Well of course this calls for a celebration! I will try and come up with a new browser game by next month, because browser games is where it all started. Maybe you've also heard that the end of life of the Flash swf file format (around 2020) was announced so this is also the perfect opportunity to brush up my html5 knowledge and make a html5 game to ensure the future of bonte web games ;)
But no worries, if you are waiting for that mobile sequel to Yellow, I'm also continuing to work on that :)
I was also thinking that if you enjoy drawing/doodling/writing maybe you could make a little something in a spare moment for the celebration? That would be amazing! Send your creation/drawing/doodle/comic/etc. to me (bontegames at gmail.com) and I'll do something special with it next month! (If I get your creation by October 1st, that is fine). It can be something about bontegames, about the kind of games I post here: puzzles, braintwisters, escape games, about my own games, maybe about factory balls that is also almost turning 10 ...
Well then, I better get to work ;) You know what, I was thinking to finally use this bird thing I drew a couple of years ago for an abandoned game idea, for the new game ...

I wasn't from the first visitors, but it's been a good 6 years since I started to visit your website for cool games to play and it didn't take long before it became part of my home tabs.
Thanks for everything and I wish you 10 more years as good as the previous ones :)
Wow, alvast gefeliciteerd! Ik volg je zeker al 7 jaar.
Hoop dat je nog lang doorgaat.
Bart, I have been following your blog for nearly the entire time, and am always psyched when I see a new game posted. I have used many of the room escape games with my students for a critical thinking seminar I once taught. I also ran a room escape club (mostly because I wanted to be able to spend a period solving escape games with my students!) Though I am not much into platform games, I search through your archives and replay my favorite escape games that I and solved and loved, especially by Tomtea, Kotorinosu, Petithima, Funkyland and my favorite, Neutral. I appreciate your blog, and the work you put into it, and into your own games. Congratulations and thank you for a much appreciated source of fun and entertainment.
I remember first coming here when I played one of your first games, I think it was loose the moose. I had just discovered Escape Games and starting searching the web for more and more (since they aren't replayable usually). Then I stumbled upon bontegames and you had several other games that weren't escape games, but I enjoyed all of them just as well! Not to mention you had links to other folks' games that were a lot like yours, and weren't published on sketchy sites with malware. It was much more convenient for my gaming fix than taking the risks on Google searches. I was officially hooked on bonte! Been coming back every since... Thanks Bart, and please keep it going!
I don't really know how I got here, but it was like 8 or 9 years ago when I was a lil' youngin. Been here probably for ~9 years, which has made this site a place I've visited a lot for about half my life. I honestly think that this site is a component of why I'm so adamant about game development, this is here I got my start on clever and artistic games. Really can't thank ya enough
I think I ended here for Factory Balls and I stayed since then. Congratulations and thanks for all this years of fun!
Happy Birthday!!!! :) :) :) :)
Keep the great work!! :D :D
:* :* :*
Bloody Hell, 10 years!?! The Visitor was how I learnt about you Bart. Been loving your site ever since. Thanks for all your work and keep it up. Here's to another 10!! :))
Happy birthday and congratulations!
I think i started coming here around 2008 and never stopped.
Thank you for creating amazing games and recommending amazing games!
I think the first "bontegame" I played was "Me and the Key", at Free Web Arcade most likely. But it was Sugar Sugar that brought me to your website, and I've been a fan ever since. Thank you for pointing to other great sites like Mild Escape and Funkyland. This site is my first click when I settle down for the night. Congrats!
Congratulations Bart and Happy Anniversary of your site! Not sure when or how we first visited, but we have been loyal fans ever since. Thanks for the constant source of excellent games, both yours and others'.
Please know how much we all appreciate your effort and talents and here's to the next 10 years!!! Bravo!
So happy for you, Bart! 10 years is a huge accomplishment! Thank you for a decade of great games - those you've directed us to and those that you have created for us. It's been a pleasure being here all these years. :)
Have to agree with ALL the above. You are and have been both entertaining and time-loosing (?) but most of all, always a good escape from the world. My own favourite has to be Sugar Sugar which I return to much to often. I actually try to beat my own speed for that now, so's how about adding a simple clock?
Many, many thanks Bart. You have worldwide fans who adore you and your page. Happy anniversary xxxxx
Congratulations! Love your blog.
