
The solution is then 3 7 9.
ami : at the 95 you must push the buttons of the initial letters of each number from 1 to 20.
Still more help on 43
16 hints, and out. Loved it!
Stuck in 36! Non English speakers have disadvantage here?
No Bart you are a star!
How a level 21 games the box��
What is the answer to 37?
Great game, Bart. I got it right away for myself and my daughter! She loves it too.
I can't get enough of the games you think up!
96 is killing me
Aaah! So stuck on 84!! Any tips?
43 : Click the "?" in the upper right of the screen, a menu opens, there are three boxes in the bottom, look closely at the middle one.
36 : *Think* about it seriously. What is in K ? Th. Th is in k. Th in k. Think.
21 : There's a line. Sometimes it's up, sometimes it's down.
37 : Classic game, if you really can't manage to finish it, just click 4 buttons, line 1 row 2, line 2 row 4, line 3, row 1 and line 4, row 3.
96 : This one is pretty hard and it took me some time to figure out a method. First, manage to get all the borders in green, whatever the method, click everywhere until all the borders are green. Then when you only have the 4 buttons in the middle that need to be turned green it will be really easy. One tap and left/right change, next tap and up/down change. so alternate between the border buttons next to your target (for example you try to change the color of line2 row 3, click alternately on line 1 row 3 and line 2 row 4), depending on where in the cycle you are (up/down or left/right) until the button is green and repeat the operation for the other buttons until everything is green.
84 : T I L T ! T = _ |, I = |, L = |_ and so on...
Ĺove it! (Well it is a bonte game after all!) Nice mix of puzzles, except for the sliding tile ones! Argh! I hate these so much! Bought the full version, partly to support my favourite developer but also partly for the skip level option - but I can't find it. Am I missing it?
I love the games! I'm still working through the levels but I like that they're challenging! Thank you Bart!
Help lvl 78 :(
wait I just got 90!!! great game Bart- I've been playing your games and following your blog almost daily for 5 years now!
If you bought the premium unlock, the skip level button will appear in each level after you asked two hints for that level.
Hint for 90?
Somebody PLEEEASSSSEEEEE help out with 47, I understand that I am supposed to turn right and left, but my brain just wont wrap itself around the correct order. I've tried it dozens of times.
18 hints used! Box opened. I'm a S _ _ _ !!!!
Level 47: pretend you are the dot walking the line and taking left and right turns, so it's: r l l r r r l l r r r l l r r r l l r r r l l r
90: 9-ty, so 9 times 'ty'.
I can't figure out level 100, feel a little stupid now :')
84 is impossible T.T
doesn't work either way up.
Great game Bart!!! spent all afternoon playing, instead of doing some work... could not stop. Used some hints, some levels were a bit hard. Enjoyed it a lot!
Judith : Level 100, try to write BOX with the buttons.
> ^ v
> v ^
Dimpl : You seem to have forgotten something, T I L T ! => -|||--||
Help with 92? I can only get the border. I get the dial does something but I'm not 100% sure the logic behind it yet.
Stuck on 35!
92 : Just define the direction in which the light will go with the upper round button then click on any square button to add a light.
35 : Just imagine that this is a phone keyboard.
thanks!!! i was thinking about 92 the entirely wrong way.
Level 57: which button stands for which direction? And which is the "starting" dot?
57: (in order of increased "spoiling".
Starting position: The starting dot is the top dot, on the line.
Each button stands for a dot position.
Think of it as "on the line", "inside the line" and "outside the line".
The middle button is "on the line", the first button is "inside the line" and the third button is "outside the line". press the buttons in the order they appear, starting and ending with the top dot.
If you're still having trouble I can post the order.
I am having fun!!! Thank you, Bart :)
Great job!
Thanks soo much Bart!!!! Your games always make me happy!
Wish your beat would continue till oneself taps away the ending scene... i just love your music!
Help 54 level ??
Level 54: It´s quite straitforward. It reads "This times ten" and this is level...
:-( weer level 56 ???
Love it. Did the in app purchase, trying not to skip the harder levels now...
Level 56 : Just look at the drawing in the middle, sometimes it points to the left, sometimes up, sometimes down and sometimes to the right.
Level 59 This is difficult but easy .recht left. R or L
Any hints for 61 would be greatly appreciated
level 65 help e n ee ??? Nummer
Your games are the best. I love that we have to really use these brains we were given. Thanks for all your work creating these great games.
