
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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May 31, 2016

boxes love boxing gloves

Boxes love boxing gloves is the latest puzzlescript puzzler by Alan Hazelden: try to reach the exit in each level but beware of boxes with boxing gloves... (Oh and like most of his games: the puzzles are hard!)


hespetre said...

This is good. Have been stuck on level 4 for ages. (thanks for the z option so I don't have to die every time)

Helen said...

I don't like these games at all, my brain just doesn't work the way required, I can't even understand level 2 so quit there. No music, just a simple frustrating puzzler with about 10 pixels.

Wylywyz said...

Really stuck on level 4, can't think far enough ahead to picture a solution.

Wylywyz said...

Finally solved 4, level 5 seems even more complicated

StalagTilt said...

Dont know if you saw this one bart, found it very nice :

Marie said...

very gooood...
but very difficult !
stuck at level 13... any help ?

Kiel B said...

@William: 5 isn't as complicated as it seems, you just need a way to separate the 4 boxes on the left so they aren't above/below each other to crush you. Only one box can help you here, it's just a matter of positioning that box to make the journey.

Anonymous said...

I also got stuck on level 4.
I then "hacked" the game & found a ? in lv.4.
It appears to be a special condition only in lv.4.
In other words the rules were changed to make it harder.
So now I will quit cause that's cheaty & unfair .. boo hoo.

Marie said...

I don't understand the previous comment about level 4.
I was stuck there too, but now that I've reached level 13, level 4 seems very easy to me... and it seems to have the same rules as others levels.

has anyone solved level 13 yet ? and could give a hand ?

Alan Hazelden said...

Hi there, developer here! Responding to comment 8: the ? rule in level 4 is just something to control the priority of which box triggers first in cases of ambiguity. In most of the cases I use it, it's there to prevent weird situations from coming up and confusing people, rather than anything to do with the actual solution to the level.

Hope that makes sense!


Anonymous said...

Stumped on level 8 - I know I need to bring the upward puncher down to the bottom, but can't see how to push it through the central board area and beyond...

Good game, but hard from the start!

Anonymous said...

Stuck on level 13 too grrrrr!!!
The central springbox doesn't seems to be push up and to the right without springing.

Marie said...

for level 8 :

put the down puncher on the top, and the upward puncher under it
push the 2 of them on the right side of the grey stone, and go between them (don't forget to put a side puncher just under the grey stone before)
repeat from under the first grey stone, and with the second grey stone, and tadaam ! you've reached the bottom

(sorry for my poor english)

Anonymous said...

Clue for level 13:
grid: A-B-C
The puncher in E.
Bring the boxing box (up) in F
Bring the boxing box (right) in A
Push F in G and the puncher goes in C without springing!

La nuit porte conseil...

Anonymous said...

Clue for level 13:
The puncher in E.
Bring the boxing box (up) in F
Bring the boxing box (right) in A
Push F in G and the puncher goes in C without springing!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Marie for level 8 - I was fixated on keeping the downward puncher available for the push down, and so didn't think of stranding it on the top row...


Dr. Mario said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Currently stuck on level level 15, anybody got some tips?

Dchapman2690 said...

Does anybody have any extra tips for Level 5?

marie said...

tip for level 15 :
once the upward puncher is in front of the springbox, put the left puncher between them

any tips for level 14 ?

Anonymous said...

Level 14: Try to find a way to push the leftmost upward puncher to the left.

Anonymous said...

that's exactly what i'm trying to do...

Anonymous said...

Maybe try and put the springbox 1 row higher

marie said...

thanks to all those anonymous for their precious tips...
still 20 and 21 to solve

mais puisque la nuit porte conseil...

Anonymous said...

any idea for level 20 ?

Anonymous said...

For level 20 you need to get the downward punching springbox to the right. To do this I used all other springboxes (in sprung form) to make a protective train around this springbox then pushed this train right with the right puncher and then cleared it to the left with the left puncher so that I could get to the springbox to push it the final bit...

