
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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October 22, 2016

grow cinderella

Eyezmaze is back with a new addition to his collection of grow games: grow cinderella. Can you find the correct order to let everything grow to maximum level? (note: the game is very loud, so turn down your volume ;) )


Anonymous said...

First off, it is way too loud !
Be right back after I play it.

Marry said...

Got it at the second try! :)

Anonymous said...

Ok I am not going to go through all the combinations.
4 of the 6 that start off across the bottom row almost get it.

Anonymous said...

The link takes me to a place to download the Android App of the game. I don't have an Android. Is there another link?

snuffly said...

Yeesh - I finally got it.

snuffly said...

Anonymous 21:10

Lizzie!! said...

That took me way longer than it should have! But I am glad I stuck with it!

Anonymous said...

The flash browser version is further down the page.

Tom said...

Wow, nice to see a new Grow game after so long! And you weren't kidding about it being loud!

Anonymous said...

For those who are truly stuck, here is the solution:

Paper -> Pumpkin -> Stump -> Bottom Right Mouse -> Lizard -> Top Left Mouse

Tom said...

@Anonymous No, that's not the solution. In fact, that sequence doesn't max *any* of the items.

Tom said...

For those who aren't sure if they've "solved" the game, look for (a) all item levels maxed, and (b) a story sequence at the end, followed by "congratulations" and cheering.

Also, for those who don't want to try all 720 permutations, well, no one does. The point is to pay attention to the clues, and to watch how far each item levels. Using those hints, it shouldn't take more than a dozen or so attempts to find the solution.

Anonymous said...

The page never worked for me, only offered Android games. But I did go here and got to play. Loved it!

Bart said...

That's the same link as mine, but I think the confusing comes from the fact that it doesn't work on mobile where it goes straight to a page with the Android link.

Anonymous said...

What is the order?

Anonymous said...

The order is:

Pumpkin -> Stump -> Paper -> Bottom Right Mouse -> Lizard -> Top Left Mouse

Anonymous said...

Well the end story is unreadable or not english.
But the unglass slipper has a nice Dutch humor.

Anonymous said...

Wish I had remembered this joke when I made the first post.

What did the charming prince give Cinderella ?
Silver stockings.

Why ?
So he could see up her dress.

How ?
Silver backed glass = a mirror

Anonymous said...


Tom said...

I just noticed that an alternate ending was added in late October.


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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