So...I paid the $1.99...can't skip a level. And it took away my progress on the level I was on. Pretty bummed.
Stuck on 78, know I have to follow the figure, but everytime i'm doing it, it won't
Going crazy by this.
If you bought the premium unlock, the skip level button will appear in each level AFTER you asked two hints for that level.
And the app remembers your progress even after buying the premium unlock, unless you have reïnstalled the app.
I stuck in level 44 please help
Level 61: A puzzle piece only stays pressed when you selected all the lamps in the directions that a puzzle piece has a part sticking out
Level 65: N in E on E on E -> nineoneone
Level 78: tap the buttons in the order of the line, so start in top left corner for example, then to the right, then down, then to the left, etc.
Level 44: dot = button, N= north, E= east, ...
I am really having probs with lv 43.
"Click the "?" in the upper right of the screen, a menu opens, there are three boxes in the bottom"
Does not work, every time I click the questionmark in the circle I only get a yellow menu with your older games and your social network stuff.
Pleas help.
Best regards,
The ? is indeed referring to the screen that you get when pressing that '?' in the upper right, then 'more 2' is referring to the 'more mobile games' part of that screen, so you need the name of that second older game, and form it with the letters on level 43! Cheers!
71 leven help ???
Bart, u are my hero, I am so glad I cannot tell.
Bright cookie as u are.
Do u mind if i featuere your game...as I did before with your games on my blog?
I am soooo addicted with these little gems u make.
Keep up ur work, keep going, this is really outreagous.
Best regards,
Stuck on 95, any ideas?
Yeah, I'm still not understanding lvl 59.
I have a physical puzzle where you have to move 8 different levers in a more or less binary order to extend 8 corresponding panels. In that puzzle it takes 256 moves, so I tried the same solution to number 17, which took 1074 taps (as close as I can figure out, 1024+50) ... going by Bart's answer to my earlier question, the best solution takes only 55 moves. I am a silly duck.
Nevermind, I figured out lvl 59
All of Bart's Games are great, but "What's in the box" is just amazing! Please keep making more games!
Thanks! If you enjoyed the game, please leave a rating/comment in the app store, thanks very much!
Oh and of course tell all your friends and family to install it as well ;)
Hi I'm stuck on 55 - I've turned the dials in the direction of the lines to get from the dot to the end but this isn't right :( no idea what else the solution could be?!
Oops got it! :)
Help 71 level help ???
Level 71: alltotheleft... all to the ...
Stuck on 98. After the first hint I figured it must be "BOX" but when I lit it up it didn't seem to work. I then tried putting each letter in a box and that didn't work either. I have also tried to form 1 large box around the entire word ([BOX]) and that didn't,to work either. Now I'm confused.
@Devin just BOX will do for level 98: B to the left, O in the middle and X to the right
PLEASE level 86 ???
86: if the top line stretches farther from the middle than the bottom, press the top one and vise versa
Ok I figured out 98 I was doing "B" wrong by doing 3 instead of [3. Onto level 99. This puzzle is EVIL. I need to find the trick to it.
Please level 71 nummer clock help
Try writing out all the letters in one continuous string.
Dose anyone have a strategy for level 99?
YES I GOT IT! If anyone else needs help let me know! On to puzzle 100!
DONE! Fun last puzzle! Great game! Can't wait for your next one!
Level 78: tap the buttons in the order of the line, so start in top left corner for example, then to the right, then down, then to the left, etc. ???
Level 78 :👉👈👇👆
I am stuck on level 52
Bonte, It is really a nice game! congratulations!
Thanks Bart!
52- Here's what worked for me: start with the bottom layer so you don't mess up the top in the process,
I) Solve the top row and left column
II) You are now left with a 2X2 (very easy to solve)
III) Repeat for top layer.
I'm stuck on 52
Great game, Bart but I'm sad because I finished all the levels. 5/5
Help help level 78 help help !!!!!
can any help me with the level 46, insanely stuck, tried all kind of combinations, none of the works :( the clues are not helping...
spoiler for level 46: There are 4 indicators drawn on the center of the box. Match the line on the dial to its corresponding drawing. For example the upper right drawing is an arrow pointing down so click the dial 4 times to point the indicator down. :) T.
I'm stuck on level 57 I need help I've tried all the hints in the comments but I still can't get past the level. Help!
62 mirrored numbers? Any help?
