Pay attention to the wall jump controls: press space/up to wall jump when you're already hanging on the wall, but you will hyper jump when you press just before you hit a wall. Also, you can somewhat push the walls, good luck...
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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Tough indeed, but I love the art style of this once, nice!
This is one of the worst platform games I've ever played -- completely unintuitive, inconsistent controls with no instructions. There's a special place in video game hell reserved for this one.
The instructions are below the game Anonymous. Finished it, the wall pushing mechanic is great and the artwork is stunning!
Of course you are going to have to wall jump a lot, you're inside a bottle :-)
Interesting mechanic of the hyper wall jump, but it doesn't always seem consistent. Or maybe I am just bad at it.
Yeah the instructions were a bit unclear. I't easier if you use space for jump and hyperjump by pressing space before hitting a wall and keep it pressed down.
That was fun. Hard to get the hang of the hyper jump, but a nice challenge.
This was a very nice short game. took me a while to realize you don't press up or down to enter doors at the start lol, so used to that. I think if space were the only jump button it'd be easier. This was very well done
I could not get the hyper jump down & when the page starts scrolling I quit.
No ending? Just the title is a little disappointing after all that work... Other than that, I enjoyed it, though I think my fingers have permanently cramped.
No way I can to the hyper jump with the keyboard
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