Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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Well I was enjoying it until the part where it said don't stand on blocks without exist pads left me utterly confused. I also had to keep scrolling the screen down as it doesn't fit on my laptop screen which is irritating. I suppose I should also add the customery comment of 'first' here!
That part had me confused at first too :) It means your body can only stand on those green pads, no other bottom parts of your body can touch the ground (where there are no green pads)
Is there no way to save progress? I was on level 11 or so when flash crashed, and when I restarted I was back to level 1.
anyone know how to pass level 12 im so stuck
Level 12: Collect the 8 squares, jump down on the small square, extend to the left to a lenght of 5 blocks and add 3 blocks to form an "inverse L" on the top of the rightmost block. The rest should be obvious.
Level 12 hint - tried that three+ times, it didn't work. Gave up. Assuming it's buggy (I'm using latest FF on El Capitan)
Sorry to hear that. A more precise hint for level 12:
After jumping down, you should build this shape
then move left and finish by building
(# = block , _ = empty space)
For myself: I'm stuck on level 22 and giving up here.
Thomas, if I remember well, level 22 is the last level... Pretty challenging, but not impossible.
You have to make your last cut so that a single block falls on the single target.
Great mechanics, tough problem solving, great game in my opinion !
I can't manage to find a solution to lvl 10, for the life of me.
Ok, I finally understood that if you cut some part in the air it didn't fall, so I passed lvl 10... But now I'm stuck at 17 :(
Ya, I had to have the same realisation then it was fairly plain sailing until 17.. Now stuck as hell..
and now not.. in hindsight, so obvious..
Go right, drop, then left collecting everything as far as you can go. Cut at point where left section drops to level below, go right until below rh end of cut piece, add piece to vertical & rejoin to horizontal piece. Go right and drop.
I for some reason can not get past level 5 =-(
Kate - figure out where you have to put a new square/block to prevent dropping thru the gaps as you edge out to collect the last 3 blocks..
I love the little legs and the eyes
Can anyone please give a little more help on level 22?
LVL 22 - It's all about making long shapes and reaching out to stuff.. though that's kinda obv
If that doesn't help spoiler below:
Go left and collect 'splitter'
Go right and collect 'merger'
Split top 6 blocks off and select them
Go left and merge to left end of the 'E on its back' shape
Go right again and pick up 4 blocks and 'splitter'
Fill in the 2 gaps in the shape to make a 2x8 block
Split horizontally and select top half
Go right to collect 'merger'
Go left all the way to make a 1x16 shape and merge
Go right and drop
Collect 'splitter' by adding the 2 remaining blocks to reach it
Go left all the way and split off left end block to drop onto exit pad
Need help on level 13.
I'm completely stuck on lvl 9.
Of course I figure it out now.
And a hint for level 9? I start with a single block, then I collect the 2 single blocks to the right, stack vertically over the single block and collect the four blocks up.
Then... ?
For level 9 : afet collecting the four blocks, add two to the bottom right and two to up left
How about level 5?
5 - As mentioned above you have to figure out where you have to put a new square/block to prevent dropping thru the gaps as you edge out to collect the last 3 blocks..
Struggle-bus-ing with level 11. I start out looking like a little upside down u and have one extra block and one split. I can't seem to figure out what to actually do though :(
Stuck on level 19 - can't figure out where to make cuts & fuse.
Level 11 - collect the block and split. - Use the block to make a rectangle. (after that it should be simple).
I'm also stuck on lvl 11 and the above comment does not help. Where do I split?
Once you make a rectangle, it will let you cut the whole thing in half, horizontally. You can then move the new small rectangle to the bottom.
Yes, thank you. I figured it out five minutes after posting the comment. Irony.
I can't get past level 5!!! I'm so confused....
^I meant level 3, sorry! I don't know how to collect the three blocks
Stuck on lvl 19. Some hints on where to cut?
For lvl 3, you just grow some squares vertically.
Thanks Bart and everyone else for the help and walkthroughs, it's a really challenging (yet addictive) game and once I began to think along the right lines I managed a few levels without any help before I had to come back here for level 11 which was a headache haha!