I haven't looked at your blog recently very much because i mostly lost interest in games, but your top ten yearly lists were a good resource of cool things that I really liked going through and checking out years ago.
I came across one of the Factory Balls games on the Pointless Sites page in 2010 (I think) and from there found my way to Bontegames. I'll need to have a think about something to make, although while I'm doing that I may fire up Photoshop and put together my Bonte Jovi idea...
Yay, congratulations! Thank you so much for your work. This blog was what got me into room escape games in the first place, and I've found so many other games through it since 2010! I have fond memories of playing your games (a bark in the dark is one of my faves) and the many others you've directed us to. Thanks for a great 10 years and hoping for many more to come!
Congratulations Bart! I think I first played a Bonte game via Jay Is Games many years ago. Your talents are consistent and your games are ALWAYS entertaining. Cheers to the next 10!!!
Happy 10 Years of Bontegames! I came here after playing Full Moon on another site and I've been a regular visitor ever since (8 years). Games I've found here are intertwined with my life memories. It seems like the times are changing and the types of games I like aren't made much anymore, but I still check here regularly. This site has been a constant in my life; a happy place. Thanks for the memories, Bart!
Congratulations! I visit your site every day.
I believe it's healthy doing a little time-killer every now and then, and small browser games is a nice source for this.
Thank you for keeping me healthy ;-)
Congrats on the anniversary!! I don't know how long I've been here. I think that I've started with Sugar or Balls, depends on which one was first :). Love all your games and the one that you recommend. Thank you :)
Congratulations Bart and hope you keep going for another 10 years.
Aw, Congratulations! I'm so excited for you. Thank you for all of the work you've put into your fantastic games and compiling the games of other talented and creative people. I've had your page bookmarked for years now. And it's you I have to thank for discovering some of my favorite browser games, especially the Submachine series.
Best to you :)
Happy Ten! Haven't been here the full time; but I hope you've keep the motivation to go for another ten. :)
Congratulations Bart!!
I'm so happy too(*^-^*)!!
I am soo looking forward to it! I have been a fan since I discovered duck about 4 years ago. I am so proud of you! I am wondering if you can post/make more games that are not escape games, because that is my favorite type of game. Thank you and I hope you are here for 10 more!!!
I discovered Duck on Onemorelevel.com and that brought me to bontegames.com and I have been a fan since. I know I haven't been here for the full ten years, but I am not sure how long I have been here, but I look forward to another ten years. Congratulations!! =)
Congrats Bart!
It's a pleasure to follow you for six years. I love the games you post and yours. Long live to Bonte Games!
Been here since almost the beginning. hard to believe I've spent almost half my life coming to this site. I don't come here as often as I used to but I still play so many of the games you posted years ago. Thanks, Bart.
learn dart!
and stagexl too!
Thank you, Bart!
Happy Anniversary :)
Happy birthday and long life - Joyeux anniversaire et bonne continuation à ce super site
I discovered your blog while I was in high school and looking for games to play. I cannot believe it's been 10 years. Thank you for all you do. This is truly the only blog I visit on a regular basis!
Only lately found this blog, but I think it's just terrific.
Many congratulations on your 10th, looking forward to the 20th and beyond :)
And yes, the bird's awesome. Maybe he(?) could search and find the perfect spot in the tree and then sort the methods and materials to build a nest? Maybe outwit and catch some worms, bugs, flies? Outwit/fight off the cat, crow, hawk, mean little kid? Attract just the right mate? Not easy being a bird! :)
I've been around since the first year or two. Love what you do. I have all your iOS apps in my Bonte folder soon to be on my iPhone X. You even gave me a free download code once. I like to reminisce on the old days when I would play tower defense games and I could always find the newest and best flash games on bartbonte.com and jayisgames.com. I think factory balls is one of my favorite apps of all time. I play it with my 3yr old daugter she is now 6 and we still love it. Thanks for the new levels and updates. You Rock!!
Cheers from a loyal fan,
Amazing, isn't it? I think I probably found you near the beginning, and have enjoyed checking in when I have time to discover new games...including yours, which are great!
Yes, Bonte!
we are getting old, but you are helping us in this trip, making it lot funnier and lighter!!!
thanks a lot!!!
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