Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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September 12, 2016
kaitai dismantlement: noodle

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little bit easy, but i like it !!
thanks bart
Nice and not too difficult - however the last puzzle functioning seemed quite strange to me - and its solution not exactly as logical as others....
Quick and easy
the egg one took most of the time!
Thanks for sharing
Easy. Once I worked out how to open the important thing :-/
Yes, not too bad once I found the clues.
Nice to see a new dismantlement game after so long, and interesting to see that this is the first one implemented directly in HTML5, rather than Flash. Flash really seems to be on the way out.
Really love his dismantlement games, but this one was over just as I started getting into it. Way too short after way too long.
Easy one, I must say... but it's always good to see the dismantlement series back in town! :)
Dismantlement is still my favorite series ever, even if we only get a new one every couple of years at this point.
The only one that threw me for a while was the "swirly rice" puzzle, but just because I kept trying to trace letters or shapes, rather than looking at the line segments themselves. All of the others were pretty easy, but still very fun. Just wish this had been longer.
Yes! Hopefully this means more to come!
yay new dismantlement, and no explosions thats a first for me lol
I don't understand the meat puzzle can anyone give me a hint?
@anon04:34: look at the meat page in the menu. it tells you to add two things together, three separate times. so, add the white bits together, then look to see if they or the black parts make a letter. hint: the third actually makes two letters! hope that helped! :)
This was quick, enjoyable distraction.
jay easy so far. but where do i find ihe hint for the bomb???
nevermind, got it! :))))
cannot get the egg puzzle. Can anyone give me a clue?
I think it has something to do with the lettering of "MENU"at the top of the menu but I could be way off...
Never mind the egg has nothing to do with "MENU"
zomg joy joy joy! Kaitai I missed you!
Done and done! Brute forced the last egg letter...my brain couldn't "see" it. Nice one! And I tried using the menu clue on all three foods, until I realized you could actually OPEN the menu. LOL!
If your still really stuck try...
I used a walkthrough for the egg, but I still don't see how the letters could be found. Other than that this was a fun puzzle.
Like "Anonymous 15th Sept 2016 at 19:06" I needed to use a walkthrough for the egg puzzle - I can see where the letters ARE... but don't understand how I was meant to know what I needed. Apart from that I enjoyed my first kaitai dismantlement game. Thanks Bart. :)
Doh! Not the egg puzzle... I got THAT one - it was the endgame I struggled with.
For the egg puzzle: superpose the key holes putting the 4 pairs together so you get 4 letters... so each time the first part stays in place and put the 2nd part on top so the keyholes match so you get a letter.
Quick and simple- right off the menu! Thanks Bart.
Wish these came out more often. They're different from other "escape" puzzles, yet have a familiar feel that makes it easy to become immersed in the game without having to spend time learning how to play it.
This one was a bit light weight, but still fun to play.
Tom, how are you able to tell that it is 100% in HTML5?
@StevensMiller well, it uses an HTML5 canvas element for the main graphics area, which is a pretty good indication, and of course it doesn't use flash, which the previous ones did. That's probably one reason why it looks slightly different from previous dismantlement games - they switched to new software for creating it. Hopefully they're produce more now that they've ironed out the basic mechanics of the new platform.
@Tom, thanks. I don't know HTML5, but would like to learn. I'm a Java/C++ kind of guy at the moment. Where's the actual code for the game? "View page source" doesn't tell me much.
Not that I expect you to teach me HTML5 in these comments :) .
for the egg puzzle just place the locks over each other in your head so that the holes all face the same direction (as if you could put a key in it) once you do that in your head the shapes should form letters
@StevensMiller It looks like the main game code is in http://gam.ebb.jp/html5/kaitai15/main.js
You can see the reference in the source code for the top-level page.
@Tom, thanks. That's some pretty dense stuff. Feels like a code-generator was involved, or an IDE with code-insertion. Is there anything popular in that regard?
Actually, I suppose I can look that up myself, now can't I? And, what do you know? In a slightly aged (three years) article, NetBeans comes out looking pretty good! That's the one I use for Java. Maybe this is the time to start learning some HTML5...
Oh my, thanks Bart for the hint on the egg puzzle. I failed to recognize the shapes as key holes, otherwise I would have clued in a lot sooner. I thought they are light bulbs and was looking for light direction and shade, etc. Neat game but yes, a tad short...
GG finally out :)
It has been a very long time since last dismantle game. The bomb one took me long time to figure out.
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