Interesting game mechanic. So far I'm enjoying the game. Thanks Bart. :)
I got stuck at level 5 of all places and then on 22. At least level 5 i figured out myself. Did anyone manage to get all the powerups collected on the "end"-sandbox-y" level?
nevermind that, i got everything in the sandbox, i just didn't get all of the stuff connected. guud 'nuff
The "exit pad' thing confused me, too. Funny, but that one moment just took all the fun out of what was shaping up to be a good puzzler. Interesting...
It's not there anymore for me, I don't know if that's temporary or not. Incidentally, Bart, your website has been going down for me repeatedly, and I've been using Google's cached versions. This happens both on my laptop and my families desktop, so it's not just one faulty computer.
19 - Go right, cut off piece that stops you from dropping down, merge with chunk on right then cut off piece to leave shape you need to touch both pads.. Go left and drop onto pads
The developer changed the link of the game, should be working now again, cheers!
Stuck at level 26... any hint please? Thanks!
Any hints for level 23? (it looks like when the URL was changed, there were more levels added).
Level 26 (just from my memory - too bad one cannot select levels and replay them): Add a block to the upper left to make a T-like shape, go right, drop a little bit, but stay on the inactive shape, add a block to the bottom of the 'T', then merge. Rest should be obvious.
Too bad, there is no way of saving the progress. Had to leave the game at level 30 and by no way I'll play all the levels again just to reach 30 another time.
Stuck on level 13. I can't think of any other way to get past this level aside from adding the new block to the top left corner to grab the splitter, but then I don't know how to complete the level. Help??
Level 13 - put the new block on the bottom right, before you drop down.
Please - help on level 23.
Tip on level 23 : you need to grow vertically, then right. Then move your shape full right to grasp the block on the right. At this point, you need to have 2 "growings" left.
On level 23, I'm getting that far, but then I'm always falling.
I am stuck on level 30! I see how to solve it with four splitters, but not with three.
Further SPOILERS for lvl 23: you grow twice vertically and then at the top once to the right. Then you move right to get the block on the top right. You have two grows left at this point. You add them to the bottom right. And then you move one step left, so you're no longer touching the top block.
Any tips for level 24? I'm getting stuck more and more frequently.
Lvl 24: Go right an collect both items. Go left till 1 block is over the edge. Split straight up where the Edge is...
Thank you!
Need some help on level 27
Lvlv 27: Drop on the left Side, but don't miss the Ledge with the items.
Connect 1 Block to your left End, go all the way ricght, join with the right soldi fragment, go all the way left. Now you just need to split correctly...
I need some help on lvl 26 as well. I just don't get it.
Got it! Somehow...
Can anyone help with Level 30?
wish i could help. i'm stuck at 28.
Woohoo!! More levels!..
27 - I couldn't drop left and land on the ledge with items.. just not possible.. So I dropped right and that was easy.. then added block on left end, etc..
heeeeeeelp !
level 30 ? anyone ?
Nope, 30 has me stumped.. Anyone get it?..
Sorry. Stuck at lvl 28.
Sidenote: It'd be really convenient if there was some sort of saving function built in. Going through all the earlier levels goes pretty fast at this point, but it's still kind of annoying.
For those who are stuck, I have uploaded a walkthrough video for levels 1 to 30. I am currently stuck at level 31.
I agree about the need for a saving feature.
Thank you for the walkthrough, Yannick R! I was stuck on level 30 for days.
You're welcome, Rebecca. Level 30 was certainly tough. I hope you can help me on level 31 ! I'm far from the answer for the moment...
Detailed walkthrough for Level 31:
1. Pick up the splitter.
2. Divide in half; select the lower three.
3. Pick up the extra block.
4. Go all the way to the right and pick up the splitter.
5. Add a block to the right at the top, under the green button (making an L-shape).
6. Split in half. Select the top two blocks, which are horizontal. Now you're traveling with the green button.
7. Go right. Pick up the two joiners and two splitters as you fall, and go down to the end and grab the third splitter.
8. Position the block with the green button directly over the first hole from the left.
9. Split, selecting the green button block.
10. Join.
11. Split, selecting the lower block.
12. Go right. Join. Go right.
13. Build straight up through the middle hole.
14. Split, choosing the single upper block.
15. Ta-da!
Well done, Rebecca, and thank you ! I hadn't been able to figure out how to carry the green button.