Marie said...

yeeeeeeeesssssss !
I've finished all levels !
thanks for the help, thanks to Bart for posting, and thanks to Alan Hazelden for making us suffer with this wonderful game !

Anon the 2nd said...

4?.. Obv that the up puncher has to taken to the down puncher to clear the exit but CANNOT figure out how to get it one more space down so it's in front of the left puncher.. ??!!

hespetre said...

Could someone help me on level 4? I'm still there, not wanting go give up, after several days...

Anonymous said...


Easy to come:

R goes up? U around and push by your lumberjack body:

L goes around and you goes around to push U down/

I let you find how to arrive here:
and the rest is easy.

I hope it's clear. Better than words or my french words... hello from Nantes!

Anonymous said...

Better this way! But less legible :)


Easy to come:

R goes up, U around and push by your lumberjack body:

L goes around and you goes around to push U down:

I let you find how to arrive here:
and the rest is easy.

I hope it's clear. Better than words or my french words... hello from Nantes!

Anonymous said...

Stuck on 14!!!
Please help me!

hespetre said...

I'm sorry, Anonymous, was that for me? I don't understand what the R's and x's and so on mean...

Anonymous said...

It's the map with letters:

R = Box boxing right
L = Box boxing left
U = Up
D = Down
X = Wall square
0 = empty square


Anon the 2nd said...

Got the map but can't see how you get L from just to right of the 'gate' into position under the R..

marie said...

for level 14, use the same trick as in level 13 to put the springbox (in its small form) 1 row higher, in the corner above the leftmost upward puncher...

Anonymous said...

To Anon:
really? go under it, push it up , go next right to it and push it left!!! Basic moves!

Anonymous said...

To Marie: merci! C'est ce que j'essayais depuis un moment mais du mauvais côté... après une pause la solution m'a sauté aux yeux grâce à ta motivation.

Anon the 2nd said...

Thanks Anonymous. I was assuming it had to go down the right hand side of the dividing wall.
Now stuck on 6 after a relatively easy 5.. I have got what seems to be really close, by setting off a little chain reaction, but then find one thing blocking the way.. and just can't see another way around it.. sigh

Anonymous said...

level 7 hint please???

Anonymous said...

anon, have you tried to push the upward pusher to the bottom ?

Anonymous said...

for level 7, manage to push the right upward puncher to the left

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have a hint for level 18? I've been working on it for the past two days but I feel like I've exhausted all the possibilities I could think of...

Marie said...

for level 18 :
maybe you should use the door where you came from ?

Jade said...

No idea what to do with no 12 ... please help

marie said...

level 12 :
use the right springbox to help the down springbox (unextended) to reach the right part of the level

Jade said...

Marie, thanks a lot, it worked at last!

Anonymous said...

Complete walkthrough in a single GIF

Anonymous said...

Thanx for the gif(t)

Bart said...

Indeed an amazing gif(t)!

Burnt Ice Cream said...

WOW, great game Bart! and you are right, tough as nails! Thanks!

shokoshu said...

A great game. Only logic, minimalistic rules, horrendous complexity.
Sokoban on crack :) (Alan, maybe you should add to the description
that boxes can be pushed, stupid me was stuck on level 1 already...)
Finally I had the idea that boxes can be pushed with other boxes,
I'm tempted to make up some own levels now.


Stage name said...

Okay, so it's over two years later. I realize everyone in this forum is long gone, but I finally solved all the levels, unassisted. I was stuck on 13, 14, 15, 20 and 21, gave up for two years, then got 15, 20 and 21 a month ago. But, got stuck replaying level 8, and couldn't remember how I'd solved it! Okay, got that again. But I honestly thought 13 and 14 were unsolvable. Unless, there really was a way to get that one-time-down box up without springing it. Which was impossible, right? Then, it dawned on me. And then it still took me another couple of hours to get level 13.


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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