
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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March 27, 2017

the egg [download]

The egg by Lectronice is a short atmospheric downloadable game about the meaning of life based on a short story by Andy Weir.
You can download it for Windows, Mac OS or Linux.


Anonymous said...

I definitely like these kind of games/experiences, thanks for this!

jj said...


Anonymous said...

Don't bother downloading & playing the game.
Just click on the link to read it.

Unless your sick of religious stories like me.
Then just move on with your life.

Unknown said...

The Mac file doesn't work for me =(

Nat R. said...

I liked it, in a way, but it definitely didn't feel like a game. There was only one way to go, nothing to interact with except God, and no puzzles to solve. It was just reading the story but with more clicking. Some of the graphics were cool, though. Maybe this is how people will read stories in the future. The clicking to move was almost like turning the page. I liked the philosophy too, but I guess I could have just read the story for that. This RPG in a Box thing, though, seems to have possibilities... Will we be seeing much with that soon?

palat said...

I loved the experience, why wouldn't this be a game, thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

No way is this a "GAME".

Nat R. said...

To clarify, I actually did like it, it wasn't a hate post. I try to avoid those. (If you have nothing nice to say...)

Actually, I liked it more after reading the original story, because it is very short and after the interactive version it was somewhat underwhelming. Making a version like this made it seem longer and more dramatic. Just don't expect a usual game going in, or you might be disappointed. Think of it as an experience (as others referred to it).

Ryan said...

I read the story after I played the game. In my opinion the game is a better representation of the story, especially with the separation of dialogue, though of course credit must be given to the author for having come up with the idea in the first place.

Rava said...

I agree with Nat R. It's not strictly a "game", it's more of an interactive story. In this sense, it's a really nice experience. Much credit to the author of the story, but also to the developers, the pauses between dialogues somehow increases the suspence; also, I wasn't expecting... well, what happens half-way through the game (I don't want to spoil anything :) )
Thanks for sharing, Bart!

Unknown said...

Very thought-provoking, to say the least.


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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