Level 57: Middle right left right middle right left right ...
Level 62: the numbers are mirrored: 2 . . 2
Level 58: can you make a box around each 'box' word?
How do you 'walk the line' on lvl 59? I've used the hints but I don't get it.
Installed! Thanks! I can't wait to play!
Stuck on 63, have no idea...
Can anyone help?
Lol, solved)
Lvl 59?
I still can't figure out level 66. The hints don't help at all. What am I supposed to do?!?! :(
Level 66: The 8 lines in WIN are: \/\/||\|
So if we spread the over the 2 lines of 4 knobs, the knobs should be like this:
Level 59: start at the top dot and see on what side you pass the other dots if you would walk on the line, so it's: LRRLRLRRL
Level 95: count up: One Two Three ... or O T T ... and keep going :)
Thaks for the hint on 62. 2..2 I would suppose the others are 66, but no matter what I do I cannot solve it. Help
Lvl 61?
Got 62. Yeah
I need help for level 63
For level 66 I've used the hints and I've tried everything I could think of but it's still wrong, help please?
Bart I really need help 4 lv. 52.
I am not good in this sliding stuff.
I understand that i have to push the buttons on the downest layer, and that u have to create a box on the middle layer so also a circle on the upper layer, but thats all I got.
I am not able to manage the middle level with the square, its driving me nuts.
Help a dumb person get over this level, please.
I am working on this for about 7 hours and it went really frustrating.
Maybe I am just stupid.
78 help!
I can't figure out level 84. None of the hints are helping. I've tried every combination I can think of and nothing works. What am I supposed to do?!?!?!
Ugh. How do you do level 84?!?! NOTHING WORKS! Which ways are the knobs supposed to go? The hints don't help at all. Somebody help me!!!!
Can someone please help me with 96 I used the hints and the comments on the site but I can't seem to get it.
Level 84:
T = -|
I = |
L = |-
T = -|
! = |
Just run those across the first line and onto the second.
Stuck on 58. I know you are supposed to make a box around each box word, but I can't figure it out.
Level 58:
Positions the knobs so they form the corners of each box.
Thank you. I feel dumb. Haha
I still don't understand level 84. Can someone please just tell me what the top row and bottom row of knobs are supposed to look like? None of the hint that have been given are helping me at all.
I don't understand level 91. It's probably something really simple but I just can't figure it out. :(
Level 82 help please
Level 84:
The lines in TILT! are: - | | | - - | |
So the first 4 on the first line of knobs and the last 4 on the second line of knobs:
- | | |
- - | |
Level 91:
To light the top light: tap all the puzzle pieces that have the top piece, and then tap the top light,
Same logic for the other lights...
Level 82:
Tilt the device in a direction of a button. When a button lights up, press it to keep it lit.
Hi, stuck on level 97. Tried lots of different combinations but none are right :( any tips? Thank you :)
Level 97: That chess pattern you see on the bottom layer in the left top, try to make that on all levels: so make a chess pattern with the big and the small sliders, but make sure you can also see the pattern on the bottom when you are done...
Stuck on 100 ...how frustrating!
I just don't get level 94. I can't get all of the lights to be the same color.
I don't understand level 96. Can someone help me?
I love your games Bart but my device isn't compatible with this one. Will an online version be released soon please?
I have tried all different combos for level 92. I get to 2 squares not lit. Any help. I have been working on 92 for 2 days. Please
I was having fun until level 52, I've never liked those types of sliding games and now I'm stuck with 2 in one level.
I still can't get level 96. What am I supposed to do? None of the hints that are given in the game help at all.
Exelente juego, terminado
Lost it on 86.. Didnt understand the hints given in game or on here :/ or at least misinterpreting them
96? Same as above. Cannot figure out the hints.
I've been stuck on level 96 for three days. SOMEBODY HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!
Great Game!!
Mr Bonte thank you for sharing it with us.
Greetings from Greece
Great game but I'm totally lost on 86. I understand what I'm supposed to do but I just can't get it to work. Help!
I'm still stuck at 97. I know what I'm suppose to do, I know how to slide it, but it's not working. following the pattern on te bottom, for me it is like that on all layers, but looks like it's not and I don't know what to do. Tried with small chess pattern, then with big squares made of four small one and still nothing.
Level 97: you need the small chess pattern, but make sure the bottom right square is white and the top left square is open so yo can see the pattern on the ground layer too.