I'm a little sad that there is only one level missing in my walkthrough now...
Hi! This is Dan Harris, the creator of Theseus.
Thank you all so much for playing my game and working through the puzzles together. It's amazing to read and watch all of it.
I've just updated the game to add arrow buttons that let you skip between levels. You can now get back to where you left off, or skip a level you're stuck on.
Finally, I'm working on a vastly expanded version of Theseus, and it's now on Steam Greenlight! If you enjoyed playing this version, it would mean so much to me if you'd vote for Theseus on Greenlight, and share this link with anyone else who might be interested in seeing a full version on Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=684652823
You can also find me on Twitter @themeorch. Thanks again, everyone!!
I have another end for 31 that doesn't use all the 'functions':
Get to stage 11 in Rebecca's instructions then..
12) Go right to collect one building block
13) Reposition under button and join to it
14) Build one block on top of button
15) Split from lower block and have one building block remaining unused!
Very clever, Anonymous the 2nd!
Anonymous the 2nd -- Nice going, I didn't consider that solution! In fact, my intended solution for Level 31 was a little different than Rebecca's: After step 7, you position your left block over the middle hole, split and choose the left block, and then continue from there.
Dan, there is also two different, albeit very similar solutions to level 30 : on the last split, you can choose to end with a 5-block vertical bar instead of a 6-block one. Granted, it wouldn't change anything in level 31 anyway.
Nonetheless, I think it is very difficult to come up with levels that only have one solution, so you deserve praise for your level design.
Thanks, Yannick! And great catch with the alternate Level 30 solution!
It certainly is difficult to make levels with a single solution -- this is a fact I'm actually embracing with the expanded version of Theseus. Many levels will have multiple intended solutions, and you'll be taken to a different next level based on which solution you find. You'll be able to replay levels in order to find the other solutions and explore more of the game world.
I'm working on a post about this design challenge. That and other updates on the game will be found on its Steam Greenlight page: bit.ly/TheseusGreenlight. Please share that link around -- the game needs all the support it can get to make it onto Steam!
I think it's a great idea to use multiple solutions as doors to different levels !
In that regard, I would suggest that you consider providing a comprehensive level map that allows players to keep track of what they have already explored and gives them a hint at what they might have missed.
I voted on your Greenlight page already. I am curious though about your plans for the expanded, paying version of the game, such as, will it also be Web-based ?
You've got me figured out, Yannick :-) The map you described is essentially exactly what I'm working on! I have no intention of hiding which levels have alternate solutions from the player, as that would just lead to tedious replaying of levels that only have one solution. The puzzle will be finding the solutions, not locating them.
As for whether there will be a web-based version of the full game, I'm not sure yet. It's currently planned for Windows, Mac, and Linux. I do also intend to offer it outside of Steam, such as on Itchio or the Humble Store.
Glad you had the same idea ;-)
If it's not web-based, may I ask what platform/language you're gonna use to develop it, as a fellow game developer ?
It's being developed in GameMaker: Studio, which compiles for the web just fine -- it's more a question of whether the much larger game would lend itself to being played in a browser (I currently think it probably wouldn't be the best fit).
I liked this game a lot.
It reminded me of a game called...
The I of It.
Dan Harris I congratulate you, this is a big win, and I appreciate that you keep improving!
Thanks so much!
I know EXACTLY how to pass level 12 without arrows. Okay, first get the 8 squares. Then, without making the squares, go down. Then, make 2 more squares on the bottom row. Then make 2 squares upward on the right side ONLY. Right next to the top square, put 1 square next to it. Move left next. Then, do the exact same thing as you did to the right side to the left side now. You have now successfully did it! ♥
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