Level 86: top line is level (0) or 1 up (+1) or 2 up (+2), bottom line is level (0) or 1 down(-1) or 2 down (-2). The sum of each position is +1 or -1 -> top or bottom button
96. all the hints I have tried, but cannot figure it out. up down left right. Can anyone help? Cannot get all the same color.
@ Anonymous 21/05/16 - 16:52
I'm right there with you. I've been stuck on that level for three days and I still can't figure it out. :(
I STILL can't get past level 96. I've been stuck on it for FIVE DAYS. None of the hints work. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?!?!?!
Level 96: I will try to explain how to solve the level. In this level each tap will alternately change the color of two buttons: left and right from the pressed button, or up and down from the pressed button.
So during the level try to remember each turn what buttons will change: left and right or above and below.
With this knowledge you should be able to make the border (x in drawing below) the same color:
Then for the 4 middle buttons you can use a logic:
Suppose you need to get the x below in a certain color:
You can get the x to the color you want by alternatively tapping buttons 1 and 2 below:
This will only change the color of button x.
You can use the same logic to do all the middle buttons:
Good luck! I hope this was a bit clear :)
I still don't get it. I just need to know what order to press the buttons in. I'm sick and tired of being stuck on this level.
I still don't get it. I just need to know what order to press the buttons in. I'm sick and tired of being stuck on this level.
Hey Bart, I'm not sure if this is a problem with just my phone, but the hint button started glitching on level 86. It won't indicate that I even pressed it, nor will it load the ads. My phone is an Android, if that makes a difference. I've been loving this game so far and I'll keep playing, it just might take me a lot longer!
I still don't get level 61, any help would be appreciated.
Fun as always! The levels were definitely tricky by the end, but that's why it's fun!
Level 61: the purpose is get all puzzle pieces pressed so they don't pop back.
Top left puzzle piece: the puzzle piece has parts sticking out up, down and right: so light the up, down and right lamp, then press the puzzle piece: it will not pop back, good!
Top right piece: it has parts sticking out left and right, so only light the left and right lamp, then press the puzzle piece.
Level 91: inversed logic of level 61: here you have to make sure a lamp stays lit.
To light the top lamp: press the puzzle pieces that have a top part sticking out, then light the top lamp, it stays lit, good!
To light the right lamp: press the puzzle pieces that have a right part sticking out, then light the right lamp.
Still stuck on 55. More hints please.
I'm so stuck on level 34. Apparently I'm an idiot?
Okay so I have a solution for 99, but it's a little hard to describe. Essentially, if you tap four times, such that each tap is in a different row and column, the dots you tap change once and everything else on the board changes twice. Using this method, you can turn four lights on in a batch without changing the state of the rest of the puzzle. The simplest way to see this is with diagonals. Tap across the diagonal and you end up with
Tap across the other diagonal for
The next part is tricky, because you have no obvious pattern, but I'll point it out with exclamation points.
This leaves you with
Just tap the four remaining squares and you're done!
i cant get past level 34 and i have no idea why someone help
Level 34: red in triangle: push 3 times red, green in square: push 4 times green, red in hexgon: push 6 times red, etc.
Level 55: the dot is in the upper left corner of the symbol, so it represents the upper left knob.
From the dot there is a line going to the bottom right corner, so the upper left knob should point to the bottom right.
Then from the bottom right, there is a line going up, so the knob in the bottom right should point up.
Then the line goes from the upper right corner to the bottom left corner, so the knob in the upper right corner should point to the bottom left.
And finally the bottom left knob should point to the right.
I love your games Bart and this one is no exception. I'm actually stuck on lvl 52 with that damn sliding puzzle. I hate sliding puzzles so much lol! Thanks for the fun anyway!
Ok so I am stuck on 78, you say follow the line for the symbol but there are only the nine buttons i have tried following what looks like a 2 and reversing for the five following up and changing direction for the 5, having the buttons follow and try to keep them connected, put them as two different things I AM LOST if there were 15 buttons this would make sense to me but on 9 I cannot see how I am supposed to do this and NOTHING is solving it. Pleese just how am I suppose to draw this?
For level 78: if the 9 buttons are numbered like this:
Then you have to press them in this order: 1254785896523
I need help on 35 I just can't seem to get it I understand it's supposed to be like a phone number but I don't know how I think you need to fill in the blank numbers at the bottom but i don't know which numbers